Chapter Thirteen

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I watched as droplets fell from branches onto the green grass. Spring had finally come, and the blanket of white was no more. I could finally go out. By the eternal flame, I could finally search for my momma!

Thoysal appeared next to me, too lazy to walk. "Don't run off just yet. The odd snowstorm can still come in, if Bleoles feels like it. Let's take the next days slow, like we discussed."

Turning to him, I gave my best fox-kit eyes. He simply chuckled. "Your attempts to look cute have no effect on someone as old as me."

I whined pitifully. My cutest look always worked.

"Not always. It didn't work on me a second ago. Now, I have a surprise for you," he said.

My brows furrowed in confusion as I turned to him. He explained, "You are a kit, and young creatures like playing, right?"

Upon my nod, he continued, "The pups of the pack don't say no to a chance to play, either. They're in the town right now. Would you like to go to them?"

'What if they don't like me because I'm a fox...?' I asked, remembering the looks of the pack members when Oscen had introduced me.

"I'm sure they won't mind." Thoysal seemed so convinced of this that it convinced me a little, as well. He had been right before, so why wouldn't he be right this time?

I nodded. 'Alright then.'

The vampire led the way, with me following behind. The ground was riddled with puddles, which I gave wide berths. It would probably take days before the puddles were gone, and I'd have to be careful where I walked until then.

The grasslands and trees around us turned into houses, and the trail became a paved road. I gazed at the three-storey buildings around me in curiosity. How could they build something so high?

We passed more and more people. Most didn't even wear jackets, despite the cold breeze that still seemed to go straight through my fur. They were doing things I couldn't understand, and I didn't even bother trying.

The buildings made way for a large grass field, an even bigger building behind it. It was four storeys tall, and far larger than any other building I'd seen. Who even needed something that large? One small cave was enough to fit me and my momma.

Movement on the grass field caught my attention. Ten wolf pups were chasing each other across the field. Sitting down, I watched them from the distance, Thoysal standing beside me.

After a few minutes of silent staring, Thoysal nudged me. "Go. It'll be okay."

I shifted to human form and walked towards the group. My hands fumbled with the edges of my clothing. They noticed me approach and paused their game, returning to their human form as well.

"Who's she?"

"She doesn't smell like Sharion."

"She doesn't even smell like wolf!"

"It's that vixen."

I greeted them with a small, awkward wave. "Hi. I'm Zanixa."

One huffed. "Wolves only here. We don't want the likes of you."

The words stung more than I'd liked. What was wrong with being a fox? Why did they shut me out?

"Let's go find another spot to play."

They spit at the ground in front of me and shifted, running away on all fours. I watched them go, my hopes shattered.

"It's okay," Thoysal said, approaching me.

My sadness and shocked slowly turned to anger, feeding my inner flame. "No, it's not okay! They don't want me."

"Do you want to go back home?" he asked tentatively.

I completely ignored his question, tears leaking from my eyes. I had never done anything wrong to them. The heat in my veins blocked out the cold. "I'm going to give them a reason to not want me." I changed back to my normal form and ran away, back the way we'd come.

My tail was brighter than before, flames taunting the cold air. They would be taunting more than just the cold air soon.

I brushed against a house, waiting long enough for my tail to light it on fire. I ran off again and did the same to the next building that seemed suitable to be consumed by flames.

They didn't want me? Well, I'd show them I didn't want them, either. They'd get to meet the vicious side of fire, instead of the side that keeps you warm and safe at night. This was the side that destroyed and devoured.

Smoke rose into the sky, and cries of alarm filled my ears. Satisfaction filled me as I lit yet another building on fire. They played with fire, and now would get burnt by it.

"Zanixa! Stop!"

Thoysal's call made me freeze on the spot, before turning to look at him. Never before had I seen him scowl. Looking at the burning buildings, I realized what I had done. More pack members were closing in, weapons drawn. The sight was terrifying.

I ran north as fast as I could, to the edge of the territory. The forest was there. The forest was safe.

Racing up and down the hill, I passed what once was a battlefield. The blood and bodies were long since removed. I didn't stop there. My paws took me further and further away, to safety.

My pace slowed slightly when I was deep in the forest. I was careful to avoid any place that smelled like wolf. There were probably territories all around, from what Thoysal had told me.

The thick canopy blocked out the light. The familiar calls of all sorts of creatures let me know I was back home, in Todas. One particular call worried me - the one of a greencat. Normally, my momma would be there to keep them from eating me, but now I was alone... My flames would have to protect me.

I looked around for a while, gathering twigs and branches, before settling in a hollow tree. It would be a suitable shelter for tonight. I lit the fire and curled up around it, eyes falling closed.

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