Chapter Thirty-one

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The brambles parted in front of my momma, allowing her and Thoysal through. A grin spread on my face as I spotted the vampire glaring at the wall of thorns as he moved past. He still hadn't forgiven the plants.

Raset slid off momma's back and stretched. Two bundles of fur and feather glided out of her arms as she did so. I couldn't resist the temptation of their chirps, and with a big leap, I chased after them. Their startled chirps sounded odd now there were only two of them, but it made me flick my ears nonetheless.

"I know the wall is a bit small, so I will move it further back soon. Aside from that, is this large enough for you?" the spirit asked my momma. I halted in my steps for a moment and waited for her answer.

Momma nodded, her tail swaying in the soft breeze. The flames gently nipped at the sky, almost beckoning me to try and catch them, too. She cast me a glance before she said, 'Yes, it'll do fine. I will have to spend some time making us a den, but the brambles will protect us.'

"That's good." Raset smiled and looked around before her eyes settled on Thoysal. "If you're truly here to stay, I can't let you sleep outside."

He waved her off. "It's quite alright, I wouldn't want to impose on you. I can pick up my hammock later and tie it to a nearby tree. Nothing will get through the wall without me noticing that way."

"Well then. This is home now." Raset flashed us a smile. Thoysal returned it, while my momma just dipped her head.

I walked back over to my momma and rubbed against her paws. Home. It was an odd thought. I yelped when she licked my back, her rough tongue combing through my fur.

'Come on. We have a den to dig, don't we?' She looked at me with kind eyes before nudging me forward. With a small hop, I dashed off to a nice-looking corner. A den would fit well here.

-={ + }=-

My claws dug into the earth as I stretched. With another big yawn, I nudged the black stone for good luck as I walked past my momma's tail,  into the morning light. My ears swiveled as they picked up an odd huffing sound.

Over by the tree that Thoysal had made his own, a blacklion kitten sat, contently huffing as she chewed on a bone. The vampire sat next to her, stroking her black fur. He had his eyes closed, though I knew he could hear me coming.

I walked over and yipped in greeting. The blacklion puffed while Thoysal simply waved. "Good morning. Still enjoying your den?"

'Nothing better than a hole in the ground that smells like you.' I bared my fangs in a grin. 'And you? Not getting tired of sharing your bed with a spirit? Wait, where is she?'

Flicking my ear, I looked around in confusion. Usually, the two of them were here together, watching the kitten as it played with the ambertails. Now both the ambertails and Raset were gone.

"She went out to stop more poachers. You would think they learned after so many others have mysteriously vanished in Dublon, but they keep trying." Thoysal hummed in thought, pausing his stroking. When the kitten mewled unhappily, he continued again.

'Will she be back soon?' I asked. Sometimes it took days for her to track them down and stop them, or she suddenly took a detour and went to visit an old friend.

Thoysal nodded to somewhere behind me. "See for yourself."

I turned around, though the sound of the brambles parting already let me know who was coming. Raset waved at me as I yipped. Her armor was on and she carried all of her weapons, confirming what Thoysal just told me.

The vampire got up and nuzzled her, rubbing his nose against hers. She returned the gesture, her forehead resting on his. A smile was on her face when she stepped back. "And the forest is safe yet again."

"Our protector. Little Conai missed you." Thoysal returned her smile as the kitten rubbed against Raset's legs. Yet the moment the two ambertails hit the ground, she was off, chasing them. Meows and chirps filled the air.

"I'm sure she did." Raset watched as the blacklion ran away from her as fast as her paws could take her. Shaking her head, she sighed. "They have way too much energy."

I watched them too before the temptation was too great. With a short bark, I charged into the game.

This was it. 

This was home.

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