Chapter Twenty-eight

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I followed my momma after picking up the black stone with my maws, stopping at the edge of the treeline. She dashed on, her majestic tail of flames grew bright with anger and power, the fire getting brighter and bigger. A trail of embers drifted in her wake.

The werewolves didn't even pause in their fighting to watch her coming. Only few noticed, looking at her in terror. They knew she wasn't there to be nice. She was there to destroy them all, to show them the scorching pain that flames could bring.

When she was in the middle of the battlefield, she stopped. A bark ripped from her throat, closer to a humanoid scream than anything else. All wolves stopped dead in their tracks to look as a wave of power and heat crashed over them. It even made me take a step back.

'Now which one of you attacked the group that protected my child?' my momma seethed, her telepathic voice reaching everyone nearby. Glancing at the warriors all around her, she paused to look at Thoysal. The vampire gave her a nod, and her glowing eyes settled on a purple wolf that was larger than the others.

Her tail twitched and increased in length, the flames on her back reaching higher too. The beast looked back at her, its hackles raised. Several dozen werewolves begun circling around my momma on a silent command. The other purple wolves went back to killing the green ones.

My momma bared her fangs and breathed in deeply. Fire bellowed out moments later, scorching all purple wolves near her. They couldn't even cry out as they were turned to ashes within moments.

All purple wolves seemed to tense up as the big wolf was incinerated, paralysed in shock. Pained howls ripped from their chests, cut short by the roar of fire. My momma stomped her paw into the ground, flames spewing from cracks opening in the red mud.

Somehow, none of the cracks opened beneath the green wolves, only hurting the purple ones. All of them were gone within moments, replaced by charred bodies and black smoke. The scent of burning meat filled my nose, overpowering the blood. It smelled like home.

Thoysal teleported next to me, covered in blood and rapidly closing wounds. He eyed my momma warily. I tilted my head at him. 'You're scared of fire again, aren't you?' I asked him.

Not taking his eyes off the battlefield, he nodded. "Yes. And this is a lot of fire." The sight seemed to thoroughly unnerve him, even as the cracks in the ground started closing up again. The mud around them had turned into red-colored dirt again.

"She won't hurt Sharion, let alone you," Raset said, walking over to stand next to us. Her eyes were set on the fight, too. "You protected her, and she'll be grateful for that, once she has calmed down."

The three of us fell silent as the flames died down. My momma stood alone in the middle of the battlefield, dead and burned up corpses all around her. Only a fifth of green wolves were left, the rest covered in soot and ashes and other wolf bodies. They crowded around a wolf that lay on the ground, panting and bleeding heavily.

I ran over to my momma as she trotted over to the dying beast. Up close, I could see it was a female, with far more injuries than a normal wolf would survive. Something about her scent was familiar.

My ears perked up as the ground started to tremble. I looked to the side, eyes widening as I saw a new horde of wolves coming. A huge black beast with bright blue eyes lead them, a snarl escaping from his throat as he saw us standing around the female wolf. With superhuman speed, he charged over, the crowd parting as he came.

Just as he was about to crash into the female, he changed into human form, taking her limp form in his arms. "Sila... Sila, please... Stay with me," Oscen cried. The other werewolves changed into human form too. One began to chant a prayer in the Divine Language, and the rest soon followed.

Under the Rainbow, we shall follow

Everywhere you go, across mountains and through woods

No matter the rain or snow

You are our color, our light

Our everything

Our life

Our Goddess

I found myself swaying along to the melody, familiar with the song. My momma had sung it to me when I was young, to honor the creator and protector of our race. The horde of wolves that Oscen had brought joined in too, slowly making their way over.

Under the Rainbow, we shall follow

Everywhere you go, there is nothing we wouldn't do

You heal the sick, protect the wilds

You gave us life, created our existence

Forever will we honor you

Our hearts and minds are yours

In all seven shades

While the werewolves continued chanting, Raset came over, paling slightly at the sight of Sila's wolf form. Still, she gently but sternly told Oscen, "Put her down, Alpha. I can't heal her like this."

'I can lend you my power,' my momma offered, towering high above me. The heat from her tail and back made the werewolves keep a bit of distance from her, despite their eyes being on their leaders.

"That would be very much appreciated." Raset took the Ira's hand, eyes closing. A string of spells came from the spirit's mouth as a soft glow started emanating from her antlers and the place where their hands connected. The light came in seven shades, all the colors of the rainbow.

My momma moved closer to the two, magical power radiating from her being. It reminded me of the black stone I carried in my jaws, but it was different at the same time. While the stone was otherworldly and looming, hers was fiery and powerful.

I couldn't see it, but I knew my momma gave her power to Raset. The rainbow-colored glow brightened as Sila's wounds started closing, muscles and skin knitting themselves back together as blood stopped flowing. Oscen watched the process closely, barely moving the entire time. I didn't dare move either, with so much powerful magic at play.

It was mere minutes before my momma stepped back, moving in such a way that I was beneath her belly again. Raset got up and released Sila's hand, her antlers slowly losing their glow. She gave the Alpha an encouraging nod before turning to the rest of the pack, who had fallen quiet when she moved.

"She lives."

I hope Nix's momma lived up to your expectations. The end of the battle may have been a bit quicker than you all wanted. 

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