Chapter Twenty-two

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"If it doesn't matter anyway, can I eat it?" I asked, baring my fangs. The caterpillar of doom was still a pretty, tasty-looking bug in my opinion. If it was bigger, it has to taste better too, right?

"No, you can't. Raset, do you have a glass container to put it in? I think I may know what this creature is warning us for, but I'd like to have it close, just in case," Thoysal said.

The spirit nodded and headed into her hut. When she returned, she had a glass jar in her hands. My entire body tensed up as I stared at it, icy cold terror filling my veins. It was nearly the exact shape and size as the container I spent most of my life in. A growl rumbled in my chest as I lowered to the ground, eyes still fixated on the jar.

Thoysal picked me up in his arms, gently shushing me. "It's okay. We're not putting you in there. It's just the caterpillar, not you. We'll keep it out of your sight, if that makes you feel safer."

I slowly relaxed, though the growl still vibrated my body. With a shudder, I pressed closer against the vampire's chest, taking in the odd scent he called vanilla. The rhythmic movements of his fingers through my fur helped me calm down.

By the time he let me go, Raset had already removed both the caterpillar and the jar, leaving three disappointed ambertails behind. One noticed me pressed against Thoysal's legs and trilled in confusion.

I barked back to let them know I was alright. Thoysal would keep me safe, and so would Raset. It felt good to know they were at my side, ready to help when needed. The warm feeling melted away the last remnants of the cold terror.

"Raset?" Thoysal asked, trying to get the spirit's attention. When she looked at him, he said, "I know you are very much against this, but it may be wise to go to the Sharion territory. They have hundreds of fighters there, and safehouses where we can keep Nix."

"What about her mother? She'll be coming soon?" She crossed her arms, a small frown on her face. My ears perked up at the reminder. I couldn't wait for my momma to come find me, and that in only in a few more days.

The vampire nodded. "I thought about that. But she would rather have her kit alive, would she not? By then, she can probably track Zanixa's scent back to us. I can't guarantee her safety here, and although I can't do that at Sharion either, her chances at survival will go up by a lot."

Readjusting her braid, Raset breathed out deeply. Her expression was definitely not one of agreement, although she seemed to be considering it. I decided to throw in my thoughts and asked, "Will I get to see my momma either way?"

Thoysal looked at Raset for a few moments before answering me. "Yes. Although you'll likely see her sooner if you come back to the werewolf pack."

"But what if they don't like me? I did burn their houses..." I murmured.

"They've forgiven you, Nix. The pups were in the wrong for being mean to you. It's safe for you to come," he reassured me.

Raset picked up the three ambertails and held them against her chest. The trio promptly started chirping happily, vying for her attention. With a smile, she used her free arm to stroke them. "And them? They're so used to my presence now, I don't know what'd happen if I left them here on their own."

"I know of at least one flock of ambertails in the territory," Thoysal said, rubbing his chin in thought. I tried to mimic him, awkwardly rubbing my snout with my paw.

Raset's voice was soft as she said, "If they could go back to a flock, I'd do that. They were rejected the last few times I tried, as they never really experienced living in a group, and don't know all the rules and relations between ambertails."

"Well, why don't they come with us, then? I wouldn't mind having them around. They're nice to play with, even if their tail isn't even close to impressive as mine." My tail curled around my body, just to so the other two could see it clearer. A thing of such beauty was meant to be seen.

Raset watched me for a few moments before sighing. "You do have a point, and I cannot leave them here. They'll have to come with us. You three are alright with that, right?" she asked, looking at the trio in her arms. The series of excited chirps that followed was answer enough.

"How much medicine do you have in your hut? It may be best to bring all that is useful, just in case," the vampire said.

"I'll go gather my things. How far away is it?" Gently, she put the little creatures on the ground. They immediately started chasing each other around the clearing, chirping as loudly as their lungs allowed. Seeing them like that made me want to join them, but I knew I had to listen to what Raset and Thoysal were saying.

The vampire tilted his head as he thought. After a few seconds, he said, "At human walking speed, we're a day or four away. However, it's a distance I can cover in a few leaps if I teleport."

"Are you capable of teleporting six beings at one, even if four of them are smaller?" Raset asked.

I yelped indignantly. "I'm not smaller! Just because you two are oversized doesn't mean I am small." Huffing, I shook my fur out.

"Your size means you should be easier to teleport, that's what I meant. It's a good thing you aren't oversized like us," Raset explained, her soft calm and soothing. With a soft growl, I accepted her point.

"Six will put a strain on my mana, but I am capable of doing it." Although Thoysal seemed confident enough, six people did sound like a lot. But then, if he thought he could do it, then he probably could. I shrugged off my worry.

"Alright then. I'll go gather my things, and then we'll leave," Raset said before walking off. With the conversation over, I charged at the ambertails, joining their game. This would probably be the last time in a while, and I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass.

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