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"You may speak, Esna," the Ira replied with an encouraging nod.

The Omega cast me a nervous glance, and I narrowed my eyes at her. Shifting uneasily in her spot, she said, "Although we'd love to have Zanixa with us, we Omegas cannot communicate with her. The only one who can is Thoysal. If he is willing, he would make the best chance at getting somewhere with her."

My eyes narrowed even further as I stared her down. It was enough to make the wolf shudder and try to make herself smaller. Seeing the reaction of his pack member, Oscen moved between us. "What she says is reasonable, Thoysal. Besides, it would do you good to be with someone instead of lurking at the edge of the pack territory. You could even lurk together, once the snow has gone."

"Lurking does sound very tempting," I replied, sarcasm lacing my voice. When he cast me a look, I reminded myself of my vow and gave in. "Alright, fine. Though if she accidentally gives me my final death by burning me, I will find a way to retrieve my soul and come haunt you for the rest of your life."

It was a lie, and he and I both knew it. My soul had been lost the moment I had died and returned back to life as a vampire.

"I give you permission to haunt me if that unlikely thing ever happens. You and I both know your soul is lost, so we just have to keep you undead for as long as possible." Oscen patted my shoulder, and I bared my fangs at the contact. Anyone other than him would've been facing my daggers, but he got away with a threatening hiss.

"One day, he will bite you," Sila commented, watching the two of us.

"And that day will come sooner rather than later."

I looked at the Alpha, arms crossed. He seemed wholly unconcerned, even chuckling. "Let's go build a fire and release her. We can clear an area of snow and wait for a clear day to introduce her to the rest of the pack."

Tentatively, the Omega spoke up again. "Do you wish for us to help or can we return to our duties, Ira?"

"You may return to your duties," Sila said. "Thank you for this discovery. We'll help her get out as soon as possible. Goddess be with you."

"Goddess be with you," Esna automatically replied as the two exited the room. After cradling Zanixa's bottle in my arm and nodding at the wolf, I followed the pair.

"Which mine do you think fits best, Sila? There's only two depleted ones. All the others are still running," I commented, even though she was well aware of the fact. I sprinkled in the information for Zanixa more than anything else. The fox kit could hear us, and she was probably dying to know what was going on.

"Let's not put her in the mine next to Lake Nian. That said, ferals have been spotted along the northern border. I trust you can protect her?" the Ira said.

I bared my fangs in a bloodthirsty grin. "Oh, they won't get past me. That much is sure." The ferals had tried to get in before, even going as far as to attempt sneak attacks at night. They had the honor to meet Mafrel a little earlier than they were supposed to.

"Very well. Thoysal and I will handle this, Oscen," Sila said, letting her mate know he could return to whatever Alpha duties he currently had on his to-do list. With a kiss, he left.

I cleared my throat, uneasy at the public display of affection. "Time to head north."

It was only a short trek to the hill that marked the vicinity of the northern border. Years ago, this hill had been the home of a bustling mine, but now its entrance was as dark as Daskil's eyes.

Zanixa must've had the same thoughts. A shudder passed through her body as we entered the mine, although the calm demeanor Sila and I put up seemed to calm her.

I muttered a handful of words in the Divine Language, and a bright light appeared in front of me, illuminating the dust-laden cobwebs that hung throughout the mine. The werewolf in front of me didn't need the light, and neither did I, but the fox kit looked around in curiosity. The bugs that inhabited the shaft seemed to fascinate her.

'This place will need a thorough cleaning if we're going to make this my home,' Zanixa said as Sila and I moved deeper into the old mine.

Angling my body to the side to avoid a cobweb, I replied, 'I may just help you with that. I don't like staying in dirty places, either.'

We entered the room that used to be partially storage of rocks, partially lunchroom. Now, it was just an empty space beneath the earth, illuminated dimly by sunlight falling through the airshafts.

After putting Zanixa's bottle on a nearby flat rock, I looked around, allowing her to do the same by keeping my magical light on. My voice echoed in the empty space as I commented, "This will take some work. Will you ask some of the Gammas to help?"

"Yes. They'll be glad to get out of the mines, even if it is to chop wood," Sila replied as she looked around the room, taking stock of what needed to happen. "We'll only need two of them, and ask them to restock every once in a while."

"That should be plenty to keep a fire going. And there are more than enough trees in your territory, as well," I said as I started moving rocks out of the way, piling them neatly in the corner. I had probably slept in most of the trees in the territory while I 'lurked', as Oscen liked to call it.

I continued piling rocks in perfect balance as Sila mindlinked a handful of Gammas. It wasn't long before she got an answer. "They will come soon."

"Very well."

It's actually my birthday this Sunday, on October 13th. Would you guys be willing to give me some happy comments as a gift? I've really been missing the interaction I had with you, the readers, ever since the story has been completed. Regardless, I hope you all have a great day. :)

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