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The little fox kit moved forward, her paws trembling with anxiety. Subconsciously, she lowered herself a little to make herself smaller. I remained where I was, watching her silently as Oscen continued talking.

"This is Zanixa. As she has no family that we know of, we are taking care of her for the time being, until we can find a more suitable place." He fell silent for a moment, looking at his pack below. They immediately burst out in chatter at his silence, unable to keep quiet.

"Is it true that she cost you several gold pieces?"

"That was money we worked hard for!" another voice shouted. I found myself agreeing with him. We needed all the money we could get. We could miss a handful of copper pieces, but several gold pieces were more than we could afford in these dangerous times.

"The fox doesn't belong - we're werewolves!"

Oscen raised his hand. The entire crowd went mute within a second. Satisfied he had regained their attention, he said, "Yes, it is true. However, it enhanced our relationship with the Vesmai. Each of you knows they could decide to enslave us at any moment, and that we're balancing on a very small thread here. Keeping up relations with them is of utmost importance."

Had it really enhanced our relationship, though? I doubted it. The Alpha being invited to come look was more a show of power than anything else. If they found us to be mildly inconvenient, they'd move in without mercy.

Sila spoke up, a disappointed frown gracing her features. "On top of that, just look at her. She is but a pup - a parentless, traumatised pup. Would you throw a defenseless wolf pup out? No. And I will not throw a fox kit out either, especially not in winter."

That set the werewolves thinking, muttering quietly to each other. Although some were still more than a bit agitated, the majority sported guilty expressions, reminded of just what - and who - they were discussing. Sila's words touched the women especially. Their expression had softened with sympathy and worry.

Oscen continued, "Now, as she is not a werewolf, she cannot join the pack officially. She will be an honorary member like Thoysal is. I expect you to treat her like you would treat any other pack member." When the majority of the crowd nodded in agreement, he said, "That is all. May we shine in the Goddess' light."

"May we shine in the Goddess' light," I repeated along with all the present werewolves, fist on my dead heart.

Zanixa scampered to me as the pack members wandered off, hiding behind my legs. The poor kit was shaking, the scent of fear coating her thickly. I wanted to stroke her to calm her down, but I couldn't do such things in public, so I resorted to comforting her through telepathy.

'Shh... It's okay now,' I quietly murmured, my gaze still on the werewolves on the field below. Some still remained, quietly talking to each other, occasionally looking up at the four of us on the Rock. Most had already returned to their work.

'Didn't you see some looking? They wanted to kill me!' Zanixa's trembling worsened.

'They'll get over that soon enough. They have a natural dislike of anything not werewolf. It helps that you are still a kit, as that reaches out to the protective tendencies of the mother wolves,' I reassured her, watching as Sila approached.

The Ira kneeled next to the fox, the disappointed frown replaced by a worried one. "You did well, Zanixa. They will grow to love you. It'll be alright," she added when the kit gave a disbelieving snort.

'I just want back to the fire,' she said to me, eyes pleading.

Turning to Sila, I said, "She wants to return to the mine."

"You can go. You've earned it." She smiled at the young fox, but it seemed to lack its usual calming effect.

I nodded at the woman. "I'll teleport her back, as I promised to do that. I will see you later."

By the time she began saying "Goddess be with you", I already was in contact with Zanixa. A moment of darkness later, we were back in the mine, with Zanixa already running towards her fire.

She took her time getting comfortable in there before glaring at me. 'Are you happy now?'

Ignoring her agitated tone, I settled in my wingback chair. 'Yes. Very. Now they'll most likely let us be, at least until winter has passed. And when that time has come, we can seek a quiet place in Todas.'

Her glare disappeared as her ears perked up a little. 'Could my momma still live there...?'

I looked at her, not answering. What should I tell her? I had no idea how long firefoxes lived. Her mother may already be long gone, and I didn't want to give her false hope like that. After a few seconds, I couldn't bear her stare anymore.

'Yes, it may be possible. But she is most likely holed up for winter, just like you are,' I added. It wouldn't do anyone good if she ran away right now in one of the most dangerous seasons. Any remaining predator would be hungry.

Nibbling on a lump of coal, she stated, 'I'm going to search for her in spring.'

I nodded. 'That's alright. Would I be allowed to accompany you if the time comes? I have been holed up in this territory for far too long regardless.' And I do not want you to die before the week is over, I thought. She was too young and innocent to meet Mafrel and his angels.

'Yes!' she agreed excitedly. 'You could protect me from the Vesmai if they hunt me again. You're far bigger and stronger than me.' The fox fell silent after that, and I tuned into her thoughts out of curiosity.

Maybe they'd fear him. I doubted it, though, knowing just how powerful they were. I had heard them speak many times as they watched us, discussing how they could be the most vital in a battle to capture the Moon God. They all seemed to want the biggest part in it, to get the most honor. If they dared to even speak about crossing a god, they wouldn't hesitate to destroy someone like Thoysal.

"Hold up," I said, eyes widening slightly. "They are planning on capturing the god of darkness?"

'Yes. They've been talking about it for as long as I've been in the bottle. Never in the presence of non-Vesmai, though,' Zanixa replied, as if this was a normal thing to discuss. 'It's not likely to happen for another few centuries.'

I stared at her for a few moments more, my mind racing through the implications. This was something Oscen needed to know, and soon.

I have to admit, I love hinting at Daskil and what the mages have planned for him. There will definitely be more of that in Scales of Ice. That aside, are you guys still enjoying this?

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