Character #2

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Name: Huritt Clarke

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Faceclaim: Booboo Steward

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Magic: Shaman

Personality: Huritt is a very mild mannered individual who enjoys the company of others and getting to know human behavior. Always up for a challenge, he can be a bit competitive but enjoys a healthy rivalry every once and a while. He hates being tied down to things.

Likes: Challenges, meeting new people, animals, new places, traveling, music

Dislikes: Being stuck, rude people, being alone for too long

Strengths: A quick thinker, kind to others, willing to adapt easily

Weaknesses: Can be immature, can become frustrated too easily at times, and indecisive

Home State/Country: South Dakota

Health Issues: None

Other: The number 4

Tag: @AkariChan04

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