Blaze 4th sister reveal Part 2

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Hey guys! It's me!

Ky: And me!
Ro: Hello, my jewels!
Bl: Hello.
El: Hi!
Au: " Hello, it's me!"

Hey guys!

Ky: Is anyone else showing up?
( Bonnie and Honey walk up)
Bo: Hey ya!
Ho: Hello, beauties!

Is that it? No Amy?

Ro: Still chasing Sonic.
Ky:  Sally and Nicole couldn't make it.
Ro: And I think that Sonia is coming in later.
Ky: Oh good!

Well, lets get started!

Ro: Btw Bo and Ho, have you met Elsa and Autumn the cat? They are Blaze's sisters.
Bo: Well I be hang by my tail, no I haven't!
El: Hello. ( shy)
Au: Yo!
Bo: Nice to meet ya.
El: And you as well.
Ho: ( screaming) OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR OUTFITS!!!!!!!!
El: Oh...really?
Ho: Oh yes! Please, please, PLEASE say you will be my next new model for my fashion line!!!
El: Oh...well....okay.
Ho: YES!!!!!!!!!

*covers ears* I think I lost my eardrums........

Bo: By the way, why are we here again, sugar?
Ky: We are here to meet Blaze's final sister, Rosetta.
Bo: What a cute name!
Ro: When is she going to be here?
Bl: In 3......2.....
( Rosetta walks in wearing her normal outfit with a blue jean jacket and a tan brown backpack)
Ros: Hello.
Bl: Right on time!
Au: When isn't she?!
Ros: Hey now! At least I'm not always late!
Bl: Ouch!

Okay, family quarrels, later.

Bo: Lets get this party started!
St: Was this meeting started by the government?!

Okay, I have put 100, guys, a 100 Sticks  approved locks on my doors, and she STILL GETS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
St: I was trying to protect you from the toaster!


St: It's actually a government spy, spying on you! Beware!!!

".............." Anyone have some poison?

Ky: Danielle!!!!!

Not for her, for ME!!!!!!

( Sonia and her brother, Manic walks in, thank goodness!)

So: Hey guys!
Ma: Sup, bros!
( Then Mario appears at the window)

Mar: It a me. Mario!

Okay....THAT'S IT!!!!!!! * chucks a book out of the window, causing Mario to fall down and land on his rear end then locks the window* There!

Ma: Oh a no! Mario a lost!
Ros: Uhh.....I confused.

That's the LAST time I play  Super Mario Bros!

Da: Yahoo!!!

Okay, this is getting too crazy........

Ky: Okay so lets start before Danielle here goes insane.

I already am!!!

Ky: ( flatly) Noted.
Ma: So what's going on?
So: Yes, Ro. All you told me was to get down here quick. Pretty low of a text message.
Ma: Not cool, bro.
Ro: Sorry! We wanted you to meet Blaze's sisters!
So: But I have already.
Ro: But HE hasn't!

Am I missing something?

Bl: Ro..........

Okay I seriously am.

Ky: You are way behind, Danielle.

Well, explain it to me!

Ky: Ro and So are trying to get Manic to like one of Bl's sisters.

Oh! So it's matchmaking .....Got it!

Ma:  Meet what now?
St: Hi Manic!
Ma: Uhh....hello St.
St: You're cute!
Bl: Say what now?!?

Okay, that came out of Stick's mouth?!?!?!

Ro: I didn't even know she could match ......that kind of a feeling ungovernment related........
Ky: So.....Sticks has a crush on Manic? That's so swe...


Ma: Uhh.....umm.......thanks.......I guess.....
St: We should go out sometime!
Ma: Uhh........
So: Moving on! You better go, Ma.
Ma: Yea.

Want some coffee to take with you?

Ma: Sure thing! So I think I have seen the icy one which is El, right?
El: Yes.
Au: Ha, icy!
El: Shut it......
Ma: And the loudmouth, Au.
Au: Hey!
Bl: Got you back fair and square!
Au: Humph!
Ro: ( looks at Bl, winks) Hey Ma! ( coos) Have you meet their youngest sister?

Here it go!

Ma: No.....
Ro: Well, she's over there, talking with Ky. Her name is Ros.
Ma: ( about to drink his coffee when he looks up to see Ros, his mouth drops and and his drops his cup of coffee which spills all over the white carpet)
R: Score!

Oh come on! That was my new white carpet!

Ma: Wha.....Wha.......Whoa...
So: Umm...... Ma? Are...are you okay?
Ma: (stares at Ros)...............
So: ( waves her hand over Ma's face) Yo, Earth to Manic!
Ma: ( snaps back) Huh?!
Bl: You okay? (smiling)
Ma: Umm...uhh....yeah. Umm....I.....I better go..... ( walks out backwards watching Ros the whole time)
Bl: Well I never!
Ro: I think SOMEONE is ✩✩✩✩ strucked!
Ho: Ship, Ship, SHIP!!!!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡


Ho: Sorry!
Ros: (looks up) Umm........did I miss something?

* falls to the ground, laughing* Ha, ha! Ha, ha!

Ros: Okay.......
Au: ( smirking) You miss a lot of things! You need to get your head out of the clouds! Ha, get it?!
Ros: Well, you need to come down from the clouds!
So: Ouch!
Ky: Excuse me medics! We have a third degree burn over here! It needs some dressing!
Au: ( flatly) Ha, ha. Funny.
Bl: Okay so Ros. Mind if they ask you some questions about yourself?
Ros: Sure!

Okay to start. What's your nam...

St: Don't say it out loud! The government will use your name against you!

That......makes NO sense.

St: You seriously need to read the book.

I'm good!

Ky: Umm...on that note.....what's you f ull name?
Ros: Well, It's Rosetta, sometimes called Rose for short, Sakura, which means "cherry blossom" Mato.
Ro: Okay, I don't get it.
El: What?
Ro: El and Bl have somewhat normal middle names but you and Au have Japanese names.
Au: It all depended what they were doing at the time they gave us our middle name.

You don't get it from birth?

El: No.
Ros: You kinda earn the middle name.
Ky: Oh. That makes sense.

My would probably be Matollolle!

Ky: " .......... " No. Just no.


Bo: What's your age, sugar?
Ros: I'm 16 years old.
So: Birthday is the 1st day of spring, right?
Ros: Yes.
So: Nail it!
Au: And......she's the geeky baby of the family!
Ros: Geeky?!?
Au: Yea!
Ros:....... See you in the training room 3 p.m. sharp!
Au: And this is way you're my 2nd favorite sister!
Ky: Who's the 1st?
Au: Blaze, duh!
Bl: Thanks, Au!
El: What's wrong with me?!
Au: You don't like fighting.
El: So?!?
Au:'re not my favorite sister.
El: Ouch.
Au: Still love you!
El: Sure......
Bl: Don't worry folks, they actually really do love each other..........mostly.

Moving on with the question. The next one is....oh man....

Ky: Is it what I think?


Ro: Yea! My favorite question!
Ros: Okay.
Ro: Do you have aa relationship with anyone?
Ros: With my family?
Ro: No, no,no. I mean like a boy.
Ros: Oh. Well.....not really.
Ro: NONE?!?!?!
Ros: Sorry?
Bo: Man gal! We need to set you up with one!
Ho: Antoine!
Bo: He's mine!
Ky: Sonic?

Amy would murder her.

Ky: True...

Ho: Knuckles?
Ro: Mine!
So: Manic?
St: MINE!!!!!!!!
      ( Everyone stated at Sticks)

Wow. Just,

Bl: Awkward!
Au: You telling me!
Ho: I know! What about Sil!
Ro: Honey, he's for someone else.
Ho: Who?
Bl: Tell later.
Ho: K!
Ros: Umm....can we please get off the subject? I getting uncomfortable over here.....

Sure. What is your religion?

Ros: Baptist.
So: Favorite colors?
Au: Ugly  green and DISGUSTING pink!!!!! Yuck!
Ros: What she said except without the "gross" parts.
Ky: Favorite drink?
Ros: Umm....iced raspberry herbal tea.
Au: I think I going to be sick.
Bl: Quiet, Au.

Favorite restaurant?

Ros: Well.......Olive Garden.
Au: Duh! It has " garden" in it!
Ros: Will you hush up?!
Au: Sorry.
Bo: Favorite things to eat? Mine is grits!

Never tried it and never will!

Bo: Honey, you ain't never gonna know what ya missing!

That's okay. I'll just keep missing it.

Ros: Well, my favorite food is.... salad.
Ro: Salad?!
Ros: Yea! Any kind!

My mom would love you.

Ky: Same. What about dessert?
Ros: ( smiles) American Dirt!

Oh, gross!!!!!!!

Ro: I think I'm going to barf!
Bl: You eat dirt?!
Ros: Oh picket fences! Not actual dirt!!  It the dessert with chocolate pudding, oreos, whipped cream, and gummy worms!

Oh. I knew that!

Ky: "......"  Right........
So: What about cherry pie?

One of my favorite!

Ros: Never had any.


Ros: It's true.

Girl, you are too sheltered!

Ky: Sorry, Danielle is a lover of dessert.
Ros: Couldn't tell.
So: Okay what is your favorite animal?
Ros: I LOVE deer!
Ro: To eat?
Ros: No! Well, yes but...
Ky: ate a chicken leg last night. You ate an animal.

Can we return her to the woods where she came from?

Bl: Be nice, Danielle.
Ros: I also love rabbits, squirrels, foxes.....basically forest animals.
So: So like tigers?
Au: "Lions and tigers and bears oh my!"
Ky: Umm....... tigers are in the jungle.
Au: " Where the lion sleeps tonight!"
El: WILL YOU STOP!?!?!?!?!
Au: Sorry.
Ro: What about your favorite pet?
Ros: I have a pet fawn. Her name is...

Please not Bambi!

Ros: No. It's a girl so it's name is Spotta.
Bo: Can we see a pic?
Ros: Sure!

Bo: Aww, what a cute little anklebitter!

So what is your favorite song?

Ros: Umm........ " Diamond" and " Gold" by Britt.
Ro: Really?!
Ros: Yea.....
Ro: Funny. With your personality I wouldn't expect that song!
Ros: I also like "Let it grow."
Au: The Lorax!
Ros: Right! " Let it grow, Let it grow!"
Bo: You have a really pretty voice, sugar!
Ros: Thank you.
So: Any other ones?
Ros: Well. . . .  off the bat, no, but.....  oh wait! " Don't You Worry Child."

Oh my word! I LOVE that song!

Ros: Ikr?!? "Across the hill by a blue lake!"
Bl: " That's where I have my first heartbreak!"
So: Blaze? You can sing?!?
Bl: ( blushes) Uhh......
So:  You are good! You girls need to have a singing album!
Ho: I design the outfits!!!!!!!!
El: Maybe....... 
Ky: What your favorite movie?
Au: The Walking Dead!
Ros: I hate that movie.
El: You watched that movie, Au?! Mom and Dad are going to KILL you!
Au: Relax! I never seen it, and not planning to either.
El: Good!

My mom would ground me for LIFE if I watched that!

Ky: Same.
Ros: Well, my favorite movie is.....umm.... Narnia!

Yes! " For Narnia and for Aslan!!!"

Ro: I think you have watched it too many times.


St: What your favorite weapons that aren't controlled by the ARS?
Ros: Umm......I love my crossbow and my fan which looks normal but has hidden spikes in it.

Oh so like April's weapon in TMNT?

Ros: Yes but 10 times better, personal opinion, but my most favorite is my bo staff.
Bo: Don't they break easily?
Ros: Well this one is special. My dad made it out of bendable metals and it has pointed daggers on the ends of the stick.
Ky: That's so cool! Can I get one?!
Ros: Sure!
Ky: Yes!

What your favorite power?

Ros: My nature. I love healing the trees and animals but I valve life more than the Earth.
So: Who's your favorite friend?
Ros: Umm.......the birds that come to my window every morning.
Au: Cinderella!
Ros: ( throws a pillow at Au).....
Au: Ouch!!! That pillow hurts!
Ros: I know! It has rocks in it!
Au: Meanie!
Ky: Who's your best friend?
Ros: My mother and my father. SOMETIMES my sisters.
Au: Ouch!
Bl: I feel offended!

Well can probably guess you favorite season...... Spring.

Ros: Correct.
Ho: What's your favorite flower?
Ros: roses, Japanese cherry blossoms, alliums, daisys,.........
Au: We are going to be here for awhile........

            ( 5 hours later, no joke!)

".............." Are you done yet?! mention did imo mention?
Ky: 5,392. Yep, I counted.
Ros: I don't think there are that many flowers in the world.
Bo: Then you started to mention the trees then the moss then...
Ros: Oh....for how long?
So: To put Au and Bl to sleep.
Au: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bl: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ros: Those two fall asleep after the first 5 flowers i ever mention anytime!

I had a nice nap.
St: I was trying to figure out which flowers are spies!
Ky: Okay.........moving on!
So: Favorite things to do?
Au: Bore us to sleep with her 5 hour rant on plants.
Ros: Hey!
Ky: If it makes you feel better, I was paying attention.
Ros: Thanks!
Ky: Np.
Ros: I like to read, um, paint, I absolutely love to garden, umm..... I like training to a degree. I love playing the piano, cello, clarinet, flute, harp, guitar, and violin.
Ky: Whoa!
Ros: Yea. I also like traveling to new places.

That's a lot of hobbies

Ros: Yeah......

Ro: So that lost ties up to your favorite things as well?
Ros: Yes and spending time with my family.
Bo: What'a your strength?
Ros: Knowing that I can do anything with Christ on my side.
Ky: Weakness?
Ros: When I see someone hurt and I can't help them it makes me weak inside.

Biggest fear?

Ros: Umm.........thunderstorms.
Au/ El/ Bl: Amen!!!

Seriously? You guys are afraid of thunderstorms?

El: Runs in the family.
Ky: So your dad afraid of them?
Au: No but our mother was once deeply afraid of them.

Got it.

Bl: And final question , what is your favorite verse?
Ros:  Philippians 4:13,   "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Love that verse.

Ros: Me too.

Well, thanks for coming out, Ros!

Ros: No, thank you! This was totally a pleasure for me to meet all of you. Bl and El speaks highly of you all. Old friends and new.
Ro: Glad to finally meet you!
Ho: Love the outfit!
St: Stay away from ghosts!


Ky: Well that's new.....
Ros: ( smiles) I will.
Bo: Can i ask one more question?
Ros: Sure.
Bo: I guessing from all those instruments you play, you love music.
Ros: Yes, I do!
Bo: Can you play a song on the piano?
Ros: Sure! Do you have one?

Yeah. Downstairs.
( They all head downstairs. Ros moves the bench, sits down and begins to play " Gold" and begins to sing)

Ros: " This....this is for all the girls! Boys all over the world! Whatever you been told, you're worth more than gold!"
( She finishes with a beautiful added run then spins around)
Bo: Gal, you have some talent!
Ros: ( blushes) Thanks.
Bl: We get it from our mother's side.
Au: Somewhat on our Dad's side as well.
El: IF you can catch him singing.
Au: True.
Ro: Play another one!


Ros: Well....there is this song I like to play.... it's called " So Much More"
Ky: ( mutters) I love that song! ( begins to him it softly)
Ros: ( hears) Yea, that's the song!
Ky: ( blushes) Oh, I didn't know you were listening.
Au You should sing it!
Ky: Oh...well
Ros: Here. I'll play it on the piano and you can sing it.
So: Yea!
Ky: I.....I...I rather not.
Bl: Why not?
Ky: It''s just because....the last time I went to sing a song........they said.....( her eyes brimming with tears) They said that I was a terrible singer with an awful voice.
Ho: That's not true!
Bo: You have an amazing voice!
Au: Who cares what those big mean, bulldozers think about you!
Bl: We're your true friends not the judges.
El: And you are an amazing singer!
So:  Honest and truly!
Ky: ( smiles through her tears) Thanks guys. ( summons her favorite colors, colored electric guitar) I will sing!
Bl: Good.
Au: Hit it girls!
So: Lets rock this house!
Ky: Yea!
Ros: ( begins to play).....
( Here's the lyrics of the song that Ky sang from the group)
              ( Instrumental)
          Let's go!
          I gotta be (3x)
               ( Instrumental)
          I gotta be (2x)
I gotta be so much more than this.
          I gotta be ( 2x)
I gotta be so much more than this.
          I gotta be (2x)
I gotta be so much more.
              ( Lets dance. . . )

  I hear my name blows
    through the wind.
   Temptation to chase, but
     who knows where it goes?
   I don't have a choice, the
     race begins.
   Leaving behind a life that
       nobody chose........

One foot after the other.
We will find our way through
   One day after another
     C'mon let it rip!!!
                   ( Chorus )
I've gotta be so much more than this
     And I gonna try. . .
I'm cool with a twisted kind
      of bliss.
With saying goodbye. . . .

Cause I can't look back
No more  turning back.
Til I find my way back
       home. . . . .
And I know!

I gotta be so much more than this!
But, what can u be. .  .  if not

                I gotta be (2x)
    I gotta be so much more. . . .
                     (Verse 2)
I feel the pressure raining
Like a hand on my heart,
that's stopping men to breathe.
You are never the one to let me
Now you ripped out my
  heart,I don't want to believe. . .

One foot after the other
It will all become clear. . .
One day after another
And sing with me now!
                  ( Repeat chorus)
                       ( Bridge)
You can't map out my destiny
     Gotta be lost. . .
         Before I can be found
             DROP THE GUITAR!!!

                   ( Guitar Solo)

         (One foot after the other)
          One foot after the other

   ( We will find our way through. . .)
     We will find our way through
          (One day after another)
            One day after another

                      ( Chorus )

             ( Won't compromise. . .)
                      ( Be true . . .)

( Ros and Ky finish. Everyone gives hoots and hollers)

So: You guys rock the house down!!! You GOT to come to my next gig!
Au: They should do a album!
Bl: Agreed!
Ros: I just played. Ky is the real star.
Ky: Aww......thanks, but you helped.
Ro: And......done!
Ky: Ro the bat! Did you just record that?!
Ro: And posted it all over Instagram and Facebook! Look! It already has 100,000 likes!
Ky: Really?!
Ro: Some of the comments are like, " Who is that talented girl singing?!" " She's amazing!" " God bless you for your talent!"
Ky: (tears up) Thanks guys!
Ho: You know what they say!

No, what?

Ho: " This........this is for all the girls!"
Ro/ Bo: " Boys all over the world!"
Bl/El/Au/Ros: " Whatever you been told!"
Dani/ Ky: " YOU'RE WORTH MORE THAN GOLD!!!!!!!!!"
All: " So put your head up high! It your time to shine! From the inside out! You're worth more than GOLD!!!!!!!!!!
St: But the government steals gold!
All: Only Sticks.........

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember that you at special and loved by Jesus Christ and me! So shine out like gold!

The next chapter introduces Blaze's twin brother so stick around! Btw, only the boys will be in the next two chapters.

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