Explain Time!

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Hey guys! Its me. Now this chapter is going to be a bit different. All I am going to do is explain a little bit of Nef and Tin's background. Then I am going to explain how Blaze's family was created. So let's start!

Before I start, I should explain some things. What should I explain? I need to explain that in a way, Tinkayo and Nefitifi was unique and special. However, it was every dangerous. Why? Because of wolves. Remember in the chapter when Nefitifi said that one of her greatest fears was a wolf?You ask, why is that? Well, I will let her tell you.

Nef: Thanks, Danielle. Lets see...... I should probably start at the very beginning. But before I do that. I will give you a statement. Cats and wolves hate each other. Now think upon that.

Why do they hate you guys so much?

Nef: No one really knows. We know one thing. Wolves are 100 times more aggressive than cats are or will ever be. All I can tell you is this. Back when time first began, wolves and cats lived in perfect harmony. They loved each other like brothers and sisters. But, one day......... something happened to cause the wolves to hate us.

What happened?

Nef: No one knows for sure.

Who fault was it?

Nef: It depends who you talk to. The wolves believe it is the cats fault. The cats believe it was the wolves fault.

So who knows?

Nef: Only a prophesai knows.

A what now? What is that?

Nef: A prophesai is a wolf who write downs every little detail that happens in every story throughout history.

Wait wait, wait........ I thought she is an enemy.

Nef: Not them. They are sworn to be neutral no matter what. Even if one side is completely right or wrong, it doesn't matter.


Nef: They also predict prophecies.


Nef: Yes, like when the prophet Isaiah told of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ?

Oh, I get it. Well, why can't you just ask them?

Nef: Prophesais are not to be tampered or bothered with. Only the most powerful people in the world can know of their very, very secret location.

So.......like Tinkayo?

Nef: Yes.

So does he know?

Nef: Yes.

Wait, do you know?

Nef: No.

Wait, why doesn't he tell you so you can end this madness?

Nef: It not the right time. Besides, if a prophesai tells you anything about the past, present, or future, you are not allow to tell anyone until it's the right time. If you tell, you are sworn to be killed.

Yikes! That's serious!

Nef: Very serious.

Well, why are they kept as a secret?

Nef: Because, my husband and I greatest enemy, Nuka, wants every prophesai dead.


Nef: Because of the Catwol prophesy.

The who what now?! What is that?

Nef: That's the prophesy that will end the hatred between the cats and wolves, so they can be reunited again.

That would be wonderful! Can you please tell us what it says?

Nef: Well, dear, all of it is either in Wolf tongue or in Balinean's tongue so you will probably won't be able to understand it.

Probably not.

Nef: But if it will help, basically there are two sides. A wolf family and a cat family will both have a daughter who will grow up and become as close as sisters. They will combine their powers and become as one, becoming more powerful than even the Alpha and the Grand Elder is no match for them!

The Alpha? I know what a Grand Elder is, but what's a Grand Alpha?

Nef: Basically the same thing as what Tinkayo is except not over every species in the world. An "Alpha" is over one specific wolf pack. The " Grand Alpha" is over all the wolf's packs of the land. Back then even all of the cat prides until 1300 A.D. when all of the cats ran and hid in countries.

Oh I get it.

Nef: If you want to be more specific about the families, the one side, the wolf side will have a HAW baby girl runt, and ...

Okay, sorry for the interruptions....

Nef: Np.

But what in the world is a HAW?!?

Nef: It stands for Hybridavain wolf They are wolves with special powers and wings. ( Reader Note If you want the full description, read SpiraltheHAW Oc book under the name, Spiral. She plays a major part in Blaze's life)

Oh. What's a runt?

Nef: The last born pup from a litter.


Nef: Then on the cat's side is a fullblooded Japanese dragon with a high title with the secondary form of a cat and a fullblooded Balinean princess or queen has a baby princess with the power of pytokenesis, the ability of pure fire.( forgive the spelling)

Oh, okay. What is this so important? I mean, why can't it just be any family?

Nef: Well.......this will be a very long explanation.....

We can handle it.

Nef: Okay, so the greatness about each family is that their love was forbidden and dangerous.

Can you explain that?

Nef: Sure but I have to add a long history lesson to the answer.....

Go ahead.

Nef: Okay so why I said the love between the two wolves were dangerous but more forbidden is because.....well.... remember when I told you that something happened to make the wolves and cats spilt?


Nef: Well, the issue was over power. More like powers to be exact. You see about 20 to 50 years after the flood, man was allowed to eat the animals for food, so God put the fear of man into the animals. He knew that our kind, the halfbloods were in great danger because if the humans found out what we were....... you could image the horrible sight. So He promised each kind that He would give them a generous amount of power necessary for their kind to survive, but mind you these powers were to protect them not to make them more powerful than Him. That is why He gave each kind what we call, minor powers like speed, super human strength, and many others. Now, there are the four main powers in all the world. These, he wouldn't give to anyone.

So..... Fire, water, air, and vine?

Nef: Very good! I'm impressed. How did you know that?

I studied into powers.

Nef: Well, you are right. These powers were forbidden for any creature. Well this didn't bother the wolves and cats. You see, they didn't need powers. Back then, wolves and cats were equal in strength and swiftness. They were amazing fighters with their God given teeth and claws. They were the strongest species in the world at that time. No one mess with them. If any species went against them, they would reunited and defeat that species. Why were they so willing to work together? Well, it was because of one male wolf and one male cat who were opposite species but as close as brothers. One day, however, God sent a messager, the first prophesai in the form of a glowing woman, to come down and declare that God is willing to allow two holders to contain these powers.

Go on.

Nef: Well, God pick the wolves and cats saying that there were no other species more deserving to get these powers. Khunstek, the wolf and Mutaon, the cat were the two picked out from each pack or pride to hold these powers and to give them to their offspring. I forgot to mention that at this time of history, there was only one breed of cat and wolf. The wolves were HAWS and the cats were Italian Also both of them were married with a 3 year old son. Well, years past and the boys waited furiously for their powers. But then..... something tragic happened....


I can't say what I am about to say is 100% right, but from what I know, one of the species which we cats believe it was the wolf ( Reader Note: It was truly the wolf fault but also the cats fault as well) who got inpatient. So we believe that Khunstek decided to steal all the powers for himself but Mutaon stopped him. They fought and.....man! I keep adding footnotes but the powers were in the form of a wispy liquid in glass jars. While they were fightkng, the jars broke and the powers spill out, believe to be lost forever. Furious, Khunstek attacked Mutaon, but Mutaon ( not wanting to but had too) stuck him straight in the abdomen, mortally wounding him. Mutaon limps off and Khunstek lay on the ground, bleeding furiously and dying and the powers were lost. Unfortunately, his son, Tonnuka watched the whole thing. He ran to his father. His father made him swear that with everything within him until his dying breath, he would avenge him, and destroy the cat's race. Then he died.

Wow, but the powers are gone, so there shouldn't be any problem! And besides you said that they were both equal!

Nef: But......

In every case...... " but" is never a good thing.....

Nef: Something......terrible happened.


Nef: A new power was born.

How is that bad?

Nef: After Tonnuka father died, his body begin to dissolve.

But......that takes years not seconds!

Nef: Yes, well, his ashes turned into a wisp of black shadowy-colored wisps of shadow, you humans call it smoke.
Tonnuka swear that he will not rest until every known cat will be tortured and killed. Then the smoke went inside him, turning his beautiful white fur into a cold, dark midnight black. His eyes turned from a soft brown to a glowing red. The tips of his gorgeous gold wings turned into sharp metal blades and the rest of his wings turned black and wispy as well. Thus..... the first ever Shadow wolf was created.

Uhh...... he sounds creepy!

Nef: He was more than creepy! He was pure evil.

Wait..... so the new power is what?

Nef: The ability to go Shadow.

What's so bad about that?

Nef: Pure shadow is God given power triggered by live, but the shadow he gain was man made and was triggered by hate.


Nef: Thus, this begin the horrible nightmare for the cats.

Wait, wait let me guess..... he got every wolf to go against the cats, right?

Nef: Not just the wolves but almost every other species as well.


Nef: Even worse, Tonnuka set himself as the first Lord of the Shadow Wolves or as the Grand Alpha.

I'm guessing that's not good......

Nef: Remember, the wolves were a very powerful species so they basically control mostly every species. So He ordered that anyone who sees a cat, they should kill them young or old or make them slaves.

Oh man....

Nef: This went all the way to the time of Moses. By now, the wolves has breeded in powers with very many different species by the hundreds. The most powerful species of the whole wolf packs were the Shadow HAWS, ( in reality it was the pure HAWS but they were very rare and hard to find) The cats breeded as well and also gained powers, but not as much. The wolves were very well liked by the Egyptian people and were allowed to rule side by side with the Pharoah of Egypt. If you remember the story, the Israelites were made to be slaves for 400 years. Well, so were the cats.When the children of Israel left Egypt with Moses, the cat ran off too. This time,they were smart. Every cat went full out human which mask their cat scent. Also, the never used their powers which completely threw off any scent. All of the cats escape to Italy mostly but a lot went around the globe. Lord Tonnuka, as you can iimsge was furious. He set wolves all around the globe searching for the missing cats but he couldn't find them. So he focused on the next thing.

And what is that?

Nef: He heard rumor that the 4 main powers were still out there. He went searching to see who was the holder. Image his surprise and anger when he found out that a cat held all 4 within him actually a her. And worse is that she was married and her seed and their seed and their seed has the powers as well. This breed was named the Balieneans or Balineans meaning " 4 gifts." Tonnuka had to act fast. He decided with the reaminng cats that He kept he would force every breed of cat to only marry their species. His hope was that they would catch a disease that was passed down to kill off the race. Well, it went quite the opposite. The cat race flourish and multiply greatly once again. So he decided to create a code which he created. This code, called the Wolf's Code" told every wolf pack that they had to kill every cat they see and take their powers away and they must not ever ever befriend them. If the wolf did, they would be shamed and most likely killed. The code he made for cats forced the cats to be under very strict rule. Unfortunately, the cats were forced to listen because by now he knew that they were mostly in Italy where he wasn't sure but he threatened war on them.

Wow......nice guy. Wait......so....how are you married to Tinkayo?

Nef: Umm.......that's is an another story for another time but..... i will just say......it was very dangerous for a cat wasn't allow to marry outside their species. If they must, they would have to marry someone that was lower in the scale which was impossible because Tonnuka made everyone believe that cats were the lowest beings on Earth.

So you were stuck either way?

Nef: Yes. But......... an another fact that brought Tin and I together was this. The wolves were feeling pretty high and mighty.....until....a another specie was quickly coming upon strength and power, the dragons. The wolves as you could guess didn't like this at all so the dragons and wolves fought for centuries against each other. The dragons win again and again, defeating the wolves in strength, number, and power. So the wolves gave up, grudgingly allowing the dragons to take the title of the highest species. So they focus back on the cats.

Wait so who's the other end of the prophecy?

Nef: Tin and I

So wait....one of your daughters.....

Nef: Mmm, hmm.

Wow! Okay, I get it! Your side was special because your life wasn't allowed,but what was so special about the other half I mean, why wasn't there daughter the oldest?

Nef: Basically, the prophecy, trumps every law that Tonnuka, now his son, Nuka, made. He started to come down hard on the wolves as well. When he heard that one end of the prophecy was from a runt pup, he ordered to kill every runt pup before the age of 3 months.

What?! That's horrible!

Nef: Yes, it was.

Okay, I think I get it.

Nef: Sorry for the long speech......

No, no its fine! Well, as much as I would live to hear Tin and your love story....... we're running out of time. Thank you for coming!

Nef: My pleasure!

Bye everyone!

WOW! That took a LONG time! The next chapter is going to be about the other characters that time in with Blaze family
Some good but some bad.

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