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Okay. . .  I know what you are thinking........." Yeah. . . more infor . . . THIS AINT SCHOOL!!!" Well, please bear this little update on my story. As you have noticed, I have deleted the book called " Blaze's family." Well, the outline of the book wasn't going so well, so I decided to delete it and start all over again.

By now you are probably wanting...... " what is this about? Will this girl EVER be quiet?!"  Well, I'll tell you in a ruby min!

Before I tell you what this update about the old-made-new book is that I  want to openly and dedicate 3 inspired and helpers in this book

First, SpiraltheHAW
Secondly, Sapphirethehedgecat
Lastly, the newest helper userSonAmy
These guys had helped me so much.

SpiraltheHAW for helping come up with some great ideas and plots for the book and starting the whole thing.

Sapphirethehedgecat for joining, and deciding to help greatly with more ideas to tie in together.

userSonAmy for drawing some of these AMAZING pics that will later come out in a later chapter. ( She does an INCREDIBLE job. She adds great detail to the function and the outfit of the characters.)
I give them a huge round of applause. They would greatly love it if you follow them so please do so.

Okay, so the big moment has arrived..... Drumroll, please! ( Knuckles begin to drum on the drum with his fists, breaks it)
Kn: Oops. .  . . Umm......I don't think that is what suppose to happen.......
Me: Kn! You broke my $2,500 drum!
Kn: Sorry.......

Agh! As I was saying, I am going to update and load the new and improved version of "Blaze's Family." What I am going to do is give you a pic of their human form then I will give you a pic ( drew by userSonAmy) of their animal form. Then I will give you a short couple of paragraphs (hopefully) of their personality. Finally, I will give you a chart of their name, age, favorite colors, powers family placement or their other family members ( probably the adults) romantic relationship ( if they have any) etc.

This will take some time so be patience I have a lot of school to do, but so does a lot of you.

Warning: This story isn't based on any Sega facts from the games, shows, or comics to a degree. Some things do tie in, but some don't. I already know this so please no rude comments. These characters are also made up from my mind so don't try to look from them because you won't find them.

Reasons behind this book:
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the character of Blaze the best. She is so amazing with her fire power and she is SUPER pretty! But very interesting. . .   not a lot is known about her family which leads me to ask who are they? I searched and couldn't find anyone, ( maybe I didn't look hard enough......) but anyway I talked to SpiraltheHAWabout this and we agreed we needed to do something about it so we made up a cool back story for blaze ( a later book) and we created her a family.

I hope you enjoy this and will hopefully see more books coming out.

More Updates:
Btw, I'm soon going to write the sequel story of her parents how they met and fell in love so look for that and more stuff.
Also, I am working on a truth or Dare story so please comment and leave,some dates!

I don't own any of these pics. Some are Google and some are from userSonAmy.

I hopefully will start this book which will quickly be coming out soon! ( *claps excitedly*)

                        ( CRASH)
Kn: Uh, oh.................
Aaaagghhh!!!!!! Knucklehead!

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