Letting You Know

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I know, I know what you are thinking. Well, where is the next chapter? Well it"s coming soon.

Okay, so this chapter is going to be very different, instead of having the Sonic team ask questions, I am going to open the book to anyone who wants to join in. What I mean us like for example, userSonAmy is using the cover name, Kyla while an another girl, shonteesholtz399 is Starlight.

So you can now join in the fun! I already had Sapphirethehedgecat saying that she wanted to join as well.

All you need to do is give me your cover name, if you are human or animal if animal what are you and personality.

Also to let you know that in this chapter only me the hostess, Ky, Sta,and OC ( you guys) will be in this chapter. There will be no Sonic character in the chapter at all, but who to say there won't be visits from......unexpected visitors....
*grins mischievously*

So please leave the infor in the comments below.

Another thing. In this book we have only 3 more chapters to go. The 100 questions with the parents. Then the information chapter how this book ties with other netbooks written by other people. Lastly, the thank you chapter.

Goodbye people and have a blessed day or night!

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