Chapter 15 (Sharppaw)

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I heard a shriek. It shattered my ears like lightning striking a tree. I ran away from the patrol. I heard Bluedapple's yowl. "Sharppaw! Come back!" I ignored it completely. I ran towards the shriek as if I was tracking a mouse. I felt the wind brushing against my fur as I dashed through the undergrowth. I yowled. "I'm Coming!" I didn't even know who I was trying to help. I. Just. Ran. Then I saw it. Big, slavering jaws. Eyes wild with malice. Tail lashing like a branch in strong winds. Dog. Then I saw Nightpaw. I widened my eyes and wailed his name. He didn't move. A gash was on his shoulder. Then I heard paw steps. Loud paw steps. Several shapes burst through the bushes behind me. Blazestreak,  Copperclaw, Fernpool! Blazestreak took one look at the beast and flung himself at it. A loud bark made my blood freeze. I growled and launched myself at it too. Fernpool and Copperclaw raced to Nightpaw's limp body and carried him together. The dog was shaking violently, trying to get Blazestreak and I off it. He yowled in fury and raked his claws over it's brown pelt. I plunged my teeth into its leg. I saw a whit blur and then a yowl. Swanpaw! She leapt at its tail, swiping at it. Like a kit. Without the no-claws rule and a queen smiling. Her claws connected with the dog's tail. Once that happened, she leapt up onto its back and rained blows. The dog howled in annoyance and shook them off successfully. I fell to the ground with a thump. I heard two more 'thumps'. I quickly scrambled to my paws. I saw Blazestreak helping Swanpaw up. I padded towards them, my breath coming in ragged gasps. "You guys ok?" Blazestreak let Swanpaw lean on him. He nodded. He turned and padded back to camp, slowly so that Swanpaw could keep up with him. I bounded after them. There was a glint of emotion in his gaze. Hate? Trust? Confusion? I would never know...

(@splashywave98, splashywave98 Its you!)

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