Chapter 22 (Reedtail)

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I padded back to camp, glancing behind me every now and then to make sure Blazestreak didn't follow me. I heard a terrible yowl from camp. That made me break into a run. I leapt into a river. Bad mistake. It was the deep one. I feltto water trying to push me under. I kept sticking my muzzle above the water, taking in sudden breaths of terror. "Gah! Hel-" My words were cut off by a sudden feeling of being pulled down by the water. Then I felt something grab my scruff. I was pulled up by a cat. "Gah!" "Reedtail! Are you ok?" I looked up into a pair of blue  eyes. "Ugh. Yeah." I stood up. "I'm fine Heronfeather. I'm fine. Leave me alone." I padded off to camp, leaving a confused Heronfeather.

"Sandstar! No! Don't go!" Willowsong's yowl ripped through the camp. I ran over to Sandstar's den, peering into it. A pale brown body lay there, amber eyes dull. Her body spasmed everytime I heard coughs. Heronfeather finally came. "Sandstar..." He looked around his clanmates. He padded into the den. I padded after the deputy. "Lead Riverclan well, Heronfeather." "No! Sandstar..." His voice trailed off. "Lead Riverclan well..." A dead silence settled. "I will." She was gone. Just like...that. Heronfeather's eyes were dark. Willowsong glanced at me, and meowed. "T-The vigil will be held..."

"She was a great leader, and she will be remembered for her bravery, spirit, agility and courage in battle." Willowsong's mew was weighed down with sorrow, and loss. Heronfeather leapt up onto the rock. "We will mourn forever, and her memory rests in us." His tone was calm. "As the new leader of Riverclan, I must appoint a deputy, to be in charge of patrols, and there is no other cat I trust more then Reedtail." My heart leapt like a fish. He picked me. Me. "I-I accept your choice Heronfeather, I will serve Riverclan until my days end." "Yay! Reedtail!" "Woo!" "Why can't I be de-" "Your a kit!" "Reedtail!!!" I smiled. I would serve my clan. As Heronfeather's grey pelt disappeared out of the camp exit, Willowsong glanced at me, smiled, and padded after him. A voice washed over my ears, like a wave of water crashing down on the banks. "Good job Reedtail. I told you would be picked!" "I used my own strengths, you only guided me a whisker length better." "Don't you dare say that!" "I'm a deputy Pebbledash. Your a dead cat." "Your arrogance is terrible for a strong merciless warrior. You are nothing to us now." "I have my clan." "Ah."

"We hold your future."

(I'm proud of myself. I also drank an entire can of coke while typing this. The only reason Sandstar died was to make some room for a kit. Sandkit. Thunderclan. Stuff. Blah blah blah. I like trainz.)

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