Redscar's Turmoil

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I let out a growl at Flamestrike. The tom hissed. "Fishface! Sunningrock belongs to Thunderclan!" I snapped. "Its Riverclan's! It will never belong to a bunch of mouse-hearts!" The tom yowled and lunged at me. Yowls of battle sounded around me as Flamestrike matched me, blow for blow. Then I dashed to the side and raked my claws down his flank. He let out a cry of pain and twirled around, slashing my ear. I hissed and smiled smuggly. I was happy that Dark law has taught me this. I swiped down, successfully hitting Flamestrike's muzzle. His eyes were wide with uncontainable pain. I smiled grimly and struck his jaw. A loud crack stopped the battle. Flamestrike widened his eyes and collapsed. The light in his eyes was fading. Silence settled on the rocks. A yowl split the turmoil. "Flamestrike! Flamestrike!" A brown cat bounded towards him, eyes brimming with tears. She lowered her head for a moment then she lunged at me. "YOU KILLED HIM FISHFACE." A claw ripped my throat. Pain shattered my mind. My paws crumpled beneath me. I widened my eyes as red blood dripped put of my. No. I choked on something. Pain filled my mind. The last mark i could make was Flamestrike's death. That would last forever. Then, my world disappeared.

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