The Last Moments Of Crowstar

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(Before we begin, let me tell you something. If you don't want to know how Crowstar died, skip to the next chapter. If there is one of course. If the title of a part isn't something beginning with 'chapter', it is probably a 'sneak peek'.)

I padded through the marshy ground, feeling my paws sink a bit with every step. I was surprised the ground still held steady. BrackenSnake padded infront of me. "Carrionplace is here." I flattened my ears, annoyed that he didn't think his father known his territory that well. I wasn't that old! I think. BrackenSnake sat down and licked his paw as if he didn't care about anything else. Except his paw. He stopped and looked up. "Crowstar." I tilted my head. "The rats. You asked me to come with you to check it out." BrackenSnake looked at me. "What was Stagpaw like?" I was surprised he asked me this. At this time. I lowered my head. "Stagpaw was a good cat. Would've been a great warrior. Maybe even deputy." Something flickered in Brackensnake's steady gaze. I remembered that terrible day as if it was yesterday. Stagpaw had seen a kit on the Thunderpath, Starclan knows what that kit was doing on the thunderpath. A monster was approaching, so Stagpaw shoved the kit out of the way, and got hit instead of the kit. I found out the kit was Oakkit. Lionfur had come over. He had a shocked look on his face when he saw Stagpaw's broken body. He and Oakkit grieved along with the clan. Brackenpaw, Softwing and I grieved the most. BrackenSnake asked me another question, snapping me out of my daydream. "He must of been a great cat, fighting of a Windclan patrol, risking his own life for Softwing." I had lied to him. Shame had tugged on my pelt every single time BrackenSnake had mentioned Stagpaw. BrackenSnake stood up. He looked at me in the face and said. "I will be a better leader then you. I will uphold Shadowclan." He twitched his ears. "Thank you for telling me about my brother. You will see him soon." I stood up too. "What do you mean BrackenSnake? I haven't been to the moonstone for qui...." BrackenSnake lunged at me, claws outstretched, eyes flaring with sudden ambition. I tried to push BrackenSnake of me. "BrackenSnake! What are yo.." Pain suddenly burst my sentence. BrackenSnake snarled. "Enjoy meeting my brother." He raised his claws, preparing to slam them on my throat. I stuttered. "BrackenSnake. Why?" He narrowed his eyes. I managed to give him a few blows to the flank, but he never leapt of me. My own son, attacking me as if I were another clan cat. No. He smiled. "Say hello to Stagpaw on behalf of me Crowstar. I thank you for choosing me as your deputy." His paw lashed out on my throat. pain cascaded down on me, like relentless blows. Then a shape flickered on the side of my head. A pale grey shape, and a brown shape. I gasped, both in pain and shock. Starclan had come to take me. They both dipped their heads. Stagpaw..Softwing... Then my world went dark. Then it came back. The pain had disappeared. I stood up. I looked at my paws and I looked up and saw BrackenSnake staring at me, his eyes cold. He smiled, and padded away. A soft voice calmed me. "Don't worry Crowstar." I turned and saw a cat, her blue eyes soft. Her fur was streaked by starlight. Softwing. Another cat nudged me upwards. Stagpaw. I looked into the sky. They were waiting for me. Nettlespots, Clouddapple, Rippleclaw, Lizardfang. I leapt up into the sky, and followed Starclan into the sky. Why did I choose BrackenSnake? That was a great mistake...

(BrackenSnake, You so evil now. But curious too. Is that a good thing???)

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