Chapter 1

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Since the day I was born I've had a way with the beasts. My parents always worked at animal reserves. I always seemed to fit in more with animals then people. People always thought I was a freak. They even treated me like I was a wild animal. I didn't like being touched especially by men. When I was younger I was attacked by a cougar. It pinned me to the ground biting my throat luckily the alpha of a wolf pack the one I called Malika was nearby and heard me scream. He got the cougar off of me and chased it off saving my life. I owe him everything. I was heart broken when I had to leave. I stopped speaking completely. I was never really close with my parents. So when I moved out it was no big deal. I worked with their old college's on the reservations so I tended to move around a lot. Most of the time I work with big apex predators. I've even worked with lions, tigers, and bears. But its been a while since I've been with wolves. I was so excited. It was in the old town I lived in when I was attacked. But I was nervous to run into my ex faince. He was my high school sweet heart and the father of my son. He's three this year and he's my heart. Right after we broke off the wedding I found out I was pregnant. My son had the same condition I did so I never told his father or my parents about him. So when I came home I didn't tell anyone. I've been even more distant with people since the birth of my son. I snuck into my uncles shack to surprise him. He had it built like a small retreat. I brought Fang my wolf dog I adopted right after my son was born his fur was black as night and his eyes were blue like mine. My hair was really long wild and sexy. My eyes were as blue as the sky. My son looked more like me then his father. Fang started growling when I seen my ex's best friend walked out with my uncle. He ran out making me put Bain my son down and jump on him. I pinned him with one arm.

"Hey uncle I wanted to surprise you. But I didn't know you were bringing back company." I said, getting up dragging him in the shack. When I noticed my uncle trying to peep at Bain but he was shy.

"What you all shy now thought you were a big bad alpha." I joked running over picking him up and playfully roaring at him. He laughed as I nuzzled him. When I kissed all over his face his body shifted. I have a condition when someone of the opposite sex makes my heart race I change into a furious giant wolf like monster with blue eyes. I covered him up before they seen him.

"Don't worry bud we'll figure this out." I said, kissing his cheek. I was stronger and faster then a human.

"I'll see you later uncle nice seeing you Brad." I said picking Fang up and taking off into the woods. I stopped when I knew I was far enough away from them. I stopped at a stream. I was splashing my face when a wolf growled. I looked up to see a white wolf showing me its fangs. Till it seen my face. He whined when I growled back. I backed away petting Fang. The wolf looked exactly like the one that saved my life. Fang snarled at the wolf standing in front of Bain. The wolf whined when I whistled making Fang stop. He sat down and I lifted some water from my hand to Bain's mouth. He tipped my hand drinking it. He was back in his human from. I flicked my fingers and Fang took off. The wolf walked over nuzzling against him. I kissed his snout when he licked my face. Bain grabbed onto him. He flung around sniffing him and whining.

"What is my little angel bothering you? Im sorry." I asked, running my fingers threw his fur. He shook his head. I laughed. When Fang ran back over to me with a rabbit. I used my claws to cut it getting the meat. When I caught the male wolf glancing at my red eyes and fangs.

"Sorry bud am I scaring you?" I asked gently. He looked up when I handed him some.

"I still say wolves are way better company then humans. Humans are violent, destructive, and unloving creatures." I growled, ripping meat of with my fangs handing it to Bain. He ate it as I shifted ripping it apart. The white wolf snuggled up to me I licked him. He grunted jumping all over me whining excitedly.

"Alpha! Luka!" I heard Brad yell, he took off. I picked my son up putting on my back. Luka was Bain's biological father.

"Mommy we weaving?" He asked I licked him nodding. I nudged Fang. When Brads father came trotting out I placed my pup on my back and took off through the forest rugged terrain of the forest. Even stumbling down some rocks losing my footing I made my way down to a stream. I pulled my pup off he shifted into his wolf form and started licking my legs. I was running so fast I didn't notice I tore up my paws, legs, and sides making my way through the woods. I licked him while he tried to clean them for me. I lapped up some water when a big male wolf bigger then me licked my muzzle. I jumped and almost snapped at him till I seen I was my husband. He's the only other dire wolf then me which is why I'm so much bigger than even a purebred werewolf. Not to mention stronger, much more meaner, and faster. His parents abandoned him so he was raised in an orphanage. Till he was finally adopted and just like me was born a dire wolf. We met while I was pregnant after I left. He helped me while I was pregnant and even after I gave birth. He already had a seven year old daughter from the woman he was with before I immedately fell in love with both of them. They both loved my son and me.  So when I decided I wanted to stay with my job he just took up the same job. So we'd be working together every time we had to move. We soon after got married and now I'm pregnant with his first son. He's supper excited.

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