Chapter fourteen

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Tisa tried to walk with the cast on. Her leg was straight and she was trying to walk with it a little bit.

She winced with every step, but the real problem was that it felt weird and she was afraid she would never get used to it. Tudi said that the leg would have to heal over time. Tisa hated having this cast.

It was cutting the blood flow from her leg. And it made running impossible. She had to limp a little as well. It made her feel weak.

It severely slowed down their travels as well. There was just a whole lot of things wrong with this cast. The only good thing is that it would keep her leg in place while it healed.

Did she also mention how wobbly it made her paws? She hated this thing. She wants it off. She wants to kill that Sandslash for what she did. And perhaps burn that Bucky fellow.

Though he truly did do nothing. It seems as if in her story, it's mainly about Buscar trying to apparently get a man who didn't like her. If she wanted to kidnap anyone that day she could have tried Tudi. At least he wouldn't have lost to them.

On the bright side, Witness was acting more mature with her full evolution. Truth was that Witness kept off her evolution for so long. She was in her twenties yet she still had to go to school because she didn't know how she evolved.

When she became a part of this group, she gained what she needed to evolve. But the trickery needed wasn't a part of that. Tisa continued to move weirdly through the forest. She felt as if she was being watched, or that Witness was being watched. But by who? She asked as she past a tree.

She could have sworn she smelled another Pokémon nearby that wasn't afraid of them. Tisa could have sworn she smelled this Pokémon before too, but couldn't recall who it was.

A rustle in a nearby told her that her suspicions for a Pokémon was true. A small Pokémon with a blue body, purple fins, and black feet leaped out. It was that Mudkip from that school. She realized.

Tudi started up a growl. " Go away!" He yelled at the Mudkip. He hadn't even done anything wrong to him yet. The Mudkip's smell gave off a small amount of fear.

He bravely stood in front of them. Oh great here it comes. He's gonna ask for money! Hah! I kid myself. Tisa thought. He's going to say he's from the Starter squad here to capture us! Well, sorry you strange colored Mudkip, but not today! Tisa thought, feeling fire rise up in her stomach.

" No! You have my friend. I want to know why she joined you band of villains." The Mudkip announces, pressing his paws deep in the ground. He was in a very muddy area. " You want to know why." Tudi said. He looked at him and laughed.

For once it looked like this was the one starter he didn't seem to want to kill for once. In fact, Tisa swore she didn't see a badge from the Starter squad on this little guy. When Harley...when she who must not be named got abandoned by Tisa, she joined. Why didn't this Mudkip do the same?

" I sure do!" The Mudkip exclaimed, facing up to the Sandslash with real ease. " You followed me all the way here?" Witness asked. " And you haven't evolved? What an idiot. You're just a weak Mudkip. You're outnumbered. And still you went all the way out here just to ask that stupid question?" Tisa asked.

" Yeah. I did. Got a problem with that, spitfire?" The Mudkip asked, bouncing on his toes a little to meet her eyes. She just glanced at him. " Well usually one isn't that stupid when facing outlaws like us. Yet here you are all alone against three outlaws." Tudi commented.

" Well, I don't need back up." The Mudkip declares. " Who is this hooligan?" Tudi asked Witness. " That's Boulder." Witness commented, seeming to be angry at the Mudkip.

" You shouldn't have followed." She growled. This was the first time that Tisa saw the fairy type like this. She swore it was only at Boulder though.

" But I need to know! Tell me! I won't leave if you don't tell me! I won't leave anyways." Boulder commented. Tudi groaned. " Fine. You want to know why I joined up with these two wonderful Pokémon?" She asked.

" I hardly think two Pokémon who killed someone already are wonderful." Boulder stated smartly. " I joined up with them because they know how I feel." She said. The Mudkip gazed at her with a concerned expression. It was one of the old emotions that Tisa used to experience with her family. And her. Tisa shook the thought of the Piplup out of her mind.

It's crazy to think of the past when it's the future. She told herself. " Oh Witness. I thought you knew." Boulder commented. " Knew What?" She asked in confusion.

" I understand you better than they can!" Boulder states bravely. He seemed to have a big smile on. It was so pure and real that Tisa thought she would throw up. This Pokémon is rare of his personality. Tisa thought. There were a lot of Pokémon out for themselves, yet this Mudkip came out here for his friend. And stupidly alone at that.

" No you don't. You just feel bad for me. That's all." Witness blurred out. " Get out of here. I don't want to see you again!" Witness yelled at him. The Mudkip had a paw lifted, pure shock on his little innocent face.

" I will not leave!" He stated, as if a thundering sound would boom after he said that. Witness looked mad. " Why not?" She growled dangerously, seeming as if she actually wanted to hurt the little guy.

" Because..." He began, a paw on his chin as if he didn't prepare this sooner. " I care about you too much to let you go." He stated. That made everyone quiet for a while.

" That's cheesy." Tisa commented. The Mudkip turned to her. " Why would you say that?" He asked her. " Don't question me!" She growled. He backed up a little.

" So what do we do with the little guy?" Tisa asked. " We get rid of him." Tudi told her, trying to push the little Mudkip somewhere else. The Mudkip moved. They continued their journey, but Tisa knew that the Mudkip was totally following them anyway.

Every time Witness looked back, though. He wasn't there. Tisa could smell him. " Ugh. He's still following us. I can hear his dumb feet." Tudi groaned. " We might have to kill him to make him go away." Tudi complained in a joking manner.

The Mudkip didn't seem phased by the words of the Sandslash. " Maybe you should just take me with you." Boulder suggested. Witness snorted. " Why would we want a good guy like you?" She asked.

" I noticed that Tisa has a cast. You could use me." Boulder bragged. " Why? What can we possibly gain from bringing you along?" Tudi huffed. " Possibly nothing. You won't know till you find out. But you haven't killed me yet. You have had plenty of time to kill me. Take me with you. I don't care if you're bad and I'm good. I want to come." He states.

" No!" Witness exclaimed. Boulder's cute face looked at them. " Please?" He begged. It wasn't fooling Tudi. But Tisa totally thought his face was adorable. " No." Tudi grumbled.

" Come on guys, can't you see he has his heart in it?" Tisa asked, messing with the Mudkip's face, who was uncomfortable with her touching his face and moving it about.

" No. We don't need a dumb Starter following us around just because his damn friend is with us." Tudi grumpily said. " I wasn't intending on turning you in to the squad. I don't even want to join those guys. Just let me join you. I can battle pretty well. At least I think I can. Does tackling other Pokémon for fun count?" Boulder asked.

" Ugh. He's such an amateur." Tudi groaned. " Let me join you. I won't stop asking till you either let me or kill me. Please! Please! Let me let me let me!" He loudly begged.

His eyes were all pouty now. " Ugh." Tudi said. " He won't stop begging. Just stop." Witness complained. " Let me!!!!!!!!!" Boulder annoyingly exclaimed, fish tail wagging cutely.

" Ugh. Fine. But you better be useful, fishytail." Tudi groaned, pointing a claw at him, threateningly. He didn't seem to feel the threat as he bounced around Witness without a care. He just really must like being around her.

Tisa finally realized something. He didn't join them because Tisa had hurt her paw. No. That wasn't the true story. He wanted to join them for a different reason. And Tisa knew what it was. He was in love with Witness. Weird.

Authors note: I leave you at that. Man I never planned that. I actually planned for Tisa to tell Witness to kill him when they next met, but she wouldn't do it. This is better. It shows how not all starters join a starter squad. Some can actually join villains.

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