Chapter nine

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" It's night. We should really find somewhere to sleep." Witness advised as if she was someone smart from a tv show. " Outlaws don't sleep. It's been a few days probably and we haven't slept. Why now?" Tudi growled.

" You look like you're about to die." Witness commented. The three have been walking for a while. Tisa was indeed tired, but she didn't want to show that to Tudi. He would probably call her weak if she complained about that at all.

Tisa's tail dragged on the ground. Her head was held high though. " Maybe you should shut up! It would be a good thing for you not to act like a wuss for once." Tudi growled.

" If we don't stop now, something bad might happen. Like someone being able to defeat us with ease." Witness commented. " Impossible." Tudi said, folding his arms.

" Well I want to stop." Witness told him, folding her arms. " My wings are tired, and I'm sure the starters won't go anywhere while we're asleep." Witness told him. Tudi glared at her. " Fine." He huffed. " But we leave as soon as we can, Okay?" He asked.

" Sure thing!" Witness responded. " But where are we going to stop at?" Tudi asked her. " What about that cave?" Tisa asked, pointing at a pretty dark and damp cave with a paw.

" It'll do. I just hope it keeps us hidden from the rest of the outside world. I really don't want to be arrested in my sleep again." Tudi said, arms folded. " Don't worry, we'll be fine. If anything bad will happen it will be to the squad when we destroy it." Tisa growled as she walked in the cave.

Her two companions followed her and they settled in to go to sleep. " Night!" Witness commented. Neither Tisa or Tudi responded to her, but she just shuffled onto her back and fell asleep like a horrible villain would.

Tisa shrugged as she walked in circles around her spot. " Do you have to make so much noise, ugly tails?" Tudi asked in a grunt. " Do you have to complain about everything I do, claws?" She grunted back as she plopped into the spot.

" Yes. It is necessary. You are very annoying." Tudi told her. " Not as annoying as you are." She told him. He didn't respond after that. She grinned to herself as she fell asleep smirking like she won a world war or some war.

Tisa's dream

Tisa was walking along a grassy plain all alone. A blue shape walked towards her, before advancing faster than she had ever seen. " You." She growled with hatred.

The Piplup's smile made her sick. She wanted to tear this Pokémon's limbs. Betrayer. She thought, a snarl in her throat. The Piplup only laughed at her. " Outlaw? How stupid are you, huh? You're nothing but a spoiled brat! Brat! Brat! Brat brat brat brat! Brat!!!" Harley yelled in her ears.

" Beat it, ugly! Before I rip you to pieces!" She barked, suddenly leaping at her former best friend and tore her body apart, blood went everywhere. " So much for you and your pathetic starter squad! I can be stronger than you, Magikarp breath! Any day!" She growled, pouncing around on the bits and pieces of the ugly thing.

A laugh filled the air. " You really want to show her in real life, huh?" A smooth voice asked her. Her head whipped around. This is a dream? She asked herself as a black rag doll looking creature with evil eyes formed in front of her, from below the ground.

He laughed at her surprised face. " What? Never seen a Pokémon go through the floor before? No?" He asked, then laughed some more.

Tisa looked at this Pokémon confused. What is he? He looks...almost like a Banette, but black. And he looks way more cruel and evil. I like it. She thought.

" Why thank you." The Pokemon responded, making her jump in the air in surprise. " What? Huh? How?" She asked him. He just smoothly chuckled. " My dear, outlaw, you and me have so much to talk about." The black doll told her.

" Like What?" She asked. " Oh that will come a little later in this chat. First, you might be wondering what kind of Pokémon I am and what my name is. I'll grant you the privilege to know." He said. She tipped her head. He was so polite, yet he had an evil eye. Yep. She was sure there was another, but she couldn't see where it was.

It was like it was covered up on purpose to symbolize how evil he was. He seemed to brush it off that she was staring at him. " Who are you exactly?" She asked when she finally came out of her spell.

" Me? Man, do they not tell my story anymore because it might bring kids nightmares? Sheesh. Get a grip, Pokemon world." The Pokemon joked as it seemed that a Lemonade popped out of nowhere.

" My name is Sklirós. And I am the mythical Pokémon darkrai." The Pokemon introduced itself. " A mythical Pokémon? You're kidding!" Tisa growled.

The Darkrai chuckled. " Trust me," He began. " No one has seen me ever except quite a few Pokémon. Usually Pokémon I give nightmares to. Like that idiot, Paarthurnax. He has no idea that I'm giving him those dumb nightmares because I keep it a secret. Btw you will have to keep that a secret my dear Tisa." Sklirós told her, taking a deep drink from the beverage.

" Why are you visiting me in my dreams?" She asked. " Don't you mean nightmares?" Sklirós joked, moving his hand in a circle, the contents of the Lemonade making a swirling sound. He then winked at her.

She just stared at him. " Okay. Okay. Get a laughing gland or whatever it's called." Sklirós told her. She growled at him. " Why am I here? It's to say hi. You know the normal evil guy routine." Sklirós told her in a joking manner before becoming serious.

" Naw! It's because I came here to find villains such as myself, Tisa. You are one of them." Sklirós told her, downing the rest of the contents in his lemonade.

She tipped her head. " Look, I need desperate alliances with villains. With good villains. That Witness is not a good bad guy. No offense." Sklirós commented, putting out his hands(?) to calm her down. " None taken." She responded.

He chuckled. " Now let me tell you more. I need other villains to help me because I want to take over the world. You know, normal outlaw stuff." He commented. She nodded a little bit in a sort of understanding. " What exactly are you trying to do to take it over?" She asked him.

" Kill Arceus." He stared, laughing evilly. " And how do expect to kill a god?" She asked. " I'm going to stop you right there. Arceus isn't a god. He's an alpha. He makes us do his bidding. He needs to be eliminated." Sklirós told her.

She nodded, a grin reaching her face. " And I cant do that unless I have others to help me take him out. You and Tudi can get the Starter squad and whoever that bra penguin was. Together, we can get rid of rules forever!" Sklirós told her.

She nodded again. " But...there will always be someone to try to stop me." He told her. " I would like it if you and the best could destroy my mortal enemy." The Darkrai told her.

" Who?" She questioned. " Cresselia." He growled with such hatred. " That lunar moon creature?" She asked. " Oh and that Pokémon you know? Forget about poor Darkrai! He needs to be forgotten! Fuck!" Sklirós exaggerates.

" Well, anyways. Thanks for your time. Pretty lady needs to help me. Think about helping me, Okay? Bye!" Sklirós exclaims as he disappears. Tisa grins. " I just got a part in doing something destructive. I like it." She said, as her fox like appearance disappeared from the dream like the rag doll did.

Witness as she shook her coat. She felt much better after that Sklirós fellow visited her. It's nice to think that a Pokémon wants me to destroy someone important. She thought as she stretched her limbs. She took a look at the spots where her allianced Pokémon were.

" How stupid. He even looks gay in his sleep." She laughed to herself. She looked from the beast of a Sandslash to the green Witness.

She seemed to be mumbling something in her sleep. " He can deal life without me. I'm with family now." She seemed to be saying. It was hard to tell because the Togetic was mumbling it really lowly.

Good grief. Do I have to wake them both up myself? She asked herself. " Lazy simpleton." She growled to herself. " How hard can waking up two lazy tails out of bed be?" She asked herself as she sarcastically forced a smile.

" Hey! Jerk face! Wake up! Before I decide that you are the worst ever! Oh wait! You are!!!" She howled in Tudi's ears and dashed the heck out of there, ready to go. Ready to fulfill Sklirós' dream/nightmare.

Authors note: Sklirós is Greek for cruel according to google translate. Maybe that's true. Maybe that isn't. Oh well.

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