Chapter one

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Tisa mumbles in her sleep. She rolls over and her body falls off the bed. The Vulpix let out a sound when she hit the ground. She blinked, wide awake now.

Her ears pricked. Was that Libby's parents arguing in the next room? She asked herself. She shook her luscious fur a bit. She then yawned.

She took a hazy step forward. What were they doing up at 2 in the morning? She asked herself as she not-so-stealthily made her way to listen. " She has to go! There's something mentally wrong with that Vulpix!" The father exclaimed.

Wh-what? Tisa asked herself. " Bur if we get rid of her our daughter will be upset!" The mother argued. Tisa's mouth curled into a frown. They hate me. I'll make them like me. She thought.

" It's either we get rid of her, or we get killed in one of the fucked up temper tantrums of the blasted creature." The father argued. The mother sighed. " Look, we cant just get rid of the Pokémon just because it has problems." She told him.

That's all I need to hear. They both want me gone. She thought in despair, her paws stomping the ground harshly, fire coming out in plumes after each step, sizzling as she raced back to Libby's room and put her paws over her head.

A small smirk made its way to her face. Maybe I just should kill them. If they don't know how great I am, then they shouldn't be able to live at all! I'll show Libby how horrible her parents truly are! By burning them to death.

Now how to do it? She asked herself. She rubbed her paws together as she laid out a small plan. It wasn't even a good plan, but it was a plan. And she would kill them. It's their own fault for turning out to be her parents, wanting her gone because of her temper. She will show them.

She will most definitely show them when they go to sleep. But for now, she will listen. And then she will destroy them. Or at least the father. He apparently hates her.

She listened some more. " That Vulpix needs to die." The father told the mother. " It has issues. It should be put down. That settles that. We're going to put down Tisa and not tell Libby. That's final." The father said. " Now?" The mother asked. " No. Not now! It's two thirty in the morning! We should wait until tomorrow when Libby is asleep."

" But I thought we loved Tisa." The mother said. " Tisa is a monster of a Pokémon. No one will love her." The father told her. " But-" the mother began. " Listen, do you want your daughter dead because of some fire beast who can't control herself whenever she's insulted?" The father asked.

The mother shook her head. " I guess this is for the best." She said. " It totally is." The father said. Tisa lashed her tail. " Bitches!" She howls as she runs out to meet them, barking ferociously. Surprised, both fall down.

Who cares about later. " N-now. Tisa. Calm down." The father said, a newspaper in his hand. He whacked her up on the head. She bit at him. He screamed in pain. The mother tried to break it up, but Tisa kicked her in the shin.

" What kind of idiots are you?!" She howls as she fiercely scratches his face. " Stop!" The mother cried out. " You will not be getting rid of me!" She howls. " I will be getting rid of you." She stated darkly, feeling a Flameflower coming up from the back of her throat.

She let it rip. At that point, Libby ran out of her room to see what the ruckus was. " No! Tisa! Bad girl!" She yelled. Tisa turns around and glared. " I'm not a bad girl! I'm getting revenge!" She barks as she used Flameflower, blinding the father. Unfortunately that's not the worst thing that happened.

At that point, the mother called Poke patrol. Unfortunately, she got bitten in the leg several times. Tisa didn't care about them anymore. If they were going to get rid of her, she'll kill them. She'll kill them all so that she wouldn't get killed her self. Selfish, but a Pokémon's gotta do what it can to survive and that is exactly what Tisa was trying to do.

The girl started shouting at her. " Tisa! Please! Stop! This isn't like-" she began, before Tisa set the house on fire and bit the teenager in the throat, blood coming out. " I will not let you stop me from killing these worthless and weak people!" She growled.

Libby grabbed a Poké ball. It opened up and a Piplup came out. " Harley, stop her!" Libby told her. Harley began to use Bubble Beam, but Tisa just managed to burn it all.

The Piplup cried out in pain. All three started coughing. " What did you do, you monster?!" Harley asked her. " I'm getting revenge for the parents wanting to throw me out." She growled. The Piplup gasped. " They want to get rid of you?" She asked.

" Yes. And so now all you must die!" She howls as she used Flameflower once more. The house continued to burn. Tisa took a step backwards and her foot hit something hard and sharp. She yelped. It was a fire stone. Suddenly, her shape began to change. She became taller and more vixen like.

She grinned. " Even better." She said as she used Flameflower once more. Right now, all three were begging her for mercy. No mercy. Not after what you've done to me. Even Libby looks like she hates me. You all should burn to the ground and die! She thought as the house started to collapse.

The only one besides Tisa who was able to make it out was Harley. " Look what you've done! You've killed them! I'm going to report you!" Harley exclaimed. Harley has always been this annoying.

" Report me?! Excuse me, they were going to kill me if I didn't do that." She growled. " Do I have to get rid of you too?" She asked as she readies an attack. Harley breaths in deeply as her mouth fills with bubbles. " We can do this all night, sister!" She told her.

Tisa laughed. " You might be my weakness, but you're a horrible battler. You can't even defeat me once. Save your breath, Harley." Tisa told her. She kicked the Piplup and walked away. " You don't know What you just gotten into!" Harley calls after her. " Something beautiful I bet." She chuckled as she grinned while leaving. That felt great. She thought.

She didn't regret killing them. She didn't regret kicking that pathetic Piplup. She didn't regret anything. Well, now they are put down themselves. What should I do? I have no family or anything. She thought.

I guess I could run away from the law when they realize I practically murdered my adopted family. But what else can I do? She asked herself. But it was so obvious. Find someone else who doesn't care about your issues. But where can I find someone like that? She asked herself.

A grin found its way to her face. That's it! I know where I can find someone like that! The grin intensified. " He knows." She told herself. " No. They know. I'll find them both. And then I'll force them to take me in." She told herself. Who was she talking about?

It was none other than Pulse and his partner or apprentice, Tudi. She heard of all the horribly evil things that they have done over the years. She grinned.

She couldn't wait to bring destruction to the Piplup. Honestly that just came out of nowhere right now. She hated that fucked up water type. Though she hated water types in general. She also hated ground types. But she had to ask one so she could get revenge on the Pokémon world after they probably will send some dumb Starter squad members after her.

She saw them when they worked, it was stupid. One just kept on looking at a tree. A tree. And then hugged it. Tree hugger. She thought as she ran through a forest. She sniffs the air. How will I ever find them? The scent of blood made her halt.

Her senses went wild. One part of her wanted to throw up. Another wanted her to eat whoever was bleeding. She found a dead Mudkip on the ground. She sniffs it. It smelled of Sandslash. Am I on the right trail? She thought.

She nosed the Mudkip. It looked disgusting. She liked it. She put a paw on the Mudkip and dig into his body. She was suddenly hungry. She gobbled up the disgusting Mudkip.

And then, she was tired. " Maybe I should sleep." She decided as she laid down underneath a tree. She then realized that she could get caught. So she hid herself under the ground, trying to make herself not noticeable. Then she slept.
Authors note: Well, that was surely a disturbing first chapter especially with that Mudkip part. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed. This is just one of the chapters I'm going to write this week. I have a whole lot. Or a few planned to write. Not really.

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