Chapter twenty-nine

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A claw poked her rear. Tisa let out a low growl, paw curling over softness. She blearily lifted her head.

The angry Sandslash was staring down at her. " Tisa! It's time to go!" Tudi seemed awfully more pissed than usual.

She blinked as she stretched her body. " What's got your claws in a twist?" She asked him. She tried not to be concerned, but it was hard with him in front of her.

Tudi growled as he slashed at a nearby cactus. If that is a Cacturne or Cacnea we are in so much trouble.

The cactus split down in the middle a bit unevenly.

Prickles dug their way into Tudi, but he didn't seem to notice. He turned back to her, his eyes blood red.

" What's made me mad?! It's remembering the tragedy that is Witness betraying us, and fleeing like a coward. Plus, I ran into Bucky. He's such an ugly metal bitch!" Tudi fumed as he kicked the sand.

" Aah!" Tisa cried out in pain. She rubbed her eyes. The sand had got in them. " Watch where you kick that sand!" She hissed sharply as she adjusted to get her eyesight back.

" Ugh! It's not my fault he's an annoying rival! Coming out of nowhere claiming he's better than I am! Ugh! Now even ghosts are being bad guys, claiming they're worse than I am, but I've killed starters way more than anyone else! I even killed a stupid Clefable; she was trying to kill my father, but's hard being me." Tudi growled like an emo teen.

Which was funny to think about according to Tisa, because he probably is one.

" It's hard being me too! I have to keep 'proving myself' to you. It's especially hard when the Squad seems to be one step ahead of me. I can't do anything right." She growled back at him, moving the sand with her paws.

" It's not your fault!" Tudi growled, surprising Tisa with his words. Her ears pricked at that.

" It's the dumb Starter Squad and everyone else who gets in our way! If Witness hadn't fled we would have been able to escape the Police with ease!" With that, Tudi started his defending.

One minute he's mad at Bucky, and the next he's defending me? I can't seem to figure this guy out.

Tisa's cheeks began to burn. " There have been so many loose Pokémon getting in our way, that it's not your fault. In fact, Skliros is the one getting in our way!"

" You're starting to confuse me." She whined as she looked down, hoping the shrew wouldn't notice the blush in her cheeks.

Tudi chuckled as he wrapped his paw around her, pulling her into an embrace. Was something off with him?

" Are you...okay? You're being weirder and stranger than normal." She barked at him.

He shook his head. " Nothing's wrong." He growled with a twitch of his head. It would seem he was moving oddly, like he was being controlled by something that couldn't be seen.

Tisa backed up. Now she realized it. He's definitely either being controlled, or Bucky did something strange to him. I've got to calm him down, and turn him back to normal before we get back. He's evil, but he's odd. Like all sense of anything is gone. Like he was poisoned, but something else. Tisa thought deeply.

" You're starting to weird me out, Tudi. Are you sure there's nothing controlling you?" She wondered as she pressed her paw against him. He didn't react.

Yep there was definitely something wrong with this shrew, but the real question is what was wrong with him.

Tudi seemed to twitch. Was he just more evil than yesterday?

Tudi bared his fangs and growled like a beast. " Nothing is wrong, Rat." He suddenly insulted. Tisa backed up even more.

Fire red eyes. Tudi doesn't have red eyes. Then I am right. He is not Tudi. did that happen? Is there someone else controlling him? How?! There's no one else here!

Tisa lifted her nose. Who would do such a thing to Tudi? Whoever did it...was what Tudi told her meaningless when she brought him out of the spell?

Tisa shook her head. That's not important! What's important is that i needs to knock him out of his dangerous spell he's trapped in!

Lifting a paw she swiped underneath his feet; the Pokémon with long claws collapsed.

" What the distortion world?! What gives?!" Tudi roared as Tisa stepped on him, keeping him from escaping.

Tudi wiggles underneath her with a growl. " You're not acting normally! Snap out of it!" She growled as she spat fire in his face.

Sorry, Tudi, but I have to snap you out of the spell.

A chuckle rang around her. A Pokémon's footsteps could be heard.

" You know, I always thought that you two were strong, but seeing you being that dumb made me realize that you are the one who's dumb." The pokemon snorted as it revealed themselves.

The dark shadow around the Pokémon became a clear silhouette of a species of a Pokémon.

It was a Poliwrath. " Who are you? When did you get here?" Tisa asked with confusion on her face.

The Poliwrath laughed with evil venom in his voice. " Me? I'm a villain just like you guys, but more evil. I was kicked out of Poketown when I murdered a whole family of Starters plus my detective younger brother. He always got everyone's attention because he was a dumb shiny. Not anymore! He's dead!" Laughed the Poliwrath as he punched the ground, causing a huge dent in it.

He looked closer to the Ninetales. " It looks like you two are in deeper waters than you thought. Prepare to-" the Poliwrath began before being smacked in the face by Tisa's paw.

It left a mark. The Poliwrath grabbed his face before turning to her. " You shouldn't have done that, sweet tails. I'll make you regret ever touching my sexy face ever again!" He snarled.

With a snap at Tudi, he smirked and walked back.

What? Is he letting Tudi do all his dirty work? I must save Tudi from this spell, but how can I if I have type disadvantages to both of them?

Tisa gritted her teeth as she gracefully sprang away from the first Slash that Tudi tried to unleash on her.

Sadness filled her gaze. Was it really that easy for him to be controlled like this? Shaking her head to remove her thoughts from racing, Tisa managed to land a Dark Pulse on Tudi, regretting every time she hurt him while this idiot was still in control of him.

The Poliwrath seemed surprised. " Hmm, so I guess you have more than fire types moves on you." He commented with a paw on his chin.

He's right! I think I can beat that slime ball of a frog with my very special super effective move! It would be even cooler if I was one of those apparently special Alolan forms. They're very rare it's almost like they're shinies themselves.

" Of course! I'll beat Tudi and you! I'll prove myself more than worthy of being a powerful villain!" She growled as she landed on the ground.

The Poliwrath chuckled. " You?" He questioned with disbelief. " You couldn't beat me even if I didn't use water type moves!" He insulted.

" You wanna bet?!" Tisa snarled with malice. Whoever this showstopper was, he wasn't anyone she would know right away.

She wasn't even sure they've ever met in their life.

The Poliwrath chuckled darkly. " Oh, I will. How about we battle? If you win I will leave your boyfriend alone."

Tisa growled when he said that.

" What about if you win, slick?" She snarled as she bared her fangs at her apparent new enemy.

Poliwrath smirk was plastered all over his face. " If I win I will kill Tudi, and you will join me by my side, my pretty." He offered.

Ugh. It feels like most males at this point that I meet are either jerks or thirsty weirdos.

Tisa shrugged. But I guess agreeing to that horrible deal is the only way I can set him free from this spell.

" So what do you say, sweetheart? Do you agree, or are you a Torchic? Bok bok!" Poliwrath mocked as he laughed sadistically.

Tisa nodded. " Of course I'm going to battle you, but I will be the victor!" She snarled as fire accidentally shot out of her mouth.

Poliwrath chuckled. " I'm afraid you have more confidence in yourself than you should."

Poliwrath snapped his fingers.

Tudi was really close to Tisa with a Metal Claw that time.

She hadn't noticed him. He must have noticed she was distracted. Too distracted to defend herself.

Tudi paused, glancing at Tisa before backing off. His eyes were still swirled red.

I assume that the Poliwrath had used Hypnosis. No Pokémon is that good at manipulating someone. Except maybe the Starter Squad.

" So? Shall we get this over with, dear? The sooner we get this over with the sooner you shall join." Poliwrath questions. " In your dreams!" Tisa snarled as more fire came out of her mouth.

Authors note: at first this wasn't going to be like this, but oh well. I'll go with. I hope you at least can tolerate this chapter. And I hope you will continue reading till the end. Thank you if you are this far. It means so much to me. Till next time-thefiveanimals

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