Chapter twenty-three

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Tisa's paws skittered against the ground as the three raced away from the house of the dumb shiny and his family. Tisa still couldn't believe she got close enough to kill the kid, and yet she wasn't able to.

The scratches on her face were nothing compared to the shame she felt for letting down her hero. I wonder if he's okay. He seems more ticked off than normal.

It would make sense. She did in fact have the brat on the tip of her claws. If only she would have grabbed him when she had the chance and ripped him piece to piece.

She sighed as she set her gaze to the cold, brown ground. Tudi wouldn't meet her gaze. Neither would Witness, but Tisa thought it was something else other than her failure that made her look elsewhere.

Tudi seemed to freeze. He put out his paw to stop the two other villains from taking another step. " What?" Witness wondered. Tisa's scent glands caught the scent of something. somebody.

Even that was wrong. It wasn't just one. It was a ton. " Hello there," a Pokemon seemed to purr. " What are you doing out here all alone?" Another one wondered.

" Show yourselves!" Tudi yelled, clenching his claws as close to his skin as he could do. A chuckle could be heard. " Why should I reveal myself? You're weaker than me." The pokemon seemed to growl.

Tudi seemed to snarl viciously after that statement. " Weak? You must be joking. Do you know who I am?" Tudi snarled, attempting to find the hidden Pokémon.

The hidden Pokémon was no where, but Tisa got a whiff of a scent that was metallic: It's blood. She continued to sniff the air. A musk scent was in the air. It smelled disgusting. Tisa's nose wrinkled from the scent.

Tisa's gaze turned to the ground as her ears twitched. I hear something, but I don't know what it is or where it's coming from. Her ears twitched like crazy as multiple sounds could be heard.

Her nose got a scent: rank Ursaring. There were other scents, but that was the one scent that stood out from the other scents. Tisa bared her fangs in a snarl. She didn't like the smell of this new Pokémon.

He smelled...weird. Like he wasn't supposed to be here, but yet here he was. The bushes rustled. " Do I know who you are?" The pokemon asked in a chuckle. The Pokémon pulled themselves out of the bushes.

In front of her was a super tall Ursaring. His coat was a strange tint of black. Ursaring were usually brown, but this one was black. Not even the shiny was black. That's when Tisa knew this Ursaring was something else.

Tisa's ears bent back. " Who are you supposed to be?" Tudi growled at him. " Questions, questions, questions. You ask too many questions at the same time, rat." The bear roared at them.

" But my name is Xenon, you idiot, and I am the world's most powerful Pokémon! I can do things you losers can't. It's such a shame that the Starter Squad has trouble with you. I'm sure I can twist you like a twig. Something those whiny Pokémon can't do." Xenon chuckled as he introduced himself.

" You think you can twist us like a twig? How dare you!" Tudi snarled as he jumped at the big bear. Xenon seemed to only yawn as he slammed a forepaw down on the villain.

It almost seemed like he broke his neck, but the sharp clawed villain was only stunned. Xenon chuckled with deep belly laugh. His claws were on his stomach.

" Ha ha ha! That was entertaining. Is that the best you've got you simple minded creatures?" He snorted. Tisa swiveled her ears, trying to find the source of the sounds. There's at least one more Pokémon here, but who could it be? A new villain? Or the squad in secret?

Tisa looked around wearily. As much as she wanted to fight this blood smelling bear she didn't want more fighting. She was already hurt enough for today from both Tudi and the fire tailed lizard. She gritted her teeth in the tension.

" Now, let's take this slowly. I have just escaped from the prison of the weaklings called ' Starter Squad.' You can either help me or I will kill all three of you without a second thought!" The dark bear snarled as froth came out of his mouth.

Tudi seemed to lean away from the bad smelling bear. " You can always try hot shot, but I am pretty sure I am stronger than you." Tudi commented as he rudely waved his paw in front of his nose.

Xenon showed his teeth. They were red with blood. Tisa gulped. That bear surely seemed stronger than any of them. She was sure that Tudi was just being an idiot. How could any of them beat this guy in a battle? It sounded impossible!

A growl ripples through the bushes. A Pokémon leaped out of them, snarling at them. " I wouldn't underestimate Xenon if I were you, punk." Growled a vicious Beartic with blood all over his face. A scar marked where his eye used to be.

Now that Tisa mentioned it, Xenon seemed to be missing his left eye. The fur around it was missing as well. The only difference was that this Beartic was missing his right eye, not his left one.

" What are you looking at, ugly?!" The Beartic roared, his attention at her. " You!" She growled, standing her ground. The Beartic roared, making Witness hide behind her in fright.

Tisa's ears clung to her neck so she wouldn't hear the loud roar. " Is it because I'm blind?! Why would you look at me because I'm blind?! I'm no different than you, foxy!" He roared. So he's emotional? Got it. Perhaps too emotional.

" Oh yeah. This beast is my partner in crime, Polaire." Xenon introduces. " What makes you think you can just roll with us?" Tudi growled threateningly.

Xenon snorted. " We aren't rolling with you. You are going to hide the two of us, or else I will pulverize you and serve you as a sandwich!" Xenon threatened. " Are you hungry, or..." Witness began before being smacked on by Polaire.

" Just do as he says you imbeciles! I don't want to go back to the slammer!" He whimpered. Tudi rolled his eyes. " He sounds more like a whiner than a criminal." Tudi remarked.

Xenon seemed to face palm. " So are you going to help us or do I have to eat you?" He questioned. Tudi sighed. Well we sure are in such a predicament. What will he say? Tisa wondered in curiosity.

" Why the heck do you want help from us, you monsters?" Tudi wondered. Xenon didn't seem insulted by the remark. He only chuckled. " Because I like to make my mark. It's fun to pull at other Pokémon. I'm honestly disappointed that I was captured.
And I was contained for years! Ugh. It's stupid. But now you will help me, right?" He questions with sickening grin.

" Yes, but only because I get you. It's stupid. They're trying to contain us, but they're the ones making stupid rules. I mean who wants to pay 100 poke for some seed when you can find it no problem." Tudi growled.

" You don't get me at all. I will take over this world. And once I've done it I will destroy all those who get in my way!" Xenon snarled.

" Honestly that's still close to what we want to do, but we will help. We will find a hiding spot. Are you being followed?" Tudi wondered looking around the place. Xenon snorted, " Are we being followed? Of course we are! We have powers not ever imaginable in the eyes of the Pokémon world, and they want us to not use them!"

" But we will use our powers, even if they don't want us to use them." Polaire snarled. " So come on, now. Whatever you're doing can wait. Hide us, and we won't kill you. Now where can we hide?" Xenon wondered.

" Behind that rock?" Witness wondered as Tudi face palmed. He shook his head. " Behind that other rock?" Witness questioned. " No! Somewhere not obvious." Xenon groaned.

" In my belly button?" Witness wondered before giggling. " Wait a minute. I don't have a belly button." " What an embarrassment." Tudi groaned.

Tisa began to sniff the air. Maybe she could find something that no one else was. " Have you tried underground?" Tudi wondered. " We're not moles! We're bears!" Xenon roared.

" What about a place that's obvious, but they won't check it because it's too obvious that they wouldn't ever think to look there?" Tisa wondered as she smelled the dampness of a cave.

She scented water as well. " There's plenty of water there, so it's habitable." The two bears enhanced glances. " I suppose so." Polaire commented. " Sounds Okay." Xenon grumbled. Then the bad guys all followed Tisa as she followed her nose. Little did Tisa know of the trouble she would bring them.

Authors note: what kind of trouble do you think Tisa ended up getting them in? What sort of weird powers do you think Polaire has? How did Xenon escape? Read more to find out. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come!

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