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It was morning. Cass hadn't slept really well but it didn't bothered her. She was right now standing in front of Rapunzel's door.
Eugene was downstairs, and Varian was probably in his lab. Cass sighed.
There was so much she needed to talk to Rapunzel. She knocked at her door. There was a cheery "Come in!".
She went in.

"Hi Cass!", Rapunzel smiled,.

"Hey Raps. I - I wanted to talk to you about something. " She said to her as she sat on the the edge of bed and Rapunzel sat beside her.

"What is it, Cass?"

"It's - It's about Mother."

"Mother?", Rapunzel's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes. You know, I never really did apologise for my behaviour. You - You saved me, from being locked up forever with her, working for her. And instead of being grateful to you, all I did was to hurt you, and the people who you loved. I destroyed Corona and - and betrayed you and your trust.  I am really sorry, for what I did, and thank you, for what you did, and never giving up on me."

Rapunzel stared at for a moment, speechless. She then tightly hugged her and started crying.

"I am sorry Raps, " Cass put her arms around Rapunzel. She sounded frightened. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"Oh Cass," Rapunzel said, between her sobs, "You are the best and the most faithful friend I can ever have. I love you."

"Love you too Raps." Cass said, smiling.

"So what did I miss?" They saw a smiling Eugene leaning at the door frame.

"Oh Eugene, Cass was just apologising for all that she had done to me in the past."

"Then I guess she owes me an apology too." He mischievously smiled.

"Eugene!" Rapunzel growled.

"No no, he is right." Cass chided in. She then looked at Eugene and said, "I am sorry Eugene, for hurting you,  and nearly trying to kill you."

Eugene smiled, genuinely. "Cass, you are like a sister to me. And though I liked to see you apologise to me," he put his hand on her shoulder, "I love you, as much as a brother loves his sister."

Cass smiled.

One person left. Why was it so hard to see him again, and ask for his forgiveness? She felt it was weird, but she had to apologise to him.
She had looked around the Castle, but couldn't find him. Maybe he was in Old Corona. She hopped on to Fidella and went into the woods. 
Later, she assured her herself, while taking a stroll around. She will apologise to him later.

Quietly, she sat under a tree and sighed.

"Hey Cassie!" She heard the familiar voice and looked behind to see Varian smiling at her. He came nearer and sat beside her.

"Hi Varian." She smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I - I was looking for you."

"Looking for me?" He asked, surprised.

"Varian, I have done worst things in the past, to Rapunzel, to Eugene, to Corona," then, looking intensely into the surprised blue eyes, she continued,"to you. I kidnapped you, tried to hurt you, letting you fall which could have almost killed you if Lance--"

"Shhh..." he put his fingers on her lips, stopping her from speaking in the midway. He came closer to her,"Don't speak a word more." He looked at her, into her green eyes. "That's all in the past, Cassie, focus on the present. That's what I do. I too have hurt my near and dear ones. Remember? I almost crushed you with my automaton. Past is something one cannot change, but the present, it's in our hands. We can use it to change the future. " he then smiled.

Cass stared at him. 'When did he grow up so soon?' She thought. She returned him the smile. "Thank you, Varian, for having faith in me, and for such a wonderful advice."

"You are welcome, Milady." He bowed, jokingly.

Cass looked at him, and smiled.

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