Chapter 7

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Valt's P.O.V.
Remember that new girl, Ella? She keeps hanging around me. It's super annoying. I keep telling her get lost.
"But I want to be your friend," she keeps saying.
I'm not stupid. I know she likes me. She wants to be more than just a 'friend'.
Shu's been avoiding me ever since the day in the forest. I hope it's not my fault.
I still haven't told him that I'm a bird demon. I don't know how to tell him. I want to wait until the right time.
One day, I was training the tbe beypark. Ella was battling me. I didn't want to battle her, I wanted to battle Shu, but he was still avoiding me.
Ella's bey flew out of the stadium and landed on the hard ground. She picked it up and looked at me.
"Your strong," she said, "I can see why Shu likes you so much."
I blushed. How did she know that Shu liked me?
I nodded and quickly ran off, clutching Valtreyak. I could hear footsteps behind me, and Ella calling my name. I looked back and saw her racing towards me.
I had no choice. I had to fly.
I unfurled my wings and began to flap tbem. I felt myself being lifted off the ground. Ella called after me but I was far away from her now.
I flew deeper into the park, where the trees were more dense. No one could find me here.
I carefully landed on a pile of leaves, and looked around. Nobody was here. I breathed I sign of relief.
I had no clue what to do now. When Ella mentioned Shu, it was like a stab in my heart. I felt weird, like I was floating.
Was this what love felt like?

Sorry it's so short but I had to write something. It's really warm in my room right now and I can't really think of anything else to write lol.

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