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It had been a few days when there was a battle at the Sunningrocks with Riverclan.
Bluestar : I will send a patrol there to settle things out .... Redtail , Tigerclaw , Runningwind, Blazingpaw , and Ravenpaw will go to settle things out and I know Blazingpaw and Ravenpaw and just made apprentices but I think they can handle this.
Longtail : Blazingpaw .......
He walks over to me as I'm just staring at Bluestar.
Blazingpaw : my first battle .......
Longtail : sis please be careful I don't know what I would do if I lost you.
Blazingpaw : I will be I have Runningwind , Redtail , Tigerclaw , and Ravenpaw with me.
Longtail : Ravenpaw is just an apprentice but Tigerclaw is a good warrior so it helps me a little.
Ravenpaw : come on Blaze ! Let's go!!
Blazingpaw : I'm coming Raven !!!
I lick Longtails cheek and run off.
We run into the forest near Sunningrocks.
Blazingpaw thinking : You better watch Riverclaners !! I'm coming for you !
After the battle
I was swatting at a dark grey Tom scratching his ears harshly until .
Redtail : Thunderclan retreat!!!!!
I stop swatting at the Tom and start running and the Tom strikes my back leg making me yowl in pain as I keep running faster and faster until I notice Ravenpaw is not with us and neither is Tigerclaw.
I run backwards despite my wounds hurting after looking for a few minutes then I see Ravenpaw running towards me I was about to say something when he grabbed the back of my scruff and ran towards Thunderclan camp and we burst threw the bramble tunnel and spottedleaf gets me and Ravenpaw and takes us to her den.
Blazingpaw : Spottedleaf I'm fine treat the others ...
Spottedleaf : your wounded so I will help you the others are here and I will help them with there wounds to !
I stop struggling and let her put herbs on me and Ravenpaw when I see my brother curled up in the nest at the back of the den.
Blazingpaw : Longtail ?!
I get up despite the annoyed spottedleaf and go over to Longtail nudging him until he sees me and I see his ripped ear.
Blazingpaw: what happened !?
Longtail: just some k-
Spottedleaf: he was being arrogant to a kitty pet and got his ear shredded.
Blazingpaw : sigh oh Longtail ....
Then Tigerclaw comes in and pushes Ravenpaw around and talks to Spottedleaf but I don't listen then Greypaw and some other ginger Tom come in and talk to Ravenpaw.
Graypaw : Tigerclaw ? Yep he's gone !!
I lock eyes with the ginger Tom and I'm about to walk forward when Longtail wraps his very long tail around me and pulls me close .
Longtail : stay here and rest and no buts and or or's.
I sigh and lay down next to him letting my wounds heal.
Later that night
I get out of Spottedleaf's den and go back to the apprentices den while my brother is sleeping.
Firepaw : so yeah I just ripped his ear off ! ... Oh hi your Blazingpaw right ?
Blazingpaw : yes and I'm going to guess your the Tom who ripped my brother's ear off am I correct ?
Firepaw : Longtail is your brother ?!?!?
Greypaw : oh yeah I forgot to mention that ....
Firepaw: listen please don't be angry I'm really sorry !!! But he was -
Blazingpaw: it's fine Newbie so what's your name ?
Firepaw : Firepaw ...... How are you not mad I ripped your brothers ear off?
Blazingpaw: oh I know he's arrogant sometimes I want to rip his ears off myself.
Greypaw : so Firepaw, Blazingpaw is my half sister my mother is her foster mother since hers couldn't feed her.
I look warmly at Greypaw knowing fully well that he knows what happened but he won't tell.
Blazingpaw : well let's go to sleep.
I curl up in my nest and the others curl up in there's and we drift off to sleep.
In the morning
Runningwind : Blazingpaw !! Battle training time are your wounds better or do you need more time to heal?
Blazingpaw : umm .....
I look at my back leg which there's a scar forming on my hip near my tail.
Blazingpaw : I think I need a day to heal my back leg still hurts but tomorrow I can .
Runningwind : alright you just rest in Spottedleaf's den.
Blazingpaw: shouldn't you be resting to ?
He looks over playfully at me.
Runningwind: I am a warrior of Thunderclan I'm fine !
Blazingpaw : alright you open you wound back up Spottedleaf's gonna make you into crowfood !
I walk over to Spottedleaf's den and sit down in the nest I was in yesterday and she comes over and puts some more cobwebs on my wound.
Spottedleaf : so you slept in the apprentices den last night.
Blazingpaw : yeah I though my leg was better but it's still sore.
Spottedleaf: alright just stay here today and I'll take care of you .
Blazingpaw : alright.
I lay down and watch Longtail come into the den.
Blazingpaw: is your ear better ?
He smiles at me then comes and sits in front of me.
Longtail : yeah it is but there's something I need to talk to you about.....
Blazingpaw: alright talk away I'm listening.
Longtail makes sure Spottedleaf isn't listening and crouches down to my level.
Longtail: I don't want you anywhere near that kittypet do you understand ?
Blazingpaw : what you can't do that !
I hush my voice so Spottedleaf doesn't hear me.
Longtail : well you gonna have to I don't trust him and I don't want you any where near him alright ?
Blazingpaw :  you just don't like him cause he's a kittypet !
I keep being hush so Spottedleaf doesn't hear me.
Longtail : Blazingpaw this is not a request it's an order your not allowed any where near him and if I find out you are hanging out with him I will punish you ..... Understand ?
Blazingpaw: fine good luck with that now go to your warrior duties.
I flick my tail angrily at him and he's looks sadly at me then leaves.
Blazingpaw thinking : I know he only wants what's best for me but he's being overprotective it's not like I like Firepaw no way ! He just seems like a good friend ...... Sigh I wish I could talk to Greypaw about this but he's training ... Well I will just sleep to get my mind off it.
I lay down and get comfortable then drift off to sleep.

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