Sorrowful Goodbyes

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Frostina was in a coma,she had been in a horrific accident,and now she laid in slumber  one she may never wake up from.

"Hey there,snowflake"a hand held her's, the voice comforting and sweet.

It was Blazion,the yo Kai she loves. If only she could open her eyes to see him. She longed to meet eyes full passion and motivation,his fiery spirit,not to mention his handsome grin.

" Heh, still out cold,huh? I guess you're still resting... Venoct is mad at me because you got hurt,and honestly I don't blame him. Oh Frostina,why? Why did you save me? " the hand shook,she hear the sadness in his voice.

She wanted to talk to him,to tell him that it wasn't his fault,but she couldn't. Only listen as he continues to talk to her. If only she could speak with him.

"That blast could have killed you! Blizzaria was so upset and worried....She nearly froze herself, you know. Maybe you should talk to her about that. Frostina, I'm so sorry for this! Please! Please wake up!" He begged, clutching her hand tightly,too afraid to let go.

She had to save him,no matter what. She loves him.  Her only wish was to see him one more time.

Her last time.

"Hey a-snowflake I never thank you for saving me,did i? Some boyfriend I am....." he sighed. " Please open those eyes I love so much" he begged lightly pecking her hand

As he had wished ,she opened her eyes,smiling at him weakly.

"Hey princess!" He sadly smiled, though he was happy to see her adorable eyes again.

Frostina then slowly closed her eyes,looking so peaceful. Her last breathe was taken.

"FROSTINA!!!" Blazion roared,holding her lifeless body,tears streaming down his face.

Frostina was gone. The precious person who he loved was gone. It should have been him.

He only loved her,and now his heart is broken

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