~The sacrifice I make for You~

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"Blazey kun" Frostina spoke softer than a whisper

Blazion was enchanted by the evil sorceress Goku Blizzarria. He did her every whim. Frostina was heartbroken. Would she never again be embraced by his warm arms? Would his dull eyes never again have the passionate fire she admired so much? Or worst of all, would his smile that she loved as much as him  never be seen again? Every attempt to free him failed as  he remain at the  snow witch's side. Frostina cried as all her effort was pointless against the spell cast on her beloved Blazion.

"Blazey kun,I'm sorry I'm so weak" Frostina cried into her hands

Ever since the witch had claimed his soul with a cursed kiss, he was her butler to tend to her every desire. And worst of all, he no longer wanted to love his once beloved snowflake.

"So you want your precious Blazion back?" a voice sweet yet sinister tone that sents shivers down my spine.

I turn to see Goku Blizzaria with a cheshire grin, her gaze pierce through me like a spear. Her royal blue eyes with a flash of a taunting evil red. Her giant snowman servant hunching over her as he is ready to brawl at the mere snap of his mistress's fingers.

But my eyes were focused on my sweet Blazion. His karate outfit was replaced with a pitch black tuxedo outfit,the selves were cuffed and he wore spotless white gloves. His mane was down and brushed to the side. My eyes were locked onto his dull, once fiery red ones. The orbs that once held such fiery and boundless passion were now dull blank orbs of emotionless motivation.

"Please give him back to me" I pleaded with her, I got down on my knees, bringing my head close to the floor.

"So, what will you give to have him back?" She asked as she propped herself on her snowman shoulders.

"My soul" I told her as she smirked

"I actually want you. I will release him but on one condition. You must completely forget about him. No memories, feelings, or even thoughts about him" she commanded me

I hung my head low, my mind traced over her words. I was about to give up my own freedom to the witch of snow, but if it free my Blazey kun then I would accept the deal.

"I accept. I will do your bidding and go with you" I spoke silently, afraid that I would choke on my own words.

Goku Blizzarria looked pleased at my answer, she floated down to Blazion.

"Blazion, come here" she ordered him as if he were a dog and she was  his owner.

Blazion walk to her and bowed. "Yes mistress"

She leaned in close to his ear and whispered softly into it. As soon as she finished, Blazion eyes which were dull, were now filled with the fiery and boundless passion that I've longed to see again.

"Where am I?! Why am I in a tuxedo?! Frostina,...Why are you with "her"?!" he growled as he tried to pull me close to him, but I pulled away and walk to Goku Blizzaria's side.

Goku Blizzzaria smile she brought me close to her. "She has traded herself to rescued your sorry self"

Blazion did not believe that Frostina  would just sacrifice herself ,even  for him. "Liar! You've bewitched her, just like you did to me! Release her or I swear I'll char you into ashes"

I look up to Goku Blizzaria's eye level, her gaze met mine. Like reading my mind, she knew that I wanted to bid him farewell. She let me go and whispered in my ear. "10 minutes"

I give her a quick nod then walk to Blazion. I took his hand, his hand was so comforting and welcoming that I did not want to part with it, but I knew I had to. My soft blue eyes are reunited at last with his bright fiery ones, I was on the spot in my own perspective.  Tears blurred my vision but I prevent them from falling.

"Blazey kun, you always been there for me. Whenever it was being a shoulder for me to cry on. Helping me being less timid around others. Being the one I cherished and love more then anything. So, after everything you did for me , I'll do this for you" I spoke to him, lightly brushing away tears leaking from his eyes.

"Don't go" he muttered, pulling me close to him, embracing me into a tight hold.

I matched his gaze, my tears ready to be mini waterfalls in the next mere moments. His orbs filled with sorrow, but also held a hint of happiness for he had me in his embrace again. Though  longed for the same, I knew with Goku Blizzaria  now holding me to our agreement. There was very little I could even do.

"No. The deal has been done, my love. Please let us say our farewells, for after this we will  never meet again" I spoke in a monotone fashion.

"Frosty ...." he paused for a few moments before embracing me into another strong hug. "Wait for me, because I vow that I will save you from her"

I know you will, this is why I will sacrifice myself to save  you. For you will always save me" I smiled then without warning disappeared in a spiral of snow flurries.

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