Savage Hunger

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Requested by GabriellaBernal1

It was a dark day,Frostina had took Incourageya to his doctor appointment, so it was just Blazion and Flarelisazion alone at home. At first it seemed like a quiet day at home until the two grew hungry.

"I'm hungry,Daddy" The little lion cub whined as her stomach growled

"Then I guess it's time for lunch!" He picked up his daughter and headed towards the kitchen.

Blazion opened the fridge,only to find that it was empty.

"Oh no...I forgot that Frostina was going food shopping after Incourageya appointment..." Blazion grew hungrier as if his true instincts from his lion genetics awoken. He wanted food and he needed some fast.

Flare wanted something to have some fruit or some delicious sweets to munch on till her mother got back. Though with the fridge empty. Her stomach roar as if it had transformed into a primal animal. Her heart had the desire to roar and hunt for meat.

Two hours later,Frostina and Incourageya came back. Incourageya was eating a apple as a reward for being good on his doctor visit. Frostina had her hands full with groceries,and was expecting Blazion to help her out with them as soon as she got home.



Two mighty roars startled the two yokai. They turned to see the house a mess and the culprits were none other than Flare and Blazion.

Frostina sighed "Why must this happen every time we leave you two alone?"

After eating a good meal the two returned to normal.

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