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And the winner is Byakuya! Yayaya!!! I guess?

How You Met

It all started off as a cool breeze morning for Byakuya. Everything quiet like the gentle tap of a leave falling down from it's tree.

Then the crash of something breaking filled the air and echoed everywhere. Byakuya stopped filling out paperwork as he got up to see where the noise had come from.

The groans of pain weren't too far away as he saw a beautiful woman on the ground rubbing her feet on the ground while a broken vase laid right next to her.

Byakuya scoffed in his mind once he saw the captain's coat around her shoulders. 'She must be the new fifth division's captain. She must be looking for her way around here.'

Byakuya came up silence like a snake and bore his eyes down on your head. "Are you just going to sit there on the filthy ground and wait for someone to help you up."

This got your attention as you stood up and glared at the man in front of you while you ignored the pain in your toe. "How dare you! I'm (y/n) (y/l)! I'm a noble women and people like you would be punished for saying that!"

"You? A noble woman? I never heard of your last name until now."

"My family runs under the royal guard, so we try to keep it a secret. I know what you're thinking, if it was secret then why did you give it away? Because I know you're a noble man too Byakuya Kuchiki, so I know you will have to respect me because my noble clan is higher up than yours!"

Anger was raging inside him, but he didn't show it because he knew the master of playing faces. "It does not matter if your noble clan is higher up than mine. Yours's is a secret so no one will treat you like a noble around here, so I will never treat you like one. I suggest you clean up that mess before you ruin your image for the first day of the job."

And just like that, he turned around and when back into his office with his long black hair follow with him.

You growled, angry that you've ever been near that man. But sad at the same time because he was right. You joined this job to cover up your noble rank and so far it was failing miserly.

You two become friends

You were carrying a huge load of paperwork and bring it back to the office. You never knew being a captain meant this much work!

The wind started to pick up as you gasped as the papers on the top were flying away. You put down the stack and rushing to get the top papers before the others papers could get blown away. But too late and all the papers were flying in the air.

You screamed in frustration while grabbing more of the papers as much as you could in your hands, until the wind shifted and when into your direction.

All the paperwork stacked up the way they were and the wind disappeared along with the small cherry blossoms around them. You looked up to see Byakuya put away his zanpukto and walking up to you.

"This was only an apology from are last meeting. Don't get too excited about this one time."

"D-does this mean we're friends...?" You asked with hope in your eyes.

He ignored the hope completely. "I wouldn't say that."

"Please! There's not a lot of people I can trust around here and your one of them! We can be noble buddies!"

"Fine. But please, no calling us noble buddies."

"Really?! THANK YOU!"

You hugged him tightly against you while he surprisingly didn't dislike the hug, but had to show it. "Get off me."

You blushed and got off him right away while laughing nervously.

He starts developing feelings for you

In all the short five months you've been here Byakuya has strangely gotten close to you. But something was bugging him, you remind him so much of someone he loved dearly to himself. His late wife.

The smile, the eyes, the face features, and the personality. Minus the noble one when he first met you. Maybe this was a gift for him, having you come back into his life as his reincarnated late wife.

'Impossible. I love her and promised to never get married to another women again.'

"Hey Byakuya!" You flashed him a nice white teeth smile, "What are you doing?"

It wasn't until late week he let you call him by his first name. Meaning to Rukia that meant he trusted you a lot to have him called by that.

"Paperwork." He replied simply.

You pouted and sat next to him. "Come on let's go out and do something together! All this paperwork is getting bad for your health anyways."

You accidentally brushed you hand against his as he felt electricity pulse through him. This shocked him greatly, he never had a feeling this strong in a long time.

"I'll only go if you stop bugging me."

"So that means yes? Let's go!"

You grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him into town. Deep down secretly inside himself he enjoyed that day with you a lot.

He tries confessing but fails

His sister Rukia has been noticing he been spending a lot of with you and edged him on to ask you out. Byakuya said he wouldn't ruin his promise to his late wife, but Rukia told him she would have wanted him to be happy.

Besides, deep down Byakuya had a feeling fate was being nice to him and gave you to him as a reincarnation of his late wife. If so then that meant it was okay right?

He invited you over for tea at his mansion as you sat down on a cushion while the maids brought out the tea.

"(y/n) it had brought to my attention that we have been spending much time together."

"I noticed that too. But what are you getting at?"

"I'm saying on behalf of my late wife's-"

The window burst opened to Yachiru burst through and tugged on Byakuya's long hair. "You promised we would play today! Play with me!"

On the outside, calm. On the inside, pure rage towards Yachiru. "I never promised a thing."

"Yes you did!"

"Ummm... I'll be going now."

You left before Byakuya could say anything while Yachiru giggling only annoyed him more.

He confesses

You were working on paperwork until a single cherry blossom landed on the part you were going to sign before you stopped and touched it.

On it was a note in fancy writing, Byakuya's writing you could tell by the many times you've seen his penmanship.

You took if off the cherry blossom as it disappeared into pink pieces. You opened up the note to see what it said.

Dear (y/n),

In all my years have I promised myself to never marry another women because of the promise I made to my late wife. But I promised it too myself after she died. After spending a year with you, you've won my heart like no other woman has and I know my wife would want me to be happy. Say yes, turn around. If no, just stare forward.

You're heart screamed yes as you turned around and almost jumped out of your seat because he was right next to you.

"You were there the whole time?!"

"Yes, to know if you read the note. I'm just happy you... said yes." A small smile barley started to take form.

The last time he remembered smiling... was forever.

"Byakuya are you... smiling?"

"Yes I am. All because of you." He pulled you into a gently hug as you gladly took it back, happy too, but nowhere near as happy as Byakuya was inside.

First kiss

It was Byakuya's first day off in a while and decided to take you out for a walk. You told him you had the day off too (which was a lie).

His thumb caress the back of your hand as you smiled and looked up at him. "You know, for a guy who doesn't show much emotions he is a really sweet guy."

"Sweet? Is that what you think of me?" His stormy gray eyes pierced through your soul as you shivered.

"I-I didn't mean sweet! You're far from sweet!"

"I'm glad you said that." He grabbed you chin and had you face him in the eyes. "Because I'm more prideful of what I love than sweet."

To make sure you didn't speak more, he kissed you hard, but gentle at the same time. Heat ran into your face as you love the feeling of his lips. Something inside you felt as if you knew these before, but you couldn't figure out where before.

The thought when away once you gave in and kissed him back in bliss.

First date

It was late at night while Byakuya took you to the garden of his mansion. You were getting tried from the walk and Byakuya when to the nearest tree and had you rest your eyes there.

He smiled when looking down at your sleeping face. He missed this feeling a lot and never wanted it to go away. He promised to himself in his mind to never let to go.

Ever again.

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