Food Fight

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It's been two weeks since the hollow attack, along with the makeup. You were only able to see half of your vision with your left eye now, but you would soon get used to it. Ichigo was taking care of you and would nurse you back to health since the hollow did damage just more than your eye.

He came up with some soup and rice balls. "Hey, I brought you your lunch."

You smile and sat up, wincing a little at your sore back. "That's nice. But does it have to be rice balls every single time?"

Ichigo blinked in confusion. "You don't like the rice balls?"

"No! I do, but they get boring time to time when you're served them a lot of the time."

He pouted and turns around. "Fine, I'll go make something else then."

"Wait!" You cried out. "I'll eat it!"

Slowly, he turned around and walked up towards you. You picked up the rice ball and shoved it into his face. "Got ya!"

He narrowed his eyes and smirked. "Why you-"

You yelped when he smashes up the rice ball and covered your hair in it. You laughed and giggled all night, music to his ears.


Renji was in a bad mood because the amount of paperwork due had doubled over, leaving him to do overtime. You of course didn't know this at the moment.

You enter into the lunch hall to find him picking at his rice, not really eating it like he should be. To be a good girlfriend you payed extra for more food and came over.

"Renji~ look who got you mochi~"

He didn't look and picked at his food more. "That's nice..."

You rose an eyebrow and put it in front of his eyes. "Look! Blue mochi mixed together with red bean paste! Doesn't that sound soooo good?"

Renji growl and harshly moved your arm away. "Leave me alone!"

You growled yourself and slammed the mochi into his face. "Fine! Be an ass! I don't care anymore!"

An irk mark grew at the side of his forehead as he poured the rice down your shirt, even shoving some down your bra. By that time people picked you both up and threw you outside, where you were banned from getting lunch there ever again.


Rangiku had recently ditched work (again in the same day) which didn't end well for dear Toshiro's mood. It wasn't the only problem as well. He needs some new tea, but he was caught up in his stack of paperwork he couldn't sit up to get another tea bag.

You came in with a smile. "Shiro~ what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Toshiro sassed back.

At that, you narrowed your eyes and went up to his desk. "What's with that grumpy nature of yours? I'm just asking a simple question."

"Can you get me some new tea?" He asked, not answering your question.

You growled and grabbed the mug, filling it with tea, but hovering it over his stack of paperwork. "You want it, reach for it."

The stare down was intense, but when Toshiro reached up for it you panicked and accidentally duped it onto his head. At least it was cold tea.

Toshiro laughed evil and threw some open sugar bags at you. "You wanna play this game?! Take this! And this!"

You weren't really afraid of his attacks and pretended to be injured, lying in a ground of your own sugar, making Toshiro laugh a bit.


Now that he was half human he was eating more, drinking more, even doing more human like things. But his distance personally would still always be with him

You smiled and wrapped your arm around his. "Are you hungry for anything?"

"Hmmm..." His cheeks flushes, giving him a nice rosy color. "Not really. But I'll still eat if you want something."

"Okay!" You dragged him into the kitchen.

The chief was on break as you raised through the kitchen. Ulquiorra sat back and watched as you picked item after item, but the word food fight echoed inside his mind.

When you pulled out a tomato he picked it up, waited for you to turn around, and as he waited, you got a face full of tomato sauce.

You gasped and cleaned your face. "Ulquiorra...! What the hell?!"

He smiled a little. "It's a food fight."

You didn't question him where he got the term from and slammed a tomato into his face. He laughed along with you as the whole kitchen was covered in bloody sauce.


It was his day off from medical school and he felt like cooking for that day. You were bored and peeked in on him in the kitchen.

"When will dinner be ready?"

"In a little while..." Uryu mumbled.

You groaned and start looking through the fridge, making an irk mark appear on the side of his forehead. "Stop that! I told you dinner would be ready!"

"What-" You were cut off when the pie got his chin.

Uryu felt the cream of the pie and snarled under his breath. "You were getting a dessert out... before dinner?"

"Ummm... yes?"

Uryu was deadly quiet, until he suddenly pushed your face into the pie. He laughed and ran away, having you cash after him with a scary pie face.


Slowly but surely, Ukitake was becoming better. It would only be a week left for him to be in the hospital and out healthy, but still sick at the same time. Today you brought him some sweets to cheer him up.

"Oh Ukitake~"

He looked up from his book with a smile. He had the color in his skin come back, making it seem like he was alive. "You brought me something to eat?"

"Well it's more like a dessert, but I hope you like it!"

It was a rice ball covered in red bean pasta. Ukitake eyed the dessert, and when he got his face close to it, you smashed it into his face. He blinked in surprise and started cleaning his face while you laughed. "What was that for?"

You giggled and handed him another one. "That was just for jokes, hopefully that made you laugh."

Not a second later you got riced ball in the face, Ukitake smirking a little bit. "Now this is making me laugh."


Shunsui promised himself to stop drinking for a while. It was for both you and his health. He was starting off drinking water as he brought dinner for you, since you were recovering from the kidney transplant.

You were half in and half out when he came in. "Hey... Shunsuiiii..."

Shunsui smiled and got out some ramen. "I brought you some dinner. Sorry about it being ramen, it was the only thing I could get ready with all the paperwork I have to catch up on."

You giggled and leaned on him, the pain medicine making you dizzy and high. "That's alright! C-Can I have some...?"

He nodded and grabbed a spoon for you to eat. When you got some noodles, you 'accidentally' spilled it on him, making him wince at the hottest. You laughed as Shunsui growled and got noodles on your head, making a full blow food fight in the healing room.


As he promised he would give you attention, all of his attention, but it was a bit too much for you to handle. Often at times he cuddle you and give you kisses that would bury you alive, but you still loved them.

Today he was making dinner, but he accidentally put in the wrong spice without knowing. When you came into the room he smiled sweetly. "Wanna taste? It's soup!"

"Sure!" You came over and grabbed the wooden soup.

When you took a lick of it, you spit it out into his face. Kisuke got an irk mark, grabbed a spoon, and did the same. You yelped and spit more into his face, making it a soup spitting contest between the two of you.


Gin was cooking as you sat on Aizen's lap during the meeting. Randomly you could give him kissed on the cheek, amused to see he would do his best not to blush in front of his whole army. It was really rather cute

When Gin came back he switched the teas between you and Aizen, since he knew both him and you didn't like each other's favorite tea flavor. He set the tray down with his usual smile. "Lunch is served~"

"Thank you, Gin." You said.

He nodded and walked away, giggling quietly to himself. Aizen was the first to take a drink of his tea, and what lead next, spitting it out onto your face by accident. You screamed and growled, pouring your cup of tea over his head.

"(y/n)!" He shouted.

"Then don't spit in my face!"


For fun you were cooking his favorite character, The Seaweed Ambassador. Everything went well, until the shapes didn't come out right. It looked more like a crumpled seaweed than a human figure of one.

"How are the cookies?" Byakuya popped his head into the kitchen.

You screamed and, with your reflexes, threw one at him. He caught it easily and well... stared at it funny. "What is... this?"

"That was supposed to be The Seaweed Ambassador... but I messed up big time."

Byakuya chuckled and threw it at you. "Then break them up and start over. I'll help you if you want."

You blinked and stared at him. This new side of him was new... and weird at the same time. "Okay."

Byakuya came over and started breaking the cookies one by one with you, but in the end you managed to fight over who would be the one to cook the cookies.


For a prize he brought back was a hollow he killed and cooked its flesh. That didn't seem or sound good, but you didn't try it yet.

He was cooking the flesh when you sat next to him. "How long until the meat is ready?"

Grimmjow grabbed a piece of meat off of the flesh. "Here, this side should be ready."

You took a bite of it, and punched his arm. "That side wasn't ready! Ugh! That was horrible!"

He growled and threw some of it at you. "Eat the meat! I cooked it and you're going to like it!"

You screamed and threw the meat back at him with a little bit of sand mixed together. "No! I won't eat it!"

Let's just say, it was a bloody food fight due to half of it still not even half way cooked.

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