Get Caught Making Out

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It was his turn for hollow hunting duty but the orange hair wasn't anywhere to be seen. Rukia was getting annoyed as she had to fight hollows all day all. It was lunch time and Ichigo was supposed to meet her at the roof.

"That damn idiot! We're the hell is he when I need him!"

She began to look all over the school and couldn't find him. At the time she was down by where the gym area was and a glance of orange and (h/c) hair caught her view as Rukia carefully went over. The sight that held it make her VERY surprised.

Ichigo tongue was inside your mouth while you moaned and let him roam inside your mouth while your hair grip the back of his hair, back slightly arched while you let the wall hold you up and have Ichigo's hand around your waist

Rukia didn't say anything and quiet and carefully left the two love birds alone. The blush on her face was so big that day Ukitake wondered if she was getting a fever.


It was training day and Byakuya knew that but Renji only usually did it around lunch time, it was pass lunch time and the paperwork on his desk was pilling up. An irk mark found its way on the nobles head.

"Where the hell is that damn idiot?" Byakuya mumbled under his breath.

He asked around but people would say he was either training or eating lunch, but it wasn't a positive answer, only 'I think' ones. Byakuya sighed and began to think of ways to punish him for ditching out on his work, until he heard a faint moan.

It came from behind the wooden sword buckets as he looked and quickly turned away. He caught a glimpse of your kimono half open and Renji's hand roaming around your body while you two were kissing deeply. To rid his mind of it Byakuya just work on paperwork all day....


Rangiku was in a hurry today since her captain strangely didn't do his paperwork. She wasn't blushing from seeing it, but more like giggling and snickering from what she saw what was the cause of it.

She was sighing and taking a bite out of rice ball. "This day is the worst... I can't believe it hasn't changed all this week..."

Right on time Rangiku was going open her office door, until she heard moaning inside. Like the perv she is she peeked inside the tiny crack opening in the wall.

Toshiro had you pinned down on the couch while his hands roamed up and down your body as he kisses your neck. You were moaning but biting your lip from letting loud ones escape.

Rangiku couldn't believe her eyes at what she was seeing. She didn't know if she could picture this... but let it be as she knew she could black mail her captain with this kind of evidence.


Usually Grimmjow's daily thing was to annoy Ulquiorra the best he could so he could break that coldest barrier of his. Strangely enough he didn't seem to be in the hallways.

"Where the hell is that bat?!"

After some hours looking through every hallway he was about to give up, but suddenly heard moaning? It was quiet but audible enough to his ears.

He look down the hallway to find Ulquiorra and you sucking faces. Ulquiorra had one hand on your waist to pin you to the wall while the other held your hands up to the wall.

Grimmjow stared at the scene. "Damn... I never knew that weirdo had it in him to be kinky..."

After that he left quietly, but smirked the blackmail he could use for this.


Lately the girl who Uryu helped sewing with was gone a lot today. She wonder why since her mentor never missed the day at the club.

"I wonder if he got busy... maybe I should check around... I did see him at school today."

The girl excused herself from class and started walking down the hall ways. Through looking at every hall way (even the class rooms) the roof was the next best option.

When she entered up the next thing that caught her sight. Her mentor, Uryu, who she guessed was his girlfriend, making out. You were moaning loudly at how Uryu was kissing and sucking one ever exposed spot on her neck, even trailing it down to your collarbone.

A blush came into her face as she high tailed it out of there.


It was like as if people were disappearing lately. Ukitake was supposed to meet Shunsui for their daily tea hour, but he was gone. Ukitake would have told him or gave him a note that he could come. After spending tea time alone he sighed and walked to the path to his office.

"Hopefully he didn't pass out from his sickness."

He quietly opened the door, but stopped I'm shock to see what was going on. You had your legs wrapped around his waist while you sat on his lap, exchanging tongue in others mouths.

Shunsui chuckled quietly along with closing the door. "At least it wasn't something bad."


Of course for Nanao it was normal for her captain to be skipping out of work, not doing his paperwork, and her in the end finishing all of the dirty work. But the strange part was that even though he ditched he would help out at one point of the day. Strangely to her surprise he didn't come to her.

Nanao fixed her glasses with the end of her index finger. "Strange... usually the captain comes in to help... maybe not this time..."

She packed up her thing and headed to her house. By the way she took to her house was the cherry tree her captain would love to always sleep under.

To her surprise was something that shocked her to the bone. Her own captain, pinked face along with you, giving each other massages while kissing each other. Nanao stared for a bit... but quickly left afterwards.


Today was Yoruichi's shopping day by her most favorite shop. Only because she could get a discount there more than anywhere. When she came she knocked on the door.

"Is anyone home?!"

Silence followed. She frowned in confusion. "Strange. That old man is always ready to be selling his goods in this run down shop." She opened up the screen door and explored inside.

She came to the back room and held in her breath. You had Kisuke's hat on your head while you both moaning while kissing each other deeply, mostly making out with tongue but still gross.

Yoruichi simply laugh quietly and quickly spoke before she disappeared. "I wouldn't be surprise if I find that room trashed the next time I come back."


Aizen had promised Gin he would meet with him after the meeting. Gin was drinking tea and looked at the clock, Aizen had been gone for more than hour. Confusion crept up into his thoughts.

"I thought he said meet him after the meeting. Was I wrong?"

He went asking around other people, and only person, who was Ulquorria, knew where he was and that was in his throne room. Gin thanked him and happily skipped to the throne doors, just waiting to get this meeting over with.

The door creaked open softly as he peaked his head in, but stopped at what he saw. Your face was beat red as Aizen was kissing and sucking on your sweet spot. You moaned out softly as he chuckled and continued to do his work.

Gin laughed quietly and shut the door too. "Guess the boss's mind was set on something else~"


His boss was supposed to be at work today since it was a Friday, but Renji hadn't seen his captain at all today. It was the morning when he came into the office so he just thought his captain was running late, but now it was noon with no sign of him.

Rukia came into the room. "My brother is at his mansion taking care of his girlfriend. (y/n) got sick so he's watching over her."

"Aww crap. What am I'm supposed to do with these paperwork? Captain is supposed to sign these off before I give them to squad one."

"Just come to the mansion and have him sign them off real quick."

"Okay, thanks Rukia!"

He walked over to the mansion and asked for permission. The servants said he was in his home office so he knocked on the door, twice with no repost. He opened up the door and blushed at what he was seeing.

Byakuya was kissing all around your neck, leaving small hickey marks here and there as your face was red from pleasure and the sickness. Before he could be spotted Renji just set the paperwork at the door and quickly left.

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