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Grimmjow won the contest! He is the official last boyfriend! This took me a while so be grateful I did all of them!

How you met

In the early morning his day was already full of surprise. After he got back from a long mission he was greeted with a small, but fierce woman who now was his new fraccion. He looked you up and down with a disappointing glare.

"Geez, they gave me something so small. I bet the wind can blow her away."

An irk mark came into your head as you kneed Grimmjow where his hollow hole was. "What was that?! Take that back before I take your sword and shove it down your damn throat and really see if food goes down there!"

Grimmjow didn't blink from hurt, but from shock. This woman turned from sweet, to a devil in a mere second. He laughed and pushed her easily away, making her cuter when she glared at him. "It like that attitude of yours. What's your name?"

You smiled and stood tall and proud. "(y/n) (l/n) to serve at your orders, sir!"

He smiled and gripped your chin. "Good, because if you ever do something like that to me again you'll be seeing a fist in your face."

You didn't break eye contact and just glared at him. Grimmjow rolled his eyes and let you go, still intrigued by your bravery.

When you become friends

Grimmjow was order to go on an extra-long mission that would take a couple days to return back from. Luckily Grimmjow was getting payed a lot from this so he took up the offer.

Before he was about to set out you came running down the hallway screaming, "Wait!"

He stopped and stared at you, waiting as you catched your breath. "What the hell do you want?"

After you caught your breath you let him see the packages goods you had behind your back. "I'm going with you!"


"Please sir! I want to prove how strong I am too you!"

Grimmjow sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Only because you're my favorite fraccion."

Your eyes shined as you jumped up and down from joy. "Yay! I won't disappoint you!"

When he start developing feelings for you

Lately he couldn't stop thinking about how the way you would yell at him. Truthfully he was annoyed at how angry you could get, like a tiny bi-polar canon. But now he was use to you yelling at him.

He knocked on your door to see what you are up too. No answer. He started to get annoyed and begun to bang louder and louder on the door.


You yelled when opening up the door and punching Grimmjow in the face. He was sent a few feet back as you glares dagger at him.


When you slammed the door Grimmjow had a stupid grin on his face. "Damn... I love my ladies like that."

He tries confessing but fails

Secretly out of the corner of his eye he would glance at you during the meeting. Espada's were allowed to bring their fraccion to the meeting if they were quiet, but he brought you along a lot. While the bosses talked he would never really pay attention to them while either Lord Aizen or Gin talked during it.

He was trying to gather up the courage to ask you out, because he loves his ladies the way you were. He kept replaying the roll in his head, knowing the words he would use to ask you out.

When the meeting finally was over he stood up and tapped your shoulder, making you turn around to face him.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"(y/n) I-"

"Grimmjow," Lord Aizen spoke up. "I need to talk to you about your mission tomorrow."

He didn't show it but his disappointment dropped down into his stomach. Grimmjow sighed and nod. "Yeah, I'm coming."

You sighed and exited out the door, wondering what that was for.

He confesses

It's been two weeks since he gone from that mission before and hasn't said anything back. The worry was biting at your soul at what could have happened to him. Why you were so worried was a weird question to you too...

Suddenly, a portal opened up in your room as you jumped, but you smiled like an idiot when Grimmjow came through, covered in blood, but that didn't matter as you hugged him tightly.

"You're back! I was so worried!"

Grimmjow laughed and hugged you back. "It was a long mission. I took a while but I finally got the damn thing done. I'm surprised you missed me."

A tiny blush worked its way into cheek. "W-Well... I do worry about your health."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "If you like me just say it. Geez, I thought women like you were more confident about these type of things."

That got you growling as you quickly head locked Grimmjow. "You wanna take those works back?!"

"So you so like me!"

First Kiss

It was during his breaks and he was asleep in his bed, snoring loudly enough to be heard from two rooms down. Even you could hear it from the hallways as you knocked on his door.

"Grimmjow! Get up it's time for the meeting!"

He continued to snore away as you sighed and enter his room. It was messy and catlike, screaming his personality outwards. You steps over everything and poked at his forehead.

"If you don't get up I'll blast a-"

His hand suddenly grabbed yours and pulled you down on his lips. You froze and squeezed lightly, not expecting any of that at all.

"Just be... quiet for five minutes..." He yawned while stretch like a cat.

"F-Fine... five minutes!"

You slammed the door shut as Grimmjow just laughed. "She's really cute when she's embarrassed like that."

First Date

After training session Grimmjow told you to meet him around the big set of white doors. He wasn't explaining what he was doing, but he was your new boyfriend and didn't want to disappoint him.

A hand suddenly grabbed your shoulder as you screamed and went to punch them in the face, but it was Grimmjow and he luckily in time stopped you.

"Ummm... hey."

"Hey yourself! Sneaking up on me like that!"

"I wasn't-" He sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "Just come with me. I want to take you on our first date... which is just walking around the place."

Your heart didn't shrink or break into pieces when he said what his idea was. Your dating was a secret from everyone, even Lord Aizen, so it had to look like a normal Espada and fraccion talk.

You smiled and took his hand. "I can't wait to start it."

Grimmjow cocked his head to the side and loop his arm into yours. "Then let's start it."


It was unusable cold inside your room at night as the thin blankets of your room wasn't helping at all. To help yourself you got out of bed and made your way quietly towards Grimmjow's room.

You knocked on the door three more times before a bed haired Grimmjow answered the doorway. "What the Hell do you want...?"

"Can I cuddle with you?"

He stared at you, just stared, nothing else. "Why?"

"Because it's cold in my room and I need warmth."

He growled under his breath and opened the door to his room more. He didn't really like sharing his bed, but if was cuddling he didn't mind it at all. You smiled and enter into his room where you two cuddled in peace.

Someone flirts with you

Other arrancars have started to take a notice to you, but you didn't pay no mind to it because you're dating Grimmjow. Grimmjow was at a meeting as you waited for him to come.

The door opened slightly making your hopes rise up, but then realized it was just another door making the same noise.

A handsome looking arrancar came down your way, noticed you, and leaned against the wall as he let his shirt show his tone abs, judging by his cocky attitude he was new.

You just stared at the guy with a bored expression. "What do you want?"

He laughed and touched your arm, making you feel disgusted with every second he was touching it. "Just to feel your lips-"

Suddenly, the guy had a hold punched through him. He coughed up blood and fell forward, blood pooling around his dead body.

Grimmjow stood there, anger clear in his eyes as he used a tiny cero to blast his body away. "No bastard will take my woman."

With a smile you kicked the ashes away and kissed his cheek. "Good kitty~"

You cook for him

It was late at night and you couldn't sleep or anything. Your room got moved closer to the kitchen and this was the perfect chance to make something. A late night snack but it was a way to eat.

Grimmjow was snoring away, like usual, on his bed without a shirt on. You turned on the light as he blinked and groaned.

"I don't wanna share the damn bed."

"It's not the bed. I made you a late-night-snack!"

He opened his eyes to find it was simply curry. He didn't mind it and started to eat it, his tongue slowly staring to feel the hotness inside the curry.

"Hmmm..." He hummed, enjoying the flavor. "What is this?"

"It put in a spicy herb to kick in the effect. What do you think?"

"It's amazing!"

He began to scarf it down as you smiled in joy.


He did forget the drinks, but that didn't mean the beach still wasn't fun without it. Grimmjow hopped into the ocean and shivered at how cold it was. You hopped in with him and started shivering right away.

"Damn! It's freezing!" He yelled, shivering a bit himself.

You smiled and splashed water at him, making the kitty jump. "Oh it's not so bad."

Grimmjow growled and splashed you back, accidentally giving too much power as it got you all freezing wet. You screamed at the coldness and began a splashing war with him.


Grimmjow just laughed as he splashed you back the best he really could.

He accidentally hurts you

For training Lord Aizen wanted the Espada to train with their fraccion to increase their power. Grimmjow smirked and took out his sword. It gleamed dangerously in the light of the moon.

"Are you ready?"

You nodded and got out your own sword. "Ready!"

Grimmjow smirked and clashed swords with you. He was using only one hand to play fair game, but soon knew he was misjudging your strength when you were getting the upper hand.

He couldn't believe as he had to use two hands, making him angry, and using full force on you. The force was powerful than he meant to make it as his sword slide over, cutting from your shoulder all the way down your wrist.

You screamed in pain and dropped your sword while curling up into a ball. Grimmjow's heart stopped in horror as he rushed to your side.

He Helps Heal You

After the rush over to you he took over to his room as he got out his first aid kit he stole. He couldn't let anyone know you were hurt or he would question why you were still around when he could easily get another fraccion.

The stiches were almost done when you woke up from the throbbing pain. "Oh god... what the hell happened?"

Grimmjow sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... I got carried away and accidentally sliced half of your arm. But the good news is you're alive!"

You rolled your eyes and punched him in the shoulder with your good arm. "Just be lucky I'm still alive or my ghost would he haunting you right now."

He chuckled and checked over your arms. "That's good.... seems like I did a decent job with the stitching."

You looked for yourself and saw what he meant. It was decent sewing as the lines were barley visible. "Wow... I'll forgive you for this one, for now."

Grimmjow gave his famous smile to you. "The King will take it."

Waking Up With Him

For the day off you wanted to go sightseeing the beautiful sands of Hecho Mudeo, and a true rare sight it was too be.

In the special moment you both fell asleep in the sand as you curled up with Grimmjow, close to the side where his heart should have been. It was so peaceful and quiet you both could have slept the whole day.

After upon waking up you poked Grimmjow's nose. "Wake up."

He groaned and sat up, looking around the place with a daze. "We're- oh right, it was with the walk."

That didn't matter anymore as you leaned against him and closed your eyes once more. "Oh who cares, I need my sleep time."

"That I can completely agree"

Meeting His Zanpukto Spirit

Grimmjow was in an Espada meeting so you waited in his room until he got back. They were in there for a good long two hours as you groaned and started playing with the stuff it his room. It was unusually quiet without the annoying sixth Espada around.

You went to lay on the bed when suddenly a small, black cat appeared from out of nowhere. It meowed and purred when it touched your hand.

Grimmjow entered into the room and scoffed when he saw the black cat. "Haven't seen you out of sword form in a while, Pantera."

"Pantera?" You asked. "Isn't that the name of your zanpukto?"

He nodded and stroked the cats head, having it purr slightly. "He likes to come into cat form sometimes. I don't mind it, and if he appeared around you then that means he likes you."

You blushed and hugged the kitty. "Awww! I feel honored!"

They get drunk

The Espada had a party tonight and Fraccion weren't invited. Unfair but that was Lord Aizen's rule. You were asleep on your bed when Grimmjow slammed your bedroom door open.

You jumped awake as a drunk Grimmjow walked into your room. "The hell?!" You screamed at him.

Grimmjow mouth twisted up into a psychopath one as he pinned you to the bed. "Why don't we have some fun~?"

Too that, a drunk Grimmjow got his balls kneed really hard that night. The next morning he woke up sore down there. You smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Remember to never ask that again~"

Grimmjow glared at you but nodded slowly. "F-Fine..."

He Gets a Nightmare

He was lost in madness again. All the wait of him trying to contain his anger and rate soon took control and lost him in his own mind. Blood soaked the sand of Hecho Mundo.

He was living his dream as he killed every Espada who mocked him or who was stronger than him. He laughed in pure madness until he smirked and saw you.

"G-Grimmjow... stop this!"

He simply laughed and kicked you away. "Shut up! The weak don't need to live, their just bait for the strong."

He grabbed onto your neck as you struggled for breath. He watched with joy as the light left your eyes, blood streaming down the side of your mouth. He licked it with a pure smile on his face.

His madness inside him soon calmed down as he realized what he did. He curled up into a ball and sobbed as he held your dead body close to him. Feeling emptier than ever before...

A kick to the stomach woke him up as he grunted awake. You were snoring away on the bed. You must have snuck into his room without him knowing.

He chuckled and pulled you close to his chest. "I'm glad you're not going anywhere."

When You're Sick

An illness was going around the palace as you managed to catch it. Grimmjow didn't know until he walked in on you puking your guts out. He rushed over and helped you to your bed.

"Geez, puked your guts out yet?"

You glared at him and shakily pulled the covers over yourself. "S-Shut up..."

He smiled and kissed your cheeks. "I was just joking. I have no missions today so I guess I'll kill some time watching over you."

"F-Fine... but you better not make any more jokes... n-now..."

Grimmjow laughed. "Deal! For now."

You Get Bullied

It was as if the fire inside you had died out. Every time he would try to talk to you, you would ignore him and run away, or simply cry and shout at him to leave you alone.

This got Grimmjow to thinking, using his brain for once, and sneaking around to fine what the problem was. He was following you while he had his spirit pressure all way down low.

When you turned a corner you were punched right in the face along with giggling from two girls.

"Look who's alone again."

"Time for some beating up."

You whimpered and backed away from them. These fraccion were from higher up Espada and could easily kick your butt. "Please leave me alone!"

"Not a chance!"

The first girl went to strike you in the face with a kick, but Grimmjow intercepted and twisted her leg first before using his other arm to twist her neck. She fell to the ground lifeless as the second girl tried to run, but Grimmjow gave her a cero to the face before she could.

You rushed over and hugged Grimmjow, crying softly into his chest as he calmly stroked your hair when on the inside, he was filled with rage that someone would mess with his girl.

You Dress Up As Him

You were gone all day which lead to some questions where Grimmjow could find you. He didn't think to check your room.... but he knew bad things would happen if he did enter... but it was worth the risk.

Even down the hall Grimmjow could hear crashing and you cursing behind your door. He took a deep breath and lightly knocked on it. "(y/n) it's me, Grimmjow."

The noises stopped quickly just before the door opened, the sight making his eyes widen in surprise.

Your hair was dyed blue along with contact lenses making your eyes the right shade of color for them. Even you has same clothes like him, only with your bra showing half way but you didn't care.

"What do ya think? I worked on it last night."

He was speechless for words until he found the right ones. "This is awesome and all, but why do this?"

"I just wanted to do this for fun!"

Grimmjow smiled and giggled very lightly. "Well you make a very cute me."

You blushed and smiled at him. "Thank you."

Special: Halloween

He didn't really bother to dress up for the holiday since he even forgot it was Halloween when he got back from his mission. He looked at all the party decorations and played with some of them.

"Is it Halloween already?"

"Yup!" You came up from nowhere, scaring the life out of poor Grimmjow. You laughed and hugged him. "Sorry for scaring you."

He turned his head to see what you were and bust out laughing. You were dressed up a pumpkin, a very sloppy pumpkin as it was just your sheet covers colored as orange.

You glared at him and pinched his cheek. "Why are you laughing?"

"I-I'm not laughing!" The smile on his face didn't help at all.

All that night his cheek was sore from all the pinches you gave him.

You're On Your Period

That time of the month is when Hell breaks loose, periods. Not only were you already hot headed, but you had an uncontrollable rage whenever you didn't get anything you wanted.

Grimmjow didn't know you were on your period and has to face the consequences of being the poor sap he was.

You two were lying in bed when your stomach growled. You pouted and tugged on his hair slightly. "Bring me some chocolate."

Grimmjow just closed his eyes and took too a long deep breath. "I don't feel like it."

You growled and let the rage inside take over and punch him in the face. "I SAID BRING ME MY CHOCOLATE! I'LL MAKE AN EVEN BIGGER HOLE IF I DON'T GET IT IN TWO MINUTES!"

Grimmjow yelped and ran towards the kitchen, bringing back chocolate while rubbing his broken nose.

Get Caught Making Out

Ulquiorra sighed in an emotionless tone. Grimmjow was supposed to go on a tag mission with him and he wasn't at the portal Ulquiorra created. He just stared around, looking at the wall as it was at least fun.

"Where is that idiot?" Ulquiorra mumbled to himself.

After an hour of waiting he finally went to his room to see if he was there. He opened the door quietly and regretted seeing with his own eyes.

Grimmjow talked to him about his secret girlfriend, like he did, but he never thought this kind of stuff. You were half naked without a shirt on, but with your bra and pants on as Grimmjow explored your mouth with his tongue.

You were moaning and running your hand through his hair giving it a sexy messy look. Quickly, Ulquiorra closed the door and walked away.

"I'll just do the mission on my own."

He Gets Excited

All through the day he couldn't stop thinking about that make out session you both had a month ago. He groaned as his partner kept on popping up when he thought of it.

You were in the room with him when it happened. "Grimmjow are you alright?"

His pinched his finger between his eyes in pain. "I'm just fine."

When he crossed his legs the pieces fell together into one. You smirked and sat on his lap, giving him a gasp. You kissed his neck as he was frozen, but moaning at the same time.

Grimmjow cursed himself inside his head as he pushed you off his lap. "Knock it off! It's not fair!"

You batted your eyelashes at him with an 'innocent' look. "I'm sorry~ payback for ripping my shirt off!"

When He's Sick

Lately another sickness came around the palace, but this time it hit him with the cold. What was funny about it too you was he when he would sneeze, he sounded just like a kitten.

You came into is room as tissue were everywhere as he had his chest bare, sweating from the battle inside.

"I brought you a cold treat!" You held up a tub of ice cream.

Grimmjow stared as it with dizzy eyes. "Why... ice... cream?"

"Because you have to eat something and it can't be too hot." You sat down on the edge of his bed and held out a spoon of ice cream. "Now say aww!"

Grimmjow blushed and opened his mouth as he let you feed him like a little kid, inside he was enjoying it though.

When Someone Hits On Your Man

After the meeting Grimmjow was supposed to meet back with you, but he hadn't and it was getting on your nerve. Grimmjow himself was looking for you, but he was crossed with one arrancar that didn't know the rules around here.

She wore an outfit and made her boobs pop out and made her body voluptuous with the curves she earned herself. She stopped him by 'accidentally' bumping into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She hugged him, making sure her boobs were touching his arms.

Grimmjow winced at how cringy she was trying to get him. He sighed and pointed at you, who was making fire with the trails you were making.

"Sorry hoe, but I have a girlfriend."

The girl didn't have enough time where she couldn't turn around, so you went up beside her, stabbed her through the heart, and blasted her body away with a cero.

You were breathing hard from all the angry as Grimmjow smiled and kissed your forehead.

When You (Try) To Prank Him

Boring had got to you while waiting for his slow butt to hurry up with the shower. It got so boring you were thinking up a way to scare the living day lights out of him, but not to kill him as what other people would think.

You stood behind the door to the bathroom and waited as you heard the shower stop, along with the creaking of footsteps on the ground. You got ready to pounce, but Grimmjow slammed the door opened as it smashed into you.

He yawned and ran a hand through his wet hair. "I shouldn't fall asleep in the shower next time."

He looked around and noticed you were gone. "Huh? Where's (y/n) at? Did she get bored?"

When he opened up the door you fell forward on the ground, making Grimmjow laugh his butt off. You glared at him and bit his leg, making him growl and trying to shake you off.

When It Snows

Snow and him didn't mix well together, or with you for the matter as colder air made you shiver way to easily. To help with the cold palace you brought over blankets and went out of the palace, where it barely snowed.

The sand was nice and warm, mixing just well with the cold snow. "Aww..." You said, stretching out your arms. "This is the best."

Grimmjow was making mini ceros and blasting it at tiny hollowed. "It sure is."

You pouted and sat on his lap. "That's not enjoying it."

Grimmjow shivered from the snow himself. "Well I don't know what else to do then."

"Make a sand angel?"

Grimmjow laughed out. "Sure, even though were nowhere close to being angels."

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