He Gets A Nightmare

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Before he passed out he remembered seeing you curled up safely nice and warm in his eyes. Maybe that was just a dream inside a dream as he dreamed, maybe it wasn't at all, who know really...

Ichigo opened his eyes and saw you covered in blood, his sword inside your stomach as you coughed up blood. Ichigo's eyes widen as he took his blood covered sword and panicked.

"I-I'll get help!"

You smiled weakly and touched the side of his face. "I-it's fine... Ichigo... d-don't hate y-yourself..."

"Damn it don't say its fine! You're dying damn it!" He cried as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"I-I love... y-you..."

The light left your eyes slowly as Ichigo's heart painfully died along with the light. Ichigo sobbed and hugged you close to his chest, whispering over and over again 'I love you, too.'

"N-No! Y-You're not supposed to die! C-come back to me! (Y/N)!!!!" He screamed out to the coldness around him...

He woke up in cold sweat as he breathed fast through and out his mouth. You moved a bit, making him jump but he soon breathed a sigh of happiness. He pulled you closer to his body and slept better that time.


It was an intense battle as Renji had lost you when he was fighting with other hollows. His heart started to beat faster and faster as he couldn't find you anywhere. The ground was littered with a trail of hollows as he followed the trail.


He stopped in cold blood as you laid in the grass covered in blood all around you. Tears of fear and sadness were slipping from his eyes as he turned you over.

A huge chest wound from a hollows claw stabbed your through the chest and out from the back. A huge sob past from Renji's throat, he cradled your dead body close to him.

In blind rage, he attacked every hollow coming his way, losing his sanity along with his heart. He laughed in madness as he couldn't stop killing the hollows... he they killed you it was right to kill them all...

A light kiss to the forehead had him jump awake as the first thing he saw was you, alive then his office in the background.

"Renji, are you alright?" You asked concerned.

Renji nodded and shakily pulled you onto his lap. "Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't sound fine."

"I'm fine alright? I'll prove it too you!"

He kissed your deeply as it took you by surprised as you kissed sloppily back.


Everything was just fine the way it was. You were working on paperwork and so was he. It was quiet in the office and suddenly Toshiro dropped his pen and it rolled under your desk.

"(y/n), can you please get my pen?"

You ignored him as if you didn't hear him. Toshiro grew confused and called you again, no answer. He waved his hand in front of your face, still nothing. Rangiku came in and sat down on the couch to take a nap. Toshiro yelled her name but his words hit her like light air. He started to panic as he grabbed your hand, but he just went right through you.

He began to cry when everything was disappearing around him. "(y/n)... please talk to me!"

You looked around and sighed when your eyes landed on Toshiro's empty desk. "Toshiro... why did you dye on me... I thought you loved me enough to live through the war..."

Toshiro started to cry as he felt himself disappearing, "(y/n) I'm right here! I didn't die! (Y/N)!!!" He wept as he felt himself become air as he was carried far away from you and into the clouds...

"Toshiro..." A distance voice just like yours called out.

A cold draft went over him as he opened his eyes to see you staring at him. You both were snuggle up tight and comfy on the couch together. You stopped poking his cheek.

"Toshiro are you okay? You're a bit pale."

He sighed out in relief and nodded. "Yes... yes I am. Thank you."

He kissed you quickly in surprised catching you off guard. He chuckled as he covered your face in kisses, enjoying your squeak and giggles of happiness.


He looked down at himself and saw he was back in his hollow state form. He couldn't speak as he only felt loneliness. He tried thinking of you, but nothing could come up. He was started to wonder why as he couldn't feel that wonderful emotion called love.

It was a special type of emotion he enjoyed the most. He was starting to loss it and his sense of a person. Ulquiorra closed his eyes and let the darkness take control over him again once more.

It began to swallow him up and his sense of being. He was thinking about you but began to feel another emotion, fear. Fear he could never feel your love again and he trapped in the loneliness forever.

He pictured you one last time, feeling the warmth of your love, the softness of your body, and wonderful feeling of tasting and feeling your lips...

A light shake woke him up as he softly opened up his eyes. He was back in his room as your face hovered over him. "Sorry if I disturbed you Ulquiorra, but there is a meeting going on we have to attend."

"Alright." He emotionlessly replied, but when he sat up he twined hands with you.

You gasped at the sudden affection, but didn't let him stop as both in hand him and you walked down to the meeting room. Before entering into the meeting room he quickly kissed you. "I love you."

You smiled, "I love you too."


Blood was all around him. The innocent blood of the Quincy's who were killed by hollows. Uryu saw helplessly as one by one each of their light died away. Tears ran down his face as the last light was you. It burned brightly in the air.

Uryu took a step forward, but once he did the light transformed into you as a hollow appeared from the darkness, stabbing you in the throat. Uryu cried out in anger and misery. He summoned his bow, but couldn't as it wouldn't come out.

The hollow slowly when up to him as Uryu didn't have the strength to dodge or attack the hollow. If he was the last Qunicy, he would die proud as one. He watched as the hollow gripped him in its huge hand and bit his head off.

He jumped awake and saw his phone ringing with your number on it. After the third ring he answered it with a raspy voice. "Hello...?"

"Uryu are you okay? You sound like crap."

He cleared his throat as his heart beated quickly and happy at the sound of your voice, alive and talking to him. "I'm fine. All I needed was to hear your voice."


His sickness was getting to him badly enough to have him be put to bed while you had to take care of him. Ukitake knew it was going to happen and he would pass away, but now he couldn't pass away peacefully knowing he had a lover and was going to break your heart.

He had only a five minutes left to live now and you were crying hard. It broke his heart too see you crying over him. He gently touched the side of your face with his pale and weak arm. "D-Don't c-c-cry..."

A huge sob came through your throat as you held his hand, you could feel his bones. "B-But I love you! I-I don't want you to go!"

"B-Be... s-s-strong... f-for... me..."

His hand when limp as he felt his heart stop beating. You fell to the ground crying your heart out as Ukitake felt himself even crying in death as he went into the light...

He shoulder was being shaken gently as he woke up with sight bed hair. Your giggle made his old heart jump as when he saw your happy face he almost broke out in tears of joy.

"Ukitake you and I got a captains meeting. You might want to fix your hair."

You helped and wetted it down with water. Ukitake smiled and hugged you tenderly close to his heart. "Thank you, (y/n)."


He was highly intoxicated to the point he was hurting you. He had you pinned down and beaten and bruised. He couldn't stop this drunk side to him as he laughed at each cry of pain you yelled out towards him. It was like painful music to his ears.

"S-Shunsui! S-Stop! Please! I-I beg you!"

He laughed and smashed a glass sake bottle into the side of your head. You when limp as he just laughed darkly. "Try to take away my sake bottle... this is what you pay..."

When you weren't moving anymore he pouted and tried shaking you, but your eyes rolled in the back of your head. His heart pouted with fear as he screamed your name, he cried at what he done and threw his sake bottles everywhere.

He gasped awake as he looked over to his hand and dropped the sake bottle. You looked up at his desk confused. "It wasn't good or what...?"

"(y/n)..." He panted, "Make sure to lock up the sake bottles for a week from me..."

Your eyes widen as you when over and touched his forehead. "No fever... but who are you?"

He laughed and kissed your forehead. "Just making a change, a better change for myself."


"I'm sorry Kisuke... but I have to go back to the soul society... my time is up and if they found out I was dating you they would kill me..."

"I-I understand..."

He had his hat tilted down to have you not to see his crying face. It was too early for you to go away from him. You were supposed to be station here in the town for ten years. The years were cut too shortly for him...

He gave you a love filled hug. You cried and hugged him back, never wanting to let go. The soul gate opened up as a hell butterfly was ready to lead you. Kisuke gripped your hand one more time before you disappeared behind the Japanese door...

"Kisuke! Help me with these boxes!"

He woke up as he remembered he had fallen asleep on the roof because business was slow in the afternoon. He hopped down and carried the boxes that were in your hand.

You huffed at him. "Took ya long enough."

The sound of your voice was all he needed to hear as he smiled under his hat. "I like to take long naps."


The plan didn't work out as he thought it did in his mind. He was going to have the hogyoku inside of you to power himself up like it did for him. You were ready as Aizen gently had it merge with your soul.

Everything was going fine until you doubled back in pain and screamed bloody murder. Aizen's eyes widen as he ran over to you, but the hogyoku put a barrier between you two as the merging was completing.

Hot tears ran down your cheeks as Aizen was hitting the barrier with his sword. Even the kido spells didn't work as each passing second the hogyoku grew brighter and brighter. He was about to unleash a forbidden spell when the hogyoku sucked you inside it. The barrier when away as Aizen screamed in anger, he hated himself as he lost you twice now because of his own selfish desire...

"Sousuke! Wake up!"

He jumped awake at your voice as he blinked opened his eyes to find he fell asleep on his throne. You were standing over him with a concerned face. "Are you alright? I couldn't wake you up when you were whimpering in your sleep..."

"I am fine, don't worry about me, (y/n). I promised you a date with tea and I will keep the promise."

He grabbed your arm and led you to his room to enjoy tea in peace. He was just glad and only wanted to keep you by his side all day long to know you were alive.


All the coughing he thought was just a simple sickness that would soon go away, but it was getting worse and worse as squad four couldn't do anything to heal it. Byakuya's worst nightmare was coming true again as you were in bed.

Your chest lifted up and down weakly as your eyes were closed in pain. Byakuya rubbed your hand as he let the tears flow out. He didn't care about his honor, his only care was you and now it was dying the same way his last wife did.

You opened your eyes and weakly kissed him as he was just leaning over you just enough. "P-Please.... d-don't.... b-be... m-m-mad... a-at... m-me..."

He shook his head and held you gently in his arms. "I could never hate you. I-I wish you to grow wings and be happy without me... on the other side."

You went to say something back, but your last breath of air was just enough to give him a weak but loving smile. Byakuya sobbed deeply as his heart broke into two...

"Byakuya, why are you sleeping out here? You can get a cold."

He felt a blanket drape over him as he looked up and saw your eyes filled with life. You were shocked to find when his eyes had dry spots from crying. "Byakuya did you have a nightmare?"

"Yes... but sleep with me under the cherry blossom tonight."

It was more of a command as he pulled you closer as you giggled and snuggled with him under the cherry blossom tree.

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