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He felt blessed to have a wonderful friend like Orihime who could heal wounds. She healed the right side you lost, but you lost lots of blood. You barely had a chance to live, but you were given blood back since Ichigo's dad was a doctor.

Deep inside, Ichigo didn't know how to live with himself. The hollow inside him took over and almost killed you. He thought he could control his hollow.

He was lost in thoughts until you coughed suddenly in bed. You were taking a nap to recover still, even though you were full healed.

Ichigo turned and gently touched your side. "Are you feeling okay?"

You nodded and smiled, gently touching his hand back. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Ichigo couldn't hold it back and gripped your hand. "How can you smile at me? I almost killed you... I'm a monster... why don't you stay away from me?!"

Before Ichigo could tourer himself more, you leaped up and hugged him. Your body screamed in pain but you ignored it.

"Because I love you. I don't care if your hollow hurt me. I love you only, please don't think about this... if I still love you... please still love me..."

He held back the tears and hugged you back. "I will..."


After the accident, it had been already a month since then. You were paralyzed from the top to the bottom down, but with the help of squad 4 with kido you could move again.

Renji visited time from time, the pain in his heart fading away slowly from each body part you could move yet.

He had come to visit you as you smiled at him, setting the book down. It was boring, like the rest of the whole healing room you slept in. "Renji! I thought you weren't going to come until 2 o'clock?"

"I was, but my captain gave me a longer lunch break so I could see you."

"Yay! I'm so happy!"

"Are you... really?" Renji suddenly asked, sitting down next to you.

You rose an eyebrow but kept going. "Yes I am. Why do you ask?"

"I paralyzed you, (y/n). It was my fault in the first place."

You sighed and pinched the edge of his ear, making him wince. "Renji, I don't like a man who pities himself. It was those stupid cowardly men's fault that I couldn't escape in time, so suck it up and take it like a man!"



He had to wait full whole three weeks until you were completely thod out from the ice. You were freezing cold and extremely pale. He rushed you to squad four as they took care of you by using everything warm, to even heating blankets.

Toshiro gripped your hand as he sighed in relief. "I never left your side while you were incased in ice. I though a hollow or someone would attack you."

You giggled and shivered a little. "That's... so... sweet... S-Shiro..."

Toshiro smiles slightly and looked down at the ground. "Do you hate me?"


"That's good."


Without Szayel anymore Gin took up the job of healing the injured to his lab. It was simple really, since he had all the latest technology there was inside. You healed second and was in bed.

The feeling of emptiness begged him to come back, but he refused and held onto hope that you would still take him back. He came into your guy's room and sat down on the bed, giving you room.

You smiled and sat up. "Ulquiorra-"

"(y/n) I just need a simple answer," He suddenly interrupted you. "After the accident, do you still hold feelings for me? I broke four of your ribs and burned the left side of your body. Even if you're fully healed, I still need to know the answer."

You reached over to grab his hand and squeeze it. "I know it was an accident. We're both dead, and let's not let that be in the way of our love. I rather spend my time with you then to be lonely for all my life."

Ulquiorra smiled and squeezed back. "Thank you."


Uryu's dad was a doctor and luckily it was close by when the accident happened. You were rushed into the emergency room and given Uryu's dad as a doctor first. The operation was quick and over in an hour.

He was skipping classes lately, something he never does, but when it came too you he did. It was art class hour and he was purposely skipping it as he walked into your medical room. You were almost asleep, but woke up when he came into the room.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

You sighed and looked at the clock. "Uryu... you're supposed to be in class."

He gripped the edges of the medical bed. "I'm sorry... but I can't stop worrying about you. What if your dying and I'm not there to at least hear your last breath? What if-"

You gently rested your finger on his knuckle, pausing him in his scented. "Please don't think that way Uryu. I'm healing, and will get out of the hospital in less than a week."

Uryu managed a smile and rubbed your finger. "I understand."


How funny it was that you were in the healing room now because you were injured? How ironic can fate be? Ukitake was skipping out on tea time with Shunsui and even doing paperwork to see you, but you didn't know anything about that.

You were busy playing around with a jigsaw puzzle when Ukitake came in. When he came into the light you noticed how thin he had become over the past two weeks.

He didn't even get to sit down when you ask him a question. "Have you been eating?"

He paused and rubbed the back of his neck, guiltily smiling. "Not lately... I'm sorry if I'm worrying you."

You sighed and pushed the jigsaw puzzle aside. "Fine, if you're not going to eat then I'm not going to eat as well."

"(y/n) please."

"Then eat with me." You motioned to the plate of food by your bedside table. "Please."

Ukitake gave in and started eating with you, feeling like his old self again.


He swore to himself he wouldn't drink, and yet he did when he injured you. He felt terrible, so much he wasn't even combing or drinking much lately. You were home as Shunsi requested you too be at.

He simply drank water, but it had a taste he hated. The bell rang as he got up from his desk and walked over to the bedroom.

"Shunsui, can you please drink more than water?" You asked him, surprising him.

"What do you mean?"

"I know your just drinking water. When you come to sleep by me I don't smell a hint of juice or anything, so please stop torturing yourself over me. It hurts me to see you doing this too yourself."

Shunsui sighed and smiled just for you. "You got it, princess."


His zanpakuto wasn't at full power when it hit you, so you were only going to be in bed for a week. Your arm and leg were healing quickly, but also painfully due to them not healing like regularly.

Kisue came in with dinner, sushi with a rice bowl to cover the light meal. "I brought dinner."

You smiled and took it, noticing he hadn't had a dish with him. "Aren't you going to eat with me?"

He shook his head, titling his head so you couldn't see his longing stare. "I can't I'm busy-"

"Kisuke, I order you too eat with me or I'm going to kick your butt when I'm fully healed. "

A smile creeped at the edge of his lips as he gave in. "Alright, I'll eat with you."


He trusted Gin to heal you with all the best he could, and amazingly he did. Your brain was healing fast from the potion he made. You were still a bit mental though, thinking that Aizen was a fairy.

Aizen came into the room and handed you some coloring book, seeing the only thing that calmed you down was coloring. "I found some in the old box from my childhood. I hope you enjoy them."

You giggled and opened them up. "Yay! Coloring is so much fun! Like you!"

Aizen stiffen a little. "Fun... me...?"

"Yeah! I know you're busy all the time and you manage to take my request and get me some coloring books! You're amazing! Awesome!"

You hugged Aizen as all the stiffness melted away as he smiled and hugged you back. "I'm glad I make you happy."


He wouldn't let the maids or butlers tend to you since he knew it was the same kind of wounds as before. He gently undid your bandages and wrapped some more around you, tightly and nicely around the body.

You were falling asleep when Byakuya was about to leave, but you grabbed his hand. "Please stay with me... I'm cold..."

Byakuya tensed up. He had paperwork to work on, even meeting with some landowners to cover some more land as his property. He had-

No. He wasn't going to let his thoughts take over. Without a word, he slipped right into the Japanese bed with you, snuggling you carefully to his chest.

"I'll always stay with you."


From all the scratches, the one on the side of your nose was going to scar over since it wasn't healed in time. Truefully you thought it was cute and wanted to keep it, a reminder you were still his.

Grimmjow sighed and lightly poked at it. "I can't understand why you want it. It's a reminder to me that I'm a horrible monster too you."

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "Don't think that. Your aspect of death took over, and it's extremely hard to overcome it like you did to request me from those hollows. I admire you for that, I really do."

Grimmjow chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Sometimes I don't even know what to do with you."

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