How you met

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The scream of the monster kept you going and going as your lungs burned like fire. The monster caught up and grabbed you tightly around the waist, crushing you slowly as you screamed out in pain. It opened it's wide mouth and brought you to it, until a bright blue wave cut off the arm. The monster screamed in pain as an orange haired man caught you in time.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I don't know..."

A girl with black hair came up behind him and you over to her small body. "Take care of her while I finish off this hollow."

The girl nodded as the world started to darken around your vision... the color of orange was the last thing you saw.

You woke up in your room, confused as you wonder if it was a dream or not. You got ready for school and saw the same color hair again as you transferred into a new classroom.

"You can take a seat next to Kuroaski Ichigo, Wave your hand Ichigo," the teacher said as the guy named Ichigo waved his hand as you sat down next to him.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), and I remember you from last night."

Ichigo seemed shocked, but quickly put it away as he nodded. "I see. So you didn't forget last night after all."


"AHH!" you shouted as you beat the red haired dude in a match. You were a new soul reaper in the squad 11 group as this red pineapple challenged you to a battle, which you happily agreed to as in the end his butt got kicked.

"Damn it..." he groaned in pain as he got up. You smirked and danced in circles around him.

"Loser! Loser!" you yelled happily as the red pineapple head started to steam out in anger.

He grabbed his sword and it transformed into a snake, it started bending as it wrapped around your leg and pulled you down. You yelped as you slammed on the ground and groaned in pain. You felt the strange sword retract back and stood up to see the red head have his hand out.

"I'm Renji, squad 6. Nice to meet you."

You smiled and took his hand and shook it back. "(y/n), squad 11. This was a nice match."


The stacks of paperwork made your eyes widen as this was your first day in a squad and you were the third seat. A women with huge breast and wavy (they say it's blond, but it looks orange!) blond hair came up to you with a huge smile.

"You must be the new third seat! I'm Rangiku!" She hugged you tightly to her breast as it was hard to breath.

"I-I'm (y/n)!" You pushed her away as saka appeared suddenly in Rangiku's hand.

"Let's drink saka to celebrate!"

"W-wait... won't the captain get mad if we get drunk...?"

"Nope!" She opened it up and started drinking it down fast, she gave you some as you drank it down.


Paperwork was everywhere as Rangiku fell asleep on her desk out cold. You were sober and laying on the couch as a kid with white hair and star shaped pendent attached to his sword strap came in, looked around, as a huge irk mark appeared on his forehead.


Rangiku was still passed out sleep even from the outburst, so you sat up and waved a hand. "I'll clean this up... kid... so don't worry."

The white haired kid stared at you with confusion, before getting a bigger irk mark than before. "I'm not a kid! You stupid third seat! I'm captain Hitsugaya of squad 10!"

You squeaked in realization and started cleaning as fast as you can. "I'm so sorry sir! I'm (y/n) (y/l) your new third seat!"

His cold teal eyes studied you before he sighed and exited out of the room with a cold aura.


'Lord Aizen has made a new arrancar... they say she is too be the new third espada... ' Ulquiorra thought to himself as he walked down the hallway as his tail coat float behind him. Suddenly, footsteps filled the quiet hall as they got louder and louder, until the sound smacked right into his back.

The sound was a girl as it made a squeak and a thud could be heard. Ulquiorra turned around to see a (h/c) girl in white arrancar clothes and the number 3 on her cheek. You looked up and started bowing to him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you their! I'm the new espada! M-My name's (y/n)!"

Ulquiorra's stared at you with his cold emotionless green eyes, and turned back around walking down the hall way. "I'm the four espada, Ulquiorra. Next time don't run around in the halls like a little kid. Lord Aizen will have you punished for a childish thing."

"Y-yes sir!" you stuttered at the man's coldness as the voice you were running from came into hearing.

"GET BACK HERE! YOU'RE DEAD MEAT (Y/N)!" Grimmjow yelled as you yelped and flash-stepped somewhere else.

(Added character Uryu)


The hollows cry rang inside your head as you fired arrow after arrow at each of them. You decided you wanted to become stronger and better, so the only way was to kill more hollows. Sweat clung to the base of your forehead as there were too many hollows, more were coming. Your arms were starting to lose energy, just as you dogged a hollow's attack.

"I-I can do this.." You said to yourself as you raised your arm to fire more, but they stopped working from exhaustion.

"You idiot!" a voice shouted as ten times the blue arrow you could made rained down on the hollow as they started to disappeared. A man landed by you as he had short black hair and glasses that glinted in the moonlight. He leaned down and helped you up.

"You're a stupid Quincy to be taking on all those hollows by yourself."

"I need *pant* to get stronger... I'm a *pant* pure blooded Quincy..."

The man stared at you in shock as his grip on you looseness. "What is your name?"

"(y/n) (y/l). I just moved here..."

"I'm Uryu Ishida. I lived here my whole life. I'll take you back to your house if you want."

A small smiled appeared on your lips. "I wouldn't mind that..."

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