Making Up

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It was a month since you disappeared from the house. He was worried sick and tried looking all over for you, but to no success. It was one of his hollow hunting nights as he looked around lazily, mostly trying to look for you.

A scream came in the distance as he stopped and turned around, only to see a huge hollow holding a single person in its hand. He narrowed his eye to get a better look, and his heart stopped in horror when it was you.

He flashed-step on the house roofs, charging up his sword. The hollow was just about to eat you when Ichigo released a huge attack on the hollow, slicing it in half from head to toe. Ichigo caught you before you crashed into the ground.

Your left eye was damaged, for good, as you cried in joy when you saw Ichigo. "I-Ichigo! I-I can't believe it's you!"

Ichigo gently touched your left eye as you winced, blood pouring a little from the wound. "I'm glad to see you too. What happened to your left eye?"

"I-I tried to escape... but the hollow caught me... and scratched out my eye because I-I.... was screaming too much."

He growled under his breath as he rushed you back to his father's clinic. "Don't worry and just stay by me."


Rukia had heard about the fight and been with Renji ever since to cheer him up. He was never the same, didn't train much and didn't even bother to eat. It was all because of him screaming at you when you betrayed his trust... or so he thought.

"Renji," Rukia spoke, softly like a mother to a child. "Do you want anything to eat?"

He shook his head, red hair hanging around his eyes. "I'm fine..."

Sometime snapped inside Rukia as she punched him in the face. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're feeling sorry for yourself?! What a lame excuse for a boyfriend! Just go over to her and say you're sorry!"

"I can't!" Renji shoved her away. "(y/n) won't even let me near her!"

Out of the corner of her eye she saw you walking by, flashed-stepped over, and dragged you over to Renji. Your eyes widen as you began to drag your feet in the ground, but Rukia was strong for her build and slammed you into Renji.

What happened next? When she shoved you towards him your guys lip crashed into each other. Renji stood there, like an idiot as you were blushing madly. It took Renji a second before he wrapped his arms around you to kiss you deeper, which you gladly gave back.


A month has passed as all the paperwork was caught up. He sighed in relief and sat back down in his chair, drinking his tea as he took a peek at your desk. It was covered in dust, meaning you hadn't been in the office for a long time.

His heart began to throb as he when up to Rangiku who was drinking sake on the couch. "Where is (y/n)?"

"Hmmm... she hasn't been here in a month. I heard she quit the job and is staying Momo's place."

Toshiro slowly began to realize that thought he didn't sleep at home since the paperwork, he didn't know you moved out. Guilt tug at him as he took a deep, slow breath. "I-It's been a month...?"

Rangiku nodded as her eyes were sad. "Momo says she misses you, but doesn't want you to see her. She fears you would scream at her and even look at her in disgust."

She didn't even get to finish her words as Toshiro flashed-stepped to Momo's house. The light were turned on so he knew someone was home. He knocked on the door as it slid open to you, making you see him and freeze.

"S-Shiro...? I-I mean... Captain Histsugaya?"

He threw his arms around you and pulled you into a sweet embrace. "Please call me Shiro. I-I didn't know you felt this way... don't ever leave me again... please... I'm so... so sorry for everything I said that day."

"I-It's okay." You broke out crying and sobbed into his arms were Toshiro held you with love.


Whenever you two passed each other in the hallway his heart would speed up and call out towards you, but his lips wouldn't speak for him. Lately your skin was becoming paler and paler as Ulquiorra knew why and was going to stop it.

He knocked on your door as you opened it, eye narrowing angrily at him. "What do you want?"

Ulquiorra gently rose his hand and put it over the area of your heart, making you blush slightly. "W-What are you doing?"

"(y/n) listen. After all this time dating I realized I was holding back my love and lied to you when I said I didn't love you, I was only afraid to give out my heart, but look."

He unzipped his jacket to show his hollow hole was about to close, and yours was too after see the hole. He took your hand and pressed it up to his hole, where it closed completely. His skin was turning a normal human color, meaning he was half Espada, half human.

You smiled and hugged him. "You're just like me! I-I'm so glad! T-That you love me!"

Ulquiorra smiled and hugged you, feeling warmth for the first time in forever. "I will always love you."


Throughout the month he realized the pride of being a quince was his sin, it was the pride inside him that took over his love for you. He got up and walked over to your old house, knocking on the door.

He didn't even bring anything with him but hope that you'll understand. The door opened as you stood still, not expecting it to be him.

"U-Uryu... why are you here?"

"Can I come in?"

You shook your head and closed the door behind you. "No. If you have something to say then say it too me."

Uryu sighed and grabbed your hand. "I'm sorry about my pride getting in the way that one night. I've always held the pride of a quince as a good thing, but its poison to people who can't understand and control their pride. In short, I'm sorry and like to get back together."

You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing onto his hair. "The next time you let your pride get in the way I'll shove that arrow up your ass!"

He winced and took the pain like a man. "D-Does that mean we're back together?"

"Yup!" You smiled and let go of his hair.


This is the worst he's ever been and squad four has been treating him with all the help they can give him. His bones were showing out as he could barely stay away for less than five minutes. In the end, he was dying early.

"Can I see him?"

Ukitake thought he was imaging he heard your voice and closed his eyes, but they snapped opened when you spoke again. "Thank you... I'll be careful."

You walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, crying softly as you gently took his hand. "Hey... I didn't think it was this bad..."

"(y/n)... y-you're here...?"

You nodded and sobbed hard, gripping a needle in your hands. "T-They said you wanted to end your life... but they created this medicine to help you... b-but I'll help you out of your... misery..."

Ukitake sat up the best he could and grabbed your hand with the needle. "I-If... you'll forgive me... I-I'll... take the... m-medicine..."

Your blinked fast and quickly put it inside him. "Yes... yes please! I don't want to lose you! I love you!"

Ukitake smiled before he fell back into darkness. "I... love... you... too..."


Squad eight has been quiet rather lately... but wasn't until someone told you the captain of the squad was in an alcohol coma. Your heart seemed to stop as you rushed over to squad four, crying as the winds wiped away your tears.

Your busted into his healing room as he was hooked up to many tubes and even had an air mask to help him breath. Just because this was the Soul Society didn't mean kido spell would always work.

You sobbed as you read over the report. Alcohol coma due to emotion heart break, kidney couldn't keep up with the alcohol and will need a new one in order to live.

"D-Damn it Shunsui!" You threw the paper at the wall and grabbed his hand, barely even warm. "I'll give you my kidney if it means you'll live! STAY ALIVE DAMN IT!"

A tall woman with black hair braided in front of her came into the room with a smile. "I believe if you give him one of your kidneys he will live and snap out of the coma."


The month seemed to be so lonely without him... so lonely you deiced to come back, only to look really. The neighborhood was dust and dirty than usual, but it was almost always like that.

When you turned the corner your feet stopped from shock. The shop seemed to be dead, even lifeless if not for Kisuke being at the front fanning himself weakly. Slowly you came up to the shop as it seemed dead.

"Kisuke?" You spoke.

He rose his head up and smiled at you, the bags under his eyes. "Hey... business... is... Doing fine..."

You knelt down and hugged him. "I'm sorry... for making you depressed and turning you into this."

"I deserved this... after what I did too you when my greed got ahold of me."

You shook your head and kissed his nose. "No one should ever suffer when they realize the mistakes they make... and deal with it. Let's make a deal. If you get your act together and handle your money well, I'll date you again."

His eyes held a light as he put his hat back on. "I'm back in business... for you."


His plan to invade Soul Society was gone. He took a peek at you when he could and saw the brokenness of your heart from him saying he didn't care about your opinion. Gin helped him how he could fix it.

When you were alone and quietly sunk up behind you, making you jump a foot in the air. "Gah!"

"I'm sorry." Aizen said, smiling a little bit.

You narrowed your eyes at him and growled. "What do you want?"

He held out a drawing, one he made himself with you two in it. You stared at it, eyes watering as on the paper was photos tapped together of your childhood together. It was... amazing that he would even do anything like that for you.

"I'm sorry about everything." Aizen did sound sorry. "My thoughts were clouding my judgment and I hope you take back your king, my queen."

"Only if you promise to let me sit on your lap during the meetings."

Aizen blushed lightly. "Fine..."


For weeks on end you would avoid Byakuya, even going to the point of where looking at him was painful. He deiced to visit his late wife's grave to pay his respects. He knelt down and stared at her face, seeing Rukia in her, and the kind smile his wife always had.

It was similar to yours, only it was brighter due to you not being sick. When the candles when out he knew what he needed to do, and it was too make it all up. Byakuya tracked you down the halls of the Society.

He found you sitting next to a tree, eye closed in peace. He carefully when up to you and sat down next to you, making a light breathing noise. You opened up your eyes, only to glare at him. "What the... why are you here?"

"I've come to tell you I'm sorry. I realized honor and title are whole different things. I lost my honor of being your boyfriend, and I would like to have it back."

"Why should I let you become my boyfriend again?"

He closed the gap between you two. "Because I love you."

Byakuya kissed you softly on the lips, even softly too. You knew you should have pulled away, but you gave in and kissed him back.


Szayel surgery was finished, only you weren't right in the head anymore. Grimmjow heard what Szayel did too you and slammed the door to his lab, grabbing him by the collar and lifting up off the ground.

"You drugged my girlfriend and me?! I was so scared when I lost (y/n), no one knew where she was, until Ulquiorra told me you were hiding something in your lab."

Szayel looked absolutely terrified. "L-Look... she was a good test subject for the drug so I let her be under it for a month and a half, just like you were."

Grimmjow snarled and snapped his neck in half, ripping his body along, and burning it up into a cero. You screamed and huddled closer inside the cage, clothes ripped and tore in places. Grimmjow rushed over to you and picked you up.

"You're safe... I'm here..."

You sobbed into his shoulder. "I-It was... h-h-horrible! I-I couldn't even c-call for help!"

Grimmjow glared at the ashes of Szayel. "I won't let anyone touch you again, or make you and us a test subject."

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