New characters

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How you met

Ukitake made sure to check if his lungs were good before going over to squad 3 to see the new captain. He heard it was a woman and knew there weren't many women captains so he made sure to give you a nice welcome (with candy too)

He knocked on the door as you opened it up. "Oh hello. With that white robe I take it you're a captain?"

"Captain Jushiro Ukitake of squad 13. I heard about you and though you would feel welcome with candy."

"Oh why thank you, I love candy!" You replied excitedly and popped a candy in your mouth, "This was very nice of you captain Jushiro."

"Please call me Ukitake. I want you to feel welcomed around here."

The bag of candy was already half gone by the time you looked up at Ukitake. "I feel welcomed already. If you don't mind I have to still finish the pile of early paperwork."

"Not at all!" Ukitake said and when back to his office with a happy smile.

When you become friends

To say thanks about the candy you bought a whole bunch the other day before going over to Ukitake's office. The place was still too you as you had to embarrassingly ask another soul reaper where his office was, luckily they were nice about it and pointed it out to you.

Just about an inch closer to the door, until you heard horrible sound of coughing. You slammed the door open and found Ukitake coughing up blood on the sleeve of his captain coat. You drop the candy on the floor and rushed up to him and held him close to you.

"Are you alright?! Do you need squad four to help you?!"

"(y/n) *cough* I'm fine." He said and finally stopped coughing, but was super pale afterwards.

Your heart sped up in worry as you grabbed a cloth and helped wiped the blood off his desk. "Are you sure? Because coughing up blood isn't normal."

"I-It's just an illness I've had since I was a young child... nothing to worry about (y/n)... but thank you for rushing to my need (y/n)."

"Well I couldn't just let the man who made me feel welcomed dying already in my life."

Ukitake gave you a sheepish smile and chuckled. "I'm beginning to think of this as a wonderful start of a new friendship."

"F-friend...?" You question and then a second later broke out into a smile, "I would love having you as a friend."

Ukitake smiled and pulled out more candy. "Great! Then you can have more candy!"

He starts developing feelings for you

It's been a whole month since you've been as the soul society's new captain and everyone treated you nice and well. Ukitake was the one person who you could only go for personal things as you needed help with paperwork and brought a stack inside with you.

"Hey Ukitake can you help me with the stack of paperwork with me?"

"Certainly!" Ukitake with a happy aura around him.

You set down the stack of paperwork as Ukitake took the most, without your saying.

"Oh you don't need to take that much."

"I don't mind at all! Plus I've been doing this a hundred years! It's only the goodness of me to help another captain out!"

You smiled and started getting to work. "You're so goodhearted Ukitake... I don't know what I would do without you."

Ukitake's old heart smiled at the praise he was getting from you as he started working faster than he ever though he could.

He tries confessing but fails

It was the perfect day as the birds were singing a lovely song as Ukitake happily finished up the rest of his paperwork and set out to tell you how he felt. He never had felt like this in a long time since he couldn't date much back then because of his sickness, but ever since he met you his coughing as died down quite a bit.

He knocked on the wall next to your office door, his heart racing each and every second. "It's Ukitake, may I come in?"

"Of course!" You replied cheerfully as you pushed the paperwork you were doing aside.

Ukitake smiled as he came in, his heart beating faster and faster along with his lungs. "I have something important to say to you, (y/n)."

"Oh? What is it?"

"(y/n) I have feelings for-" Ukitake broke out in a coughing fit as blood covered his whole hands. You panicked and when up to his side with a worried aura.

"Do you need to go to squad four?!"

"N-No I'm fine-" He doubled over in coughing as he fell down on the ground.

You called squad four over as they took him in and had their captain look him over and said he would be fine, just needed some rest. You nodded and left his healing room just when Ukitake woke up heartbroken at his failed confession.


How you met

"Give it back you jerks!" You said while jumping for you sword. You were the new third seat for first division and since you were the rookie, the guys from the eighth division had to mess you with and your shortness.

"No way! If you so strong then why don't you come and get it?"

"B-Becuase I don't like to fight..."

"Huh?" The man said with a confused face, "If you don't like to fight then why are you here?!"

"That's enough." Called out a deep voice as the three guys froze and started panicking. He was super tall while you were stood about to his collarbone. He had a laid back aura around him as he grabbed your sword and held it out for you. "I believe this sword is the pretty ladies?"

You blushed and took back your zanpakuto and sheathed it back in the right place. "T-Thank you sir!"

The three guys made a run for it while the tall captain simply paid them no mind "I take it your my new third seat? (y/l) (y/f)?"

"Yes sir! It will be an honor to serve by your side!"

He nodded and tilt his hat down as he walked away before answering the question in the back of your mind. "Just call me Shunsui, I don't like honorific that much anyways."

"U-Umm... Yes sir- I mean Shunsui!"

Shunsui smiled as he took off as his flowery coat made tiny ripples by the soft wind breeze.

When you become friends

The first division was nothing like you thought it was. Everyone was either on missions or out drinking and not doing paperwork. It seems you were the only one responsible around his squad. Well, both Nanao and you were.

The bullies were at it again as they had taken your zanpakuto while you when to the bathroom and put it high into a sakura tree. You sighed and began to climb it. You were almost half way until you missed a branch, making you fall down, and landing right on your butt. The pain was hurting so bad you groaned just as Shunsui came over to see.

"I didn't know you liked climbing trees."

"I don't... I just need to get my zanpakuto back and it's super high up."

It a blink of an eye, your zanpakuto was right in front of your face as Shunsui held it in his hands. "Here you go. I'll make sure to give those three boys a little talk."

"T-Thank you, Shunsui!" You said as you remembered right at the last second.

Shunsui smiled as he reached into his flowery coat and pulled out saka. "Since you remembered my name, I'll give you one of my favorite drinks as a start of are friend ship."

"Oh..." You said and took the saka for yourself. It was rare wine and worth more than anything you could buy. You secretly had a liking for saka and this was your weak spot. "Thank you! I'll make sure to save this for an important time in need of drinking!"

Shunsui smile widen as he started walking away. "Make sure to invite me over for that!"

He starts developing feelings for you

Shunsui found out your secret liking of saka as he caught you drinking some alone while doing paperwork. Of course he didn't want you to find out so he kept quiet and brought some saka of his own inside the office. You snapped your eyes up from the paperwork you were doing as they locked on the saka he had.

"Oh (y/n) I didn't think you were in here. It's lunch time, shouldn't you be out eating with the others?"

"Y-yes but I needed to finish this stack and I'm still new to this place anyways..." You replied almost in a mumble as your hands shook to take the saka from his hands, but you knew better.

"All right then, I'll just have lunch in here with you."

You snapped out of your saka trance as you stared at him while he sat right next to you. "Huh? But why with me?"

"Because you're my friend, and I had some saka left over to share." He said and opened one up and handed it to you. "Drink up."

You grinned and started chugging the saka down. Sooner than later you both passed out on the floor drunk.

He tries confessing but fails

He left a note on your paperwork to meet him out by the sakura tree. He wanted to say it in his favorite spot in the soul society. You were taking forever as Shunsui sat down by the tree and took a sip of it, then another, and another.

It was noon by the time you got finished with training and went were the note said, but found your captain out drunk and napping. You smiled and sweat dropped as you tapped a note to his forehead and left to get finished with the work you had left.

It was about evening Shunsui finally woke up sober and toke the note off his forehead and read it.

'Sorry I took so long I had to train some other new people in are squad. You were asleep and I didn't want to disrupt your napping and left. Hope you understand. ~ (y/n)'

Shunsui groaned as he took another swing of his saka, completely sad that he messed up everything.

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