Shunsui Birthday

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It was quiet in the office of the eight division. Almost too quiet. It was normal on most days, but on a day like this he would have thought it would have been different now with you in his life.

"Helllllooo! Is anyone in hereeeeee?" Shunsui called out as he entered into his office, the silence of no one.

"Awww... where could they be? I really wanted to be with (y/n) today." Shunsui said to himself in disappointed matter.

It's has only been two week sine you both started dating... maybe you didn't know today was his birthday. Nanao honestly didn't seem to partake an interest in his birthday, so it wasn't a surprise she wasn't here.

"Maybe a nap will help make this day better..." Shunsui said and when over to his desk and laid his head down...


"SURPRISE!!!" A voice rang near his ear as he jumped up from the sudden noise.

He rose his head up to see a cherry blossom cake in front of him with Nanao and you standing in front of him holding gifts. "What's all this?"

"It's your birthday silly! So we said surprise!"

"Please keep up captain. This is the only time I'm doing something like this for you." Nanao coldly said and fix her glasses.

Shunsui laughed sheepishly as he stood up and ruffled both your guys' hair. "Thank you two for this. I honestly thought you forgot it was my birthday."

"Nope! Now open up the presents!"

Shunsui smiled as he took both the presents and opened them up. A rare saka bottle from Nanao and a new hair pin from you, only with a cherry blossom in the middle.

"I love them both. Thank you."

"Your welcome." You smiled and kissed his cheek, "Now let's dig into that cake, it calling my name already."

Shunsui laughed as he nodded in agreement and started cutting the cake just as all the captain came in. You called them over as they all had a present to give to Shunsui. His heart melted at the moment as he hugged you closely while he ate his cake with you in his lap.

"Thank you for this day. This is the best birthday I've had, and there's a lot of them."

You giggled and took off his hat and put it on your head. "Your welcome. Happy birthday Shunsui."

"Thank you (y/n)." Shunsui said and kissed your forehead with love as he let you have his hat on all that night.

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