Wedding Dresses

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The boys aren't in this one but I promise this will be the only chapter they won't be in. It's just describing the wedding dresses to come when the wedding chapter will be updated. When? I don't know when but I plan on making it a long chapter. But since it's almost the end of the school year and the anniversary of this book, I'm deciding to post the wedding chapter on June 10th. This book was published on May 6th, but the book started on June10th. The anniversary chapter will be delated, sorry but I really want to make it long. This book has come a long way and I thank you all for being with me here till the end. And now, your chapter.


Searching for dresses was hard since you've never really shopped on your own. Well, you have, but your mother usually bought your clothes because you were her little doll to dress up.

You shivered at the memory and before going inside the shop. It was a quiet, but overall decent wedding shop. The owner came up to you and bowed with a smile. "Welcome! What are you thinking about wearing?"

"A nice and pretty wedding dress. I don't want it to be heavy, just a light enough so I don't sweat in the sun."

"Hmmm... I got just the dress."

She went to the back and came out with a rather old dress, but it was beautiful. It seemed like his woman knew everything about you and presented it in front of you. The wedding dress reached past down your knees and had a nice tint of red along with white covering the blossom. It was rather long, but feeling around the edges it was lighter than expected.

"Thank you! But, could you add some lighter colors too it? Similar to a strawberry?"

"Of course!"


Due to having it being your only day off during a weekday you took the chance to shop. Now being you, you didn't really shop for clothes much anyways, so wedding shopping was a challenge for you.

Luckily there was a store open as you came in, the bell ringing softly against the wooden frame of the door. A tall and beautiful young lady came out.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"I'm looking for a wedding dress. I thought I could buy one?"

The lady giggled lightly, but you were beginning to become angry at her. "Why are you laughing?"

"Sweetheart we don't sell dresses here, we craft and give them out too you. I heard your Abarai's soon-to-be wife? Then I have just the wedding dress to make."

She leads you in the back as you were crafted a dress. It wasn't white like tradition, but flaming red and sketched with black lines just like Renji's tattoos. Once it was done you smiled at the piece of art.

"Renji will love this."

"But of course," The lady smiled and tugged gently at a ruffle. "Because you are a wild flame."


Oh gosh. Handling a captain who didn't know how to control the amount of paperwork he was getting was tiresome. Toshiro made you skip work so you yourself could get a break.

"You know what," Rangiku smiled and grabbed your sleeve. "There is this dress I've been dying to put on you lately. It's about your size and it could pass off on a wedding dress."

You blinked, slowly processing the information inside. "Really? I was going to go buy one."

"You don't need to buy one! Come on, let me show you."

Rangiku lead you back to her house as you waited for her to reveal the dress. Once she came back with it, you were in love.

The dress itself was white, but the bottom turned into a silvery glow. With the right amount of needle work you could add snowflakes onto the dress to impress the others.

"I love it! Want to help me add snowflakes on here?"

"To get out of work? Anything for that!"


Considering you were the only female Espada it was a big deal to everyone. Espada marrying another Espada was never heard of because everyone was out to take each other's ranks.

But still, it was a special moment as you let a fraccion of your own help you with your dress. You were standing still as they worked around you.

"You're going to look so sexy in this!"

"Ummm..." you mumbled, not sure what to say next. "I was going for lovely, but I'm sure sexy is also great."

After a while of sewing the dress she leads you to a mirror. The dress was pure black, but the laces at the bottom were green and wrapped around your waist and down.

"It's beautiful." You smiled at the mirror. "It might not be white, but black is just as beautiful to a wedding dress."

"You got that right."


There wasn't any Quincies you could go to for wedding traditions, so you made your own wedding dress. It was in secret and when you had the time off.

It was silky and soft, strapless and hung on around the edges of the bottom, but it wouldn't drag you down. Not only was it beautiful, you even added the fact of blut veins.

"I hope Uryu will love this." You smiled to yourself, hopping you would share this piece of art.

The doorknob was opening as you panicked and hid it under the couch before Uryu could come in. It wouldn't be until the fateful day he would see your dress.


You really didn't want to leave Ukitake to do paperwork on his own, but being him and how sweet he is he made you go shopped with his vice-captain Rukia.

You've met her time to time but haven't really talk much about anything. But she was beautiful and headstrong.

"What are you thinking about looking for in your dress?" She questioned.

"Ummm... I was thinking a kimono style dress, but pastel colors to even out the coloring."

Rukia nodded and lead you into a shop selling kimonos for sale. It was a huge shop, even fancy enough that you wondered if you had enough money...

But Rukia was paying as you tried on dresses. One only caught your eye as it was white kimono with light green and turquoise lightly splashed together to add the affect.

"Is that the one?" Rukia asked.

You nodded and thought of the smile on Ukitake's face. "Yes, it is."


Nanao was kind enough to let you borrow a dress from her family. It was a cherry blossom kimono, but with some improvements it could be made into a beautiful wedding dress.

"What do you think?" She asks, picking at the wrinkles from old age. "It was my mother's and I hope you will enjoy its classier age."

"I love it!" You smiled and touched the kimono. The silk and touch was wonderful to even feel. "I'll made the adjustments if you don't mind."

"Not at all. But still, I'm glad the captain is getting married. It gives me a break from trying to snap some sense into that man."

You giggled and hugged her. "Yeah. But now it's my job to slap him as many times as I want."


Yoruichi offered to help with the dress as you kindly took her offer. What she was giving you, you didn't know what.

"How about this?"

Your face turned red at the dress she pulled out. It was black and short, even with a big hole to show the blossom.

"This is a wedding! Not a striper place!"

She laughed and threw it aside. "But it could be your honeymoon surprise~"

Before you could yell at her she picked out a simple dress, but you didn't want over the top fancy. You smiled and forgot you were even mad at her.

"I like it. It gives a flare of class."

Yoruichi smiled and gave it to you. "Then it's your dress."


Surprisingly Gin was willing to help you would with your wedding dress. It was odd, but sweet at the same time.

"What should the queen be dressed like for her wedding? Hmmm~?"

You looked in the mirror and saw the rows of dressed behind you. Gin was going to pick one out until you picked of Aizen's selection of dresses.

"It has to be fancy, but I don't want the material dragging me down when I walk. It must have an air of royalty to it, but a sense of pride."

"Geez you're a tough pick." Gin mumble and pulled out a row of dresses.

You smiled and pointed at middle dress. "That's the one. You're a real help."

Gin chuckled. "All I did was pull out a row of dresses!"


You didn't need to shop for a wedding dress for you were going to use your late mother's wedding dress. You pulled out the crate of old memories and saw it once again.

It was dusty, but you remember your mother giggling and tugging at the dress because of when she married your father. It held the symbol of your clan, a star cut into pieces and scattered apart. Tears dripped onto the dress softly.

"Mother... I wish you were able to see me get married... it always was your one dream you always hopped to see true."

After lightly crying, you got back up and held a dear strong smile for your mother to see, somewhere beyond the matter of death.


It was no brainer you didn't know how to make or know where to start to find a dress. Instead, you grabbed the closest long dress in your closet.

"Hmmm... maybe this is good enough?"

That's when it hit you. You killed some hollow and used their blood to brighten the ends of your dress up. The last was pain around the blossom which was pale blue.

"Perfect! Deadly and lovely! Just like me!"

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