When He's Sick

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There was a flu going around the school but Ichigo was so fit and healthy he didn't think he would get it. Well you didn't get it, but somehow your loving boyfriend did and was hacking and sneezing every second it seemed.

He was staying home without anyone but you tacking care of him. His father was out of town for a meeting and his sisters were at school. So you skipped school to take care of him even though Ichigo didn't like you skipping school for him.

"I got some hot chicken noddle soup for you!"

Ichigo looked at you with tired eyes. "I'm not hungry..."

You growled and sat on the edge of his bed. "You haven't ate anything all this morning. You're going to eat this soup if you like it or not!"

Ichigo sighed in defeat. Normally he would fight back, but his mind wasn't in the best condition. "Fine..."

You smiled and helped him eat his soup with a cheerful spirit.


Renji wanted to try cooking for a changed to impress you since you cooked a lot for his lunches and dinner. He was making a noddle dinner when he added the wrong spices, wrong water temperature, and almost wrong everything without knowing.

"Dinner's ready!" Renji shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay!" You replied as you were in the living room reading a book.

Renji looked at his soup with pride. "This soup is going to be great!" He grabbed a wooden spoon and stirred it a bit before getting some.

When Renji took a taste of his soup, his face turned dark green as he ran for the bathroom. He was puking up a lot as you rushed to the bathroom and helped him get rid of it all. After he was done you helped him to bed and take care of him for the day.


Toshiro had a migraine but that wouldn't stop him from going to work. Rangiku wasn't there (like always) so he was stuck to his thoughts and pounding in his head. When you came in your saw the pain in his face.

"Shiro what is wrong?"

"... Just a headache."

You touched his forehead and he hissed in pain. He was burning up pretty badly. "Leave me alone...." He glared at you.

"No!" You dragged him out of his desk and pulled him to the couch where you had him lay down. "You're going to rest Shiro. Working yourself like this is bad for you."

"But I'm fine..."

"No you're not." You threw a blanket onto him and started massaging his temple. "Just get some rest."

Toshiro wouldn't go to sleep but gave up after an hour and closed his eyes to sleep. You were happy and snuggle beside him to sleep with him.


Lately more than ever his hollow hole has been closing up lately. It does slowly, but it's because he's learning the meaning of having a heart. But sadly with the closing of the hole makes him sick because with his hole closing up gives him terrible pain.

He was laying on his bed, sweating and breathing hard as he could feel the hole closing up slowly and surely. Sometimes it only took about an hour or two, but it's been four hours. You were getting worried and opened up his door.

"Ulquiorra... are you alright?"

"I-I'm... fine." He winced in pain and arched his back slightly in the air.

You shook your head and had his head lay in your lap while you stroked the side of his head. "Just sleep. I promise it will go away soon if you sleep."

Ulquiorra decided and went to sleep for a good long time. You smiled and stroked his hair while looking at the hollow hole that would soon be completely gone in due time.


Usually he kept his body in check once in a while, but this time he didn't and got so lightheaded at school you were allowed to take him home. Uryu groaned in pain as everything was twisting and turning everywhere.

"Haven't you been eating or drinking anything this week?" You asked him once you got him home.

"Yes... but... only... light... meals..."

With a sigh you gently put him on the couch. "What am I going to do with you?"

Uryu was too dizzy to respond back but you helped him clear his dizziness by giving him the medicine and protein he needed that he missed out.


He was always sick but it was kind of your job now strangely to help take care of him when he was sick. Ever since you came into his life he only got sick one a month and not every two week which was great for his health.

He was coughing and had an ice path over his head. "I'm sorry about this (y/n)."

You smiled and quickly replaced the ice pack on his head. "Don't worry about it. If I didn't love you I wouldn't be doing this for you."

He smiled through the sickness and made the best laugh he could muster up with. "That's great..."

Ukitake started his coughing hack as you quickly patted his back and kissed his cheek to hopefully make him feel better.


The idiot got himself way too drunk last night and called in sick. He was groaning in pain as everything was blurry and each time he moved he felt like throwing up everything he ate. The door opened as you came in the house with medicine.

"Shunsui I'm back!"

He winced at your yelling. "Please don't yell... everything hurts right now."

You sighed and shook your head. "I hope this teaches you a lesson to not drink every other day from now."

Shunsui nodded his head weakly. "Yes ma'am..."

"Good." With a smile you sat down on his bed and fed him some medicine while taking care of him for the rest of the day, making sure he didn't sneak in a drop of sake into his water.


He was stacking box in the rain, but it was only light rain that wouldn't hurt anyone. That soon came to a stop when he first came inside and started to sneeze. You were the only one in the house at the time and listen to his sneezing.

"Oh no," You said, coming out of your room. "I am not going to have sickness spread across this shop because you were too stupid to put an umbrella over your head to protect yourself."

Kisuke sweat-dropped as he backed away from you. "Honey I'm really am fine. Just a sneeze."

You growled and pointed to his bedroom. "Get in bed and don't get out unless it's something serious."

Kisuke sighed and went into his room and laid down on his flat bed. "Your wish is my command."

You smiled and continued your soul reaper business. The next day you were right as Kisuke was getting sick and tired, but still laid in bed because he feared what you would do to him if he ever once got out of bed.


Lately the pain in his head had gotten worst and made him stay in bed for today. You were concerned and came to his bedroom uninvited, but you didn't care because you were worried about him.

"Sosuke... are you alright?"

His brown hair was a bit messy as he was just wearing a plain white kimono. "No..."

"Is there any way I can help?"

"... Come here."

You did as told and yelped when he pulled you into his arm. Aizen snuggled you closely to his chest and started to snore very loudly. That was fast way to fall asleep. You didn't move and every so offended kissed his cheek and smiled at his peaceful calm face as he was sleeping.


He was sweating and breathing pretty hard as he stayed at home from this sudden sickness he caught. It was almost the same one you had a while back, but you had it more badly than his. Was this a sign?

You came into his room with a bright smile. "Rukia told me you weren't feeling good so I made you my special homemade bread! It's packed with the medicine you need inside and it taste good with a crunchy bite."

Byakuya looked at the bread with longing. "Just... one bite."

You smiled and sat down next to him. "Not just a bite but the whole thing. It's like drinking the watery parts of a soup to give you the real medicine inside." With a break of the bread you handed him half of it too start off. "Just eat it slowly at first."

He nodded and took a bite of the bread. It was good, more than just good. Byakuya smiled slightly and began to eat more of it. "This is... good."

A happy you jumped inside while you smiled on the outside. "That bread never fails me!"

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