When he starts developing feelings for you

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It was a windy and chilly evening as you had just gotten done with after school work and Ichigo offered you to walk home with him along the way so you wouldn't get lonely.

"How are you liking the school and town so far?"

"I like the town, but I like you guys. You're the best people I have met in town so far. Other people are nice, but you guys are the best group of friends I've ever had."


"Yep. I didn't have many friends back then. But ever since I've met you guys and learned what you guys do it's make my life more better in my way."

It started rain as you sighed and covered your head with your hands, which didn't work very much at all.

"Here take my jacket." Ichigo said as he shrugged off his gray school jacket and wrapped it around you. Blood rose to both of your cheeks as you put it on as you got warmer and warmer.

"Thank you Ichigo."

"No problem." He said with a small smile as he led you home.

He walked you up the front steps as you handed his jacket to him. "Thanks for the shelter, Ichigo. I owe you one."

"Not a problem (y/n). See ya tomorrow."

Once he got home he stared out the window all night thinking about you...



This perked the ears of a red pineapple as he looked out from his window from his desk to see you holding your leg and curling up into a ball in pain. His heart jumped a beat as he ran out of the room and raced over too you.

"Are you alright?!" Renji cried out as he sat down at your height and looked over you with worried eyes.

"Y-Yeah... I just scraped my knee..."

Renji did his best to hold in his laugh as he pat your head. "Do you want me to bandage it up for you?"

"Yes please."

Renji nodded as he quickly came back with bandages and patched up your bloody knee for you. "Good as new!"

"Thanks Renji." You quickly looked around and blushed while looking down. "Just don't tell anyone else I cried over my scrapped knee... please?"

Renji smiled as he ruffled your hair. "I promise. You can count on me (y/n)!"

"You're a good friend Renji... Just so you know." You smiled as Renji helped you up and smiled back.

"You too (y/n)."

He walked you back to your quarters, when he left he already started missing you.


The amount of work Rangiku was putting on you was stressful enough. You had a problem of saying no to work because of your good nature, and this is where you were at, under a mountain of paperwork.

"Ugh.... I'll never get this done..."

Toshiro looked up from his pile of paperwork and saw yours were bigger than his, which was strange since he always had the bigger pile from anyone, even the captains.

"(y/n), you are to take a break for the whole day."

Shocked when threw your whole body as you looked up from your pile from your desk to look at your captain, but could only see the top of his white hair. "R-Really captain?"

"Just go now before I change my mind!"

"Y-yes sir!" You said while finding a way out of the mountain of paperwork and out into the world for sunlight.

Toshiro gave himself a tiny smile as he grabbed your paperwork and started getting to work, he finished early as all he was thinking about was you.




Both Grimmjow's and your voice echoed all out from Hueco Mundo as Ulquiorra was walking down the hall just as this was happening. Grimmjow had you back up against a wall, ready to choke the life out of you because you made his hair stick up like cat ears while he slept.

You whimpered and looked at his sword with pure fear. "P-Please Grimm Kitty... forgive me!"

"Too late for that now!"

He swung his sword down as you ducked your head between your legs, but suddenly a finger stopped the blade coming down just barely an inch above your head. Grimmjow's eyes widen as he flash-stepped backward and glared at Ulquiorra with hate as you looked up at him with shock.

"Grimmjow you know what Lord Aizen has said about you hurting about a Espada."

Grimmjow threw out an ugly scowl as he put his sword away and paced down the hall away. You stood up and looked at Ulquiorra with so many questions.

"Why did you do that?"

"I know your little problem of fighting back other Espada. If you didn't fight Grimmjow Lord Aizen would have wonder why you didn't fight and would become angry you don't or want to fight back anyone else. I just saved your life."

He turned around as his tail coat swished with him as he walked down the hallway with a cold aura, when inside he was trying to figure out what he was feeling at the moment when he saved you. He never felt anything so strong before...


You needed new clothes now as money was the problem here. You never really seemed to have enough to buy you a lot to last before they wore out or tore. Uryu took notice into it as he sewed up your clothes for you and handed them back to you once you arrived at his front door step of his house.

"Thanks Uryu! I owe you a lot for this!"

"Your welcome. But if you would like I could make some clothes for you made by me."

Joy spread everywhere inside you as you couldn't hold back and hugged Uryu tightly to you. "Thank you Uryu... you have no idea how much that means too me..."

Blush was slowly appearing on his cheeks as he pulled back and coughed. "It's only because you're a fellow Quincy, don't get used to it too often of my kindness."

You giggled and hugged him tighter. "Okay I'll make sure of that."

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