When You Move In With Him

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Him and you had just graduated from the high school, when to a party, and you got so tired out of your mind you crashed on his bed. When you woke up you were surprised to see him packing up a suitcase.

"I thought you were staying here?" You questioned him.

Ichigo rose his head just and looked lost for a second as he looked back and at the bags. He seemed to be loss of words.

"Ichigo... say something."

He sighed and looked out the window. "My father bought me a new place to stay at so I can experience the real world. I'm going there tonight and that's why I'm packing up. I was planning on asking you to move in with me... but it sounded selfish of me to ask you."

You shook your head and giggled slightly. "Why would you think that? Sure, before graduation it would have been wrong, but now that we're adults it's perfectly fine."

His eyes shined with hope. "You mean..."

"Yup! I'm moving in with you!"

For the first time in a while his mouth turned into a happy grin as he dropped the bags and hugged you tightly to him, so happy from real loss of words.


Recently your home was damaged to some hollows that stampeded your part of the area of soul reaper houses. It was going to take forever to repair the house so you were stuck at Renji's place.

Truth to be told it wasn't bad sleeping over at his place. He could be a bit cleaner, but other than that he was a gentleman, for the first time in his whole life.

It was around lunch time when Renji was acting weird. From the corner of his pocket you could see a tiny white note in there.

"Renji," You spoke, making him jump. "What's that?"

When you pointed to it Renji sighed. "I can't hide it anymore... but this is something I've been thinking for a while... just read the note."

You took the note from his pocket and read it over, a huge smile coming over your face, the next part shocked Renji as you grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him deeply. People were watching but you would care less as you screamed yes after pulling back.


Rangiku was helping him as he confessed he wanted you to live with him so you could spend more time together, but didn't know how to put it into words. So Rangiku agreed to help her captain.

Rangiku came into the office with beautiful roses made from ice. You saw and dropped your pen. "Oh my..." You said, completely taken back from their beauty.

Rangiku smiled and set them in a vase. "You know is does have something in them. Just break the roses."

"But... I really don't want to break them."

Rangiku growls and smashes them for you. You winced and already begun to miss the rose's beauty, but looked to see a note inside them.

"Go on." Rangiku urged you. "Read it."

You slowly took it and read it over, your eyes widening in shock. "Huh? Shiro wants me to live with him?"

"Yeah," Toshiro said, popping right into the office. "I was just nervous telling you."

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "Then I'll pack my stuff."


Later the previous week Lord Aizen had found out about your dating. At first he was mad, but his girlfriend calmed him down and now he was cool with it. His girlfriend was a blessing to you both.

But the problem was Aizen had moved your rooms so far apart after he found out it was hard to even speak or hangout now at night.

You were reading a book when your door knocked. You got up and opened it up to Ulquiorra.

"Hey Green Eyes, what's up?"

"(y/n) I must ask you something. Would it be possible that you would like to move into my room with me? I talked to Lord Aizen about it and said it was fine, but if anything bad happened we'll have to separate from each other."

"What?! This isn't a joke?!"

Ulquiorra blinked. "What's a joke?"

"Doesn't matter!" You threw your arms around him and laughed with happiness. "I'm so happy! I'll move in with you!"


After the graduation of his high school he took you to his father's hospital to help with your hang over. You got drunk with friends and Uryu had to pull you out of their mini party.

You were with a hangover right now and groaned in pain. "Ugh... I didn't know how powerful they spiked the drinks..."

Uryu sighed and covered you with the blankets. "I can't believe you were stupid enough to drink sake when you could have smelled it."

You giggled and stopped when a headache came. "Owe... I learned my lesson."

"You better have. Anyways, I was going to ask if you wanted to move in with me. It's not my father's house but he bought one for me as a gift. I was wondering if you wanted to move in so it wouldn't be so empty."

"Sure..." All you really heard was move in and agreed to it.


Lately he was getting sicker and had to stay at his house while you watched over him. You didn't mind since you had food and could shower over there.

Ukitake was coughing up blood as you quickly went to his side and patted his back. "Are you okay? Do you need more medicine?"

He shook his head and smiled for you. "I'm fine. Also... I wanted to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to move in with me?"

You froze, shocked from his words. "Move in? Where did this come from?"

"Well since you've been here for the week taking care of me you seem to have gotten a map of the house. It would also great if you lived here to take care of me."

You giggled and smiled. "Sure. Why not."


He was drunk, again, that makes twice in a row. You were nervous about him drinking twice in the same time which meant he was stressed about something.

You waited after he was clear of drinking for the night and knocked on his office door. He sighed and mumbled a 'come in'.

You entered with a smile. "Hey... are you okay?"

"No. It won't work or happen at all!"

You were confused at his words. "What won't work?"

He took a swing of the sake bottle next to him. "I want you to move in with me, but you don't even seem happy with me and I saw how you looked at me this morning! With disgust!"

You rushed over and hugged him to you. "That's not true! I love you and I'm happy too! I only gave you a weird look because you don't drink twice in the same morning!"

He must have been crying because the sound of nose sucking up snot came up. "R-Really...? Then you wouldn't mind moving in with me?"

You came into his line of view and kissed his nose. "Not at all."


Even though you both lived together Kisuke wanted to pull a prank on you to confuse you. When you came back from hollow hunting Kisuke came into the room fanning himself like he always have done.

"Oh (y/n)~ Why don't we live together?"

You looked at him confused. "Are you okay? Are you drunk? Damn it Kisuke! It's not even evening yet!"

He laughed and slammed his fan shut. "Oh your silly~ I'm not drunk, so move in with me~"

You sighed and moved him aside to get to your room. "I don't have time for this."

Kisuke pouted, opening his fan up again to fan himself. "Someone's not in the joking mood."


After finding out Ulquiorra and Grimmjow had girlfriends that was forbidden to have, he thought of the way they were not living with each other's in their rooms and got the same idea. A servant brought you a note as you came to his door.

You knocked on it as Aizen opened it up and greeted you with a smile. "Glad you came."

"Of course I came... you're not mad anymore...?"

"Mad? We're did you get that silly idea?"

You sweat dropped at him. "Sosuke, what do you really want?"

He opened up his door more as his bed became even bigger. "I want you to move in with me. To my room, of course."

You stared at the room as the closet was changed to have two people's clothes along with a bedside table on the other side of the bed. "Wow... you're really plan your stuff. Alright, but if you complain about me kicking in my sleep I'm going back to my room."

An irk mark appeared and quickly disappeared at the same time. "Deal."


You both have been planning this for a while but just didn't have the time to pack up all your stuff, so Byakuya came over to help. Everything was almost to his mansion as you smiled at the huge house.

"It's weird now that I'm going to live with you."

He rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well everyone knows were dating... but now what will they think? We're not married and haven't... you know... what will people think?"

"You're a noble, are you not? You ignore the stares of people as their stares only hold jealousy and envy for us. It's our jobs to ignore the stares and carry on our title with high and proud shoulders, or else they'll bring you down to their level."

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "I love it when you get into stuff like that."

A small smile lifted at the corner of his mouth. "I didn't think you loved it."

"That, and your long black hair!" You said, hugging his long black hair as he let you, but read a book in his hands to ignore the touching.


"Oh god... what is this?"

"Sorry... I've been cleaning up the place." Grimmjow spoke up.

This room was covered in weapons and clothes everywhere as he promised to clean up his room for you, but you didn't think it was this messy. You stepped over to the spots without clothes and set your belongs on his bed.

"Do you need help?" You asked, watching him as he tried to reach for a small box.

Grimmjow growled in annoyance. "I got this."

When he jumped up, he got the box, but stuff was behind it and it was holding that stuff back, making a huge mess of more clothes and weapons crash onto him. You screamed and started to dig Grimmjow out of it.

"Are you alright?! Where are you?!"

Grimmjow's voice was muffled, but you got him out and had him rest while you cleaned up the place.

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