When You (Try) To Prank Him

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You know his hollow hunting took time, but he was gone since this morning before class because of an unusual hollow outbreak. Truthfully you were bored, so bored you thought up a way to scare Ichigo. It was evil and scary, like you!

It was around lunch time he finally came back, a little scratch on his cheek to show he really did battle hollows, but you didn't care and got into position, hiding behind the roofs door.

He found the note on his desk to meet you upstairs so he went up like it said, but you were nowhere to be seen.

Ichigo blinked and checked the note. "It said to meet her right here."

"BOO!" You jumped from behind and accidentally made Ichigo fall over from pushing too hard. You fell with him and laughed.

He yelped and glared at you. "The Hell was that for?!"

You shrugged and smiled. "Just pay back for not walking me to school."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever... and that so 'scared' me."

You giggled and poked his nose. "Good! My prank worked!"


Renji was held back because of late paperwork he had to make up. You on the other hand were sitting alone at the sword practice area, staring into space. It was then you realized that Renji was the only person to entertain you.

"Ugh..." You mumbled to yourself. "He better come in five minutes or less I'm doing something mean..."

Five minutes passed into an hour, an hour of thinking of a prank. Renji was finally released as he had no energy left, bags were seen under his eyes. He almost looked like a red, pineapple zombie.

"Paperwork... so much paperwork..."

From behind the tip of a sword touched his throat, it was you but with a mask to hide your face. Renji didn't mind or didn't feel it as he continued to move forward.

You groaned and took off your mask. "Damn it... I thought it would work."


He has been gone in a captain's meeting also all afternoon leaving you to do nothing but stack and organize the paperwork. It was the most boring thing in the world to do.

An hour later you saw some other captain's walking by the door and going to their own office, meaning Toshiro must be out now. Quickly you got behind the desk, waiting with a smirk.

Toshiro came in to expect you, but only saw his desk filled with paperwork. "(y/n)?" He rose his voice slightly as he walked towards his desk.

"BOOOOOO!" You jumped out from the desk, but paperwork went everywhere. Instead of scaring Toshiro you only gave him an irk mark on his forehead.


You squeaked and started immediately cleaning up the mess. "Yes Shiro!"


As usual Ulquiorra was well-known to be emotionless and doesn't make a face at anything. But only you knew about his closing hollow hole, it was getting smaller and smaller each day.

So to test if it's made a difference you hid under his bed to prank him. He had to show emotion at this point, some kind of emotion to show he was human. He was once before so there were emotions somewhere inside him.

His bedroom door opened up as he slowly walked in and took off his sword from his belt. When he takes it off he stretches so you took the chance to scare him.

You grabbed him by his ankle, gripping it hard. "I GOT YOU!"

Ulquiorra just blinked and rose and eyebrow, a look of confusion on his pale face. "What does that mean?"

"EEE!" You screamed after crawling out to hug him. "You showed emotion! My prank didn't work, but I'm happier about the emotion!"

".... Yay?" He answered back, puzzled out of his mind.


He was taking forever to get by from getting more blue yarn for the blanket he was making so you hid yourself under the table, waiting any moment now. It was small and cramp but you made room for yourself.

People gave you weird looks when they saw you under the table. You just ignore then as your blood pumped at getting to scare Uryu.

The door finally opened as you could see Uryu's shoe just in front of you. He stopped, looking around for you.

"(y/n)? Are you still in here?"


You bumped the lower half of your head when getting up from the table. Uryu just laughed while you rubbed your injury.

"What was that?! I could do a much better job than that!"

You blushed and threw a piece of paper at him. "Shut up four-eyes!"


All day he was ignoring you for a good reason and that was too get this late paperwork done and turned in. You know it for a good reason... but you were bored without him.

You poked your head in to see he was deeply into writing his paperwork, his hand almost looking like it was flying off the page.

You smirked and carefully crawled in to scare him. Just when you were close enough to the desk Ukitake sneezed, right when you jumped up to scare him.

"RAW!" You shouted.

Ukitake sniffed and wiped his nose, looking at you puzzled. "(y/n)? What are you doing?"

You pouted and crossed your arms. "Trying to scare you... but it didn't work."

He smiled and laughed. "I'm sorry it didn't work!"

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's alright."


Of course you boyfriend was drunk and out of it, usual on a Friday night. But he was tired from the captain's meeting so he had a reason to get drunk. Well you evilly took the chance and crept up slowly.

He was snoring loudly enough to hurt your ear drums, so it was perfect. Little did you remember and know he would twitch in his sleep. You go up and went to lung at him, when his stupid arm rose and blocked you from lunging at him.

You yelped and fell forwards, crashing into him. "Damn it!"

Shunusi blinked awake and yawned. "Ugh... I shouldn't pass out in that chair next time..."

"Idiot!" You jumped up and smacked him across the face. "You ruined my plan!"

Shunsui sighed and rubbed his cheek. "I was only sleeping..."


Kisuke was in the back room loading and unloading boxes for next month's sale off of soul candy. You were in the back room, too, only hiding in the masses of boxes he still had put at away yet.

"(y/n)!" Kisuke yelled. He had his hat off and looked around in confusion. "I thought she was in her room. Maybe her hollow alarm went off.... oh well."

When he was close enough to the boxes you burst from the pile. "BOO! AHH-" But you got buried under another pile of boxes from the top shelf you accidentally moved. Kisuke laughed and helped you from the pile.

"Were you trying to scare me?"

You blushed and looked away from him as he helped you up. "Maybe..."


Aizen even asked Gin where you were, but shockingly he didn't even know where you were either. Secretly, Aizen asked Gin to keep an eye on you when you weren't near him, just for safety reasons because of the espada.

He sighed as he looked at the clock. It was time to start the meeting and you still weren't able to be found.

"Sorry," Gin said, "I just can't seem to find her."

"Just leave it alone. I'll look for her myself."

Gin smiled and left the room silently. Aizen sighed and lean back in his chair when suddenly you came up from behind and grabbed his shoulders. "BOO!"

You accidently shook him too much as the tea near him split over and was dumped all over him. A dark aura came over him as you laughed with a shaky voice and tried to wipe it off him. "It was a joke, see? Hahah... ha..."

He didn't look at you but you could tell he was furious. "Next time... don't do anything like this again."

"Yes dear..."


Byakuya only saw you once and that was during lunch. After the rest of the day he couldn't find you anywhere. He even asked people around him, but to no news of you anywhere. He was getting tired and sat down in his office chair.

"Where is she? I need her advice on Rukia's present."

"PRESENT?! OW!" You were under his desk and accidentally bumped your head real hard from excitement.

Byakuya backed away so you can get out. He helped you up and looked at you head wound. "What were you doing down there?"

"I was just trying to scare you... but I only hurt myself... owie..."

Byakuya smiled a tiny bit and kissed the head wound. "Just be careful next time."

A small blush came into your cheeks as you smiled softly. "I will."

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