Fight Beneath Moonlight

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Asahi looked over at her, she was curled up under the gnarled bows of a bleached tree.

Monsters were howling in the distance. They'd have to move soon.

He reached over and gripped her shoulder, "Wake up." he gently shook her shoulder.

She woke with a start, grabbing her blade, "What?! Wha-?"

"Easy, easy," Asahi kept a firm grip on her shoulder, "You're ok."

She sighed and rubbed her forehead, over the horrible gash that dropped down over her right eye, "Fuck . . . don't do that." She stood up, looking over as another howl echoed in the dark.

"We should get moving. They're onto us." Asahi said.

"Right behind you, Cap'n." She replied.

The Demon of the Soul Society,

Chapter eight,

"Fight Beneath Moonlight"

Kenpachi grinned at me -- a wide, cruel grin as he launched forward with a cackle. I set my weight deep into my heel and brought my zanpakutō up, meeting his strike head on. As I did, I exhaled sharply, and with that exhale, I allowed my reiastu to spill forth, and I blocked the blow with ease. A deep red aura surrounded me as I glared right up into Kenpachi's eyes.

Kenpachi grins as he took a step forward, pushing me back with his sheer might and body mass, "Ah . . . I can feel your spiritual pressure. You like to keep it under wraps."

I opted not to respond, feeling the voices claw in my mind, getting louder and louder with each moment. Let loose a bit, thrash him around, then rein it in. I thought to myself.

"Or you get thrashed, Shinigami." The voice whispered in my head.

I twisted my blade and planted my foot in Kenpachi's stomach. My heel was met with rock-hard muscle as I kicked him back a few paces. Kenpachi slid in the dirt, I charged forward and swung my blade wide, and Kepnachi blocked it, but the force of the impact sent up a cloud of dust. Kenpachi's grin only widened as he reached forward to try and grab me.

I dodged easily, and used the flash step to get behind him. The world seemed to slow, as I put the bulk of my strength into my swing -- not bothering to hold back as I slashed Kenpachi across the back in a diagonal upswing. Akuma no Hōchō sliced through Kenpachi's haori like hot butter, and I felt the familiar sensation of blood splattering my arm and cheek as the tip of my blade slashed the skin on his back.

There was a pause, and I took a few steps back, my bare feet sliding in the dirt. I brought my blade up into a ready position. I felt Kenpachi's blood drip down my arm, and a droplet of it slide down my cheek.

Kenpachi straightened and looked over his shoulder at me, "You . . . you cut me." His voice rumbled out.

I sniffed, and bared my teeth, "That's what happens when you get hit with a sword." I retorted, "Or are you just surprised my reiatsu can pierce yours?"

Kenpachi turned to me, his grin changed. Once cruel, and violent, had transformed into one of pure excitement and joy, "You can cut me! " He laughed, "Its been a minute since I fought someone who can actually make me bleed. . . ."

I took a step back, before driving forward towards him with a snarl. We both clashed again, and again, the sounds of metal striking metal ringing out in the night. Sweat began to gather beneath my robes as we traded blows back and forth, and with each cut, each nick, the craving grew stronger -- clawing within my belly.

I winced as the tip of Kenpachi's blade nicked my cheek, and the warmth of the blood that ran down my pale skin sent a shiver down my spine. The voices grew louder, going from yelling to shrieking as I dodged another swipe of Kenpachi's zanpakutō. I turned to retaliate with a strike of my own, only to be met with a punch to the face.

Blindsided, and unexpected, I spun away from the force of the blow and hit the ground hard. I gasped, tucking my head between my shoulders, feeling blood collect between my teeth.

Kenpachi's spiritual pressure pressed down upon me as he made a tch sound, obviously displeased, "Is that all? Kinda disappointing, if we're being honest."

I carded my fingers through my hair and looked up at him from over my shoulder. Just staring at his smug expression made my blood boil, my fingers curled into the silty earth beneath me as I pushed myself up.

Then, it started. A soft snicker, that grew into a bout of manaicle laughter. Oh, I wanted to make him understand my pain -- why I am nothing like him. Why I can never allow myself to fully loose control. Quick as lightening, I spun, lashing out with my zanpakutō and cutting Kenpachi in the shin. He stumbled back with a surprised grunt as I scrambled up and began attacking him non-stop. Each blow was stronger than the one before, my reiatsu flowing out of me in waves. Kenpachi met me with ease, however.

Kenpachi then swung wide, coming around to slice my neck with a grunt. My hand shot out, and I steeled myself as I caught Kenpachi's blade. I couldn't help but watch with smugness as Kenpachi's grin faltered, for just a moment as his blade sank into the skin of my palm. Pain radiated down my limb as I glared up at him, a grin splitting my face as blood poured down the contours of my forearm.

I then gripped the blade, and pulled it close to myself, earning a grunt of surprise from Kenpachi. I then brought my blade up, my grin widening, "Fuckin' animal." I brought it down, slamming it into his shoulder.

His Captain's haori turned red as blood stained the white clothing. I then reeled my head back, and cracked my head to his, smashing my forehead into the bridge of his nose. We both parted and I jumped back several paces, breathing deeply, ignoring the stinging pain in my arm.

Kenpachi glared at me, as trails of crimson blood began to slide down from his nostrils.

My stance relaxed and I exhaled sharply, "We're done." I said, feeling myself slipping further and further from the point of return, "This is over."

Kenpachi's smile vanished in a split second, "What? Why? The fight isn't over yet." He snarls.

"We could be trading blows till daylight, and the both of us would still be going strong." I replied, "Besides . . . I have no interest in fighting someone unless I have to."

Kenpachi rolled his one eye, "What? You need a reason to fight?" he snarled.

"Once upon a time, I didn't." I seethed, "Now, I do." I turned my back to him and marched back to my barracks, leaving Kenpachi on the training grounds, beneath the moonlight. 

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