I'm funny, give me time-

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I made a quick doodle based on Ruby's whole story.

So basically, Enepsigos is this wicked powerful pure fallen angel that was betrayed by her fellow fallen (but not pure-) angel brothers for having a child with a mortal after she escaped her torture from Solomon. This mortal actually treated her decently (which is a first in a VERY long time for her) and they fell in love then child. But Lucifer, king of hell and older brother to Enepsigos came and killed her husband and attempted to kill her child. Luckily Enepsigos stepped in and sacrificed herself, but before she was sliced in half like a hot knife through butter she left her angel soul with her child so that she could watch over her in a way since her child was now orphaned. Enepsigos's body, however, was still stabby stabbed and all of hell assumed that she was dead. So like any decent older brother, Lucifer took her body, dragged it back to hell, and had a demon "scientist" make experiments on the body which eventually made the lovely demon lieutenant we all know and love. Abaddon.

But that's beside the point~ what you wanna know is how this has to do with Ruby and my doodle!!! Well, simple really, that child fell in love and then had a kid and Enepsigoses soul transferred to THAT child. So everytime a child in the Enepsigos bloodline (which is ALWAYS a girl child) is born, Enepsigos is reincarnated. And Ruby is considered the perfect reincarnation. For she has the same emotional suffering as Ene has. So Ruby is reincarnated every century or so to keep the bloodline pure and stuffs. Which means there are multiple Rubys. One in the past, one in the present, and one in the future. She will always be Ruby, every time. But the Ruby we know and love that got married to Klarmo is the Original Ruby.  Yaaaaaayyyy.

So basically, this is present/future, Ruby, seeing past Ruby's mural in a museum. Probably for a school field trip or something. Here ya go!!!!

*clap clap clap clap*

And here's a sketch for a drawing Pelly wants me to do-


I hate it

I'm redoing it-

It's too stiff and the anatomy is fucked up-

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