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I get told I'm a slut.
"You are a bitch, a slutty whore, you are nothing but a pretty face and a nice body. You are MEANT to be used and thrown away" that is what they told me. That is what I believed.

I still dream of the nights, the horrors of my past that I push away. Ironically they always come when I'm finished with a job, bad karma I guess. Haha.

I was maybe around six, I still lived with my mother and father. The first time it happened, I will never forget. Mother never fought Father that much, she was usually too scared. She did everything he told her too and told me to do the same, for the sake of my safety. We were allowed to eat the left overs of Fathers daily feasts, and were barely privileged the luxury of owning and wearing clothes; the only times we were given that permission was when we had to go out and get groceries. When we came home we had to burn our hand made garments and do Fathers orders naked. I guess you could say that's why I have no shame in my body, I was never taught to hide. Blessing in disguise? Probably not.

This night Mother finally put her foot down and refused to give him his nightly "rights as a man". They yelled and screamed at each other until Father finally snapped and grabbed me by the hair, dragging me into his bedroom and yelling at my Mother "If you won't do it, your daughter will! She's old enough ain't she!!" then slammed the door shut and shoved me onto the tattered bed. I didn't know at the time but the room smelled stale of sex and booze, two things my Father was nightly found off.

I don't remember much, after what happened to me that night the days started to go on in a blur; but I do remember my Mother screaming and banging on the door as my Father held me down by my shoulder and slowly slid down his pants. Apparently the screaming of a distressed and scared Mother turned him off because before he did anything he growled and got off of me, whispering in my ear "You move from that spot I'll kill you and that bitch, got it?" and walked out the room, grabbing a whip.

I did what I was told, I stayed put. From where I was laying I could faintly see and hear the screams and whips of my father cursing out my mother as he beat her into submission. She yelled and pleaded for him to stop, he never did. When we felt like he was done he yelled at her to clean herself off and make him diner, then walked back into the room and slammed the door shut.

My heart stopped, the whip in his hand that he was holding so tightly still had the flakes of skin and blood of my mother dripping off it. I had never felt fear so strongly in my life, what was he going to do? What was to become of me? I was going to die, that's what I decided. He was finally going to kill me, but he tosses his whip aside, pulled down his pants, and put something inside of me.

I couldn't describe the pain I felt, it hurt so bad I don't think I could even hear my own scream. It felt like something was ripping me apart from the inside out. I expected to get hit, to be yelled at or spat on or SOMETHING. But all my Father did was look at me with his cold, dark, dead eyes and breathe on me with his sour breath. Waiting for me to stop whining so he could show me the true pain I was going to feel after this.

It was repetitive at that point, night after night, I even figured out how to block out the pain. Every so often he would use my Mother, but now his main entertainment was me. And this went on for a year, or maybe it was longer. Honestly I can't remember, nor do I think I want to.

All I could recall after that night was my mother waking me up one night and telling me to put on a dress she made for me. She was wearing something similar, a tattered dress made of a sack. It was scratchy and itched, but I was just glad I could wear something. As I was changing she shoved as much food and a few blankets into one of our grocery nets, her eyes were wide and her hands were shaky. Whenever I asked her what we were doing or where we were going she hushed me, saying "quiet now! And do what you are told!".

When she had finally gathered what we needed she ushered me out the door, and before she could make it too...blood splattered all over my face. I stood frozen, staring at what I had seen. The once hope I had gained for freedom and change, all melted away into a hole and once again, I felt empty.

A blade was embedded through my Mothers chest. She had maybe only a few seconds to live before the died of blood loss. Her blood had decorated my clothes and cheeks with melancholy red, stains that had told me no miracle was waiting for me in this world. She looked down at me and mustered up what little strength she had left "r-run" and dropped at my feet. A red puddle was starting to form and soon I was standing in the last remains of the only person who ever loved me. I expected my Father to do the same for me, I WANTED him to do the same for me. He put his sword down, looked down at me and simply told me to "go back to bed". Walking back to his room and going back to the darkness.

My whole world was falling apart, I wanted to run but where would I go? I wanted to scream but who would hear? I wanted to cry...but who would care? I fell to my knees and pondered the last few minutes, already it was fogging together. The moon shown on my back, as if it had decided to give me pity. I didn't want it's pity, I wanted it to fix everything, I was angry and unable to do anything.

The first thing I did was drag my mothers body to the back of the house, I spent most of the night using what strength I had to dig her a grave. After all she's been through, it was only fair to give her at least a decent burial. The next thing I did was sit and stare at my mothers grave, I wondered how long it would take for her body to decompose and for the bugs to eat at her skin until she was nothing more than a pile of bones.

I even started to hallucinate, I could hear her voice whispering to me in the winds. "Ruby, you need to follow me Ruby-" the feeling of absolute desperateness caused me to seek out the voice of my Mother, whom I'd seen be killed in front of my very eyes . The silly hopes of a child, Where are you? Where do I go?" "Follow the moonlight, follow your fate"

I ran around our small house distant from the world so that no one could hear us...hear me...scream. At this point I was hoping, mostly begging for a way out. An escape, something, so I ran to the darkness and you wanna know what I saw?

My mother. Standing right there in light of the moon like nothing had happened. Her hands were at her side and she was petting a wolf of silver and black. I had never seen an animal of destruction so calm before. Mother looked down at me, her eyes kind and warm. She smiled, and her image faded. This was not my mother, it was someone else, but she was so similar I must've subconsciously made her look like her.

The woman's eyes were covered by bandages, her hair was a platinum silver. Reached the floor in the front and to her lower waist in the back, her skin was pale and scared all over. She wore a dress of sorts that was semi torn and tattered, and she was cold. Much colder than mother. "Hello Ruby" the mystery women said. Her voice sent chills up my spine, my mind screamed DANGER but my body was too tired and scared to move "Hello ma'am".

She kneeled down to me and placed her hand on my cheek, how could someone be so cold? I felt as though she was freezing my soul. "I can grant you any one wish you please, now tell me Ruby-" she rubbed my cheek with her thumb, a wave of sorrow and pain and abandonment washed over me. I broke, I cried and cried as she simple stared at me with those bandages and a cruel smile on her face. "What do you want?" .

Now, I'm not one to trust random strangers that appear at your home after your Father murders the only person who ever loved you and asks you what you want, but I was scared and six. "I-I...I want..." my voice broke through the hiccups and sobs of a broken little girl who only wanted one thing in the world "I wanna go away! I wanna leave please! That's all I ever wanted! I don't want to be here anymore!". The women stood straight up again and extended her arm to me "Little Red, your destiny starts today. Do NOT fail me—". As the sun began to rise her body faded away and she was gone. Leaving me with a sleeping Father and wolf of silver and black. The more I looked at this wolf, the more intriguing I found it, it's eyes were red. That isn't normal is it?

The wolf stood up and walked to me, it's breath blowing my hair out of my face. It's eyes burned into mine, and I knew what it wanted immediately. It turned around, flicked its tail once, and started to walk away. And I followed it.





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