Chapter 5

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Atelier - Artist's workplace.


Dining Room

Khushi was going to start her breakfast when a shriek followed by another loud shriek startled her and Ratna.

Ratna and Khushi turned to the source of shriek. Ratna's was the same reaction as before while Khushi is shocked looking at both of them.

Arnav Singh Raiazda and Meera Singh Raizada are at each others skull, his hair dishevelled while Meera's hair became a small nest of little Sparrows.
No one from the two realised that they reached downstairs, and now the dining room, too much engrossed in chasing after each other and shrieking their lungs out like a stubborn kid. True! They are such kids! Even worse than them in some cases.

"Whoa, Meera!! Stop! Stop pu...pulling my hair...aah!" he tugged more at his sister's long hair in return while howling at her.

"Aaah.. you stop pulling my hair, first.", screamed Meera at his twin brother, twitching in pain

"No, you first," he retorted.

" No, you first," she sneered at him.

"No, you!"



By now, they left each other's head and now standing in front of each other, eye to eye, head to head and shoulder to shoulder, err pry off the shoulder to shoulder as Arnav is five inches more than Meera in height. Two of them didn't even realise that they left each other's head, leaving their poor heads in a mess. If even they realise, they really can't fathom who left whom first. This leaves them in more mess and, one more fight, again. Meera can forget that she has an Atelier to go. Arnav may forget he has a recording to attend in his Studio.

"No, you,"

"No, you." they continued to bicker at each other.

" Stop it, both of you!" Ratna who stood to start at their usual argument screamed at them in irritation. She is fed up of their usual fights, day by day, it's increasing. They are 25 and not 5, for god's sake. Well, they are yet to realise that. Maybe, they would realise soon. Who knows!

Khushi, who has not yet started eating her breakfast, gazed at both of them in shock.

Haye Allaah, what are they? 5 year-old-kid? These are worse than the kids at my place.
She thought to gaze at them. At the thought of Kids, she remembered her Maria and, the kids. She would be lying if she says, she doesn't miss them. She does, with all her heart. After all, she's well accumulated to her place. Also, She would be lying if she says, she is well accumulated here. No, she is not. But, she has to get well accumulated. Her Orphanage is not only the world she knows, or perhaps she has. She is trying to get used living here. She is pretty okay with her present condition. Perhaps, she has to get used to the bickerings between Arnav and the girl, only if the girl stays over here, or a resident in the home. Owing to the fact, she hasn't met Meera Singh Raizada until now. She looked around the hall for any clue as to identify the girl who was pulling Arnav's hair, a few minutes back. She has caught her source, the photo which was hanged on the wall.
A complete family picture of Mother, Father, twins and an elder looking woman. She met Aravindh Singh Raizada, the sophisticated man in yesterday's dinner. She better knows about his ideology when he ignored her. Anyway, she's not the one who judge others, period. Aravindh sat on the royal sofa beside his wife, smiling at the photo. As her hazelnuts caught the two unknown ladies in the photo, one is the girl in front of her; who crushed Arnav from both the sides in a hug, just standing behind their parents; she guessed they must be siblings.

"What's this, now? Behave like 25 and not 5, Chotte and Chotti." She scolded them.

" And for your information, you two have not yet realised who's the first one to leave one's head. Arnav or Meera?" came an unknown voice from the distance. Everyone's head turned towards the person. There stood Kabeer Khan, in his jeans and full-sleeved shirt, showing his dimples to the residents in the area.

"Kabeer beta?" Ratna who smiled looking at her other son, a sensible and mature one in other words. Kabeer Khan is no less than a son to Ratna Raizada. Sometimes, even Meera and Arnav used to get jealous of him. Such were the times actually there in their existence.

Kabeer smiled at his mother-like-figure, greeting her,
" Hello, Aunty!" he hugged her after reaching her vicinity.

"Hello, Kabeer beta! It's good that you have come. I was missing my sensible and smart boy here." Ratna rasped glaring at her Son, Arnav Singh Raizada. Here comes the moment, where Arnav Singh Raizada has to burn in jealousy.

Arnav started glaring both Kabeer and his Mother who are hugging each other, right now. As if they have met after a really long time.

As Ratna released Kabeer from the hug, he looked at Meera and Arnav while they are busy shooting daggers at him, all in jealousy.

"My dear friends, you both need this." Kabeer gave a flying kiss to both of them.

"After all, you both have won in messing each other's lovely hair, again," he snickered looking at the nest sitting on their heads.

"And also, as you all know that I'm a big lover of birds. So, I guess I should assume you both are kind enough to create a nest on your heads for the lovely beings. So, one more flying kiss to both of you." he gave one more and they are now fuming. This was such fun to make the twins fume. Only he can do that, the Kabeer Khan.

"And yeah, there is a young lady in here and you, like a shameless kid came down in your vest?" Kabeer mocked him, riling up him further.

As soon as the words left from Kabeer's mouth, Khushi Ahmad Khan's senses kicked in. She looked at Arnav and he is in his vest. How come she didn't realise it? She averted her gaze for staring at him, embarrassed. It's not like she hasn't seen any male without a shirt. She has seen, in movies and in real life too. But, she doesn't stare. Never. Even if she did, it was never embarrassing for her. Situations were many where she riled up, spat and whatnot. But, she was never embarrassed. So, why now?

Well, he is her landlord. Is it ethically right?

Arnav Singh Raizada widened his eyes and looked at himself.
Oh No! He's in his vest! As the realisation dawned upon him, he looked at his mother, then Kabeer, and his gaze stopped at Khushi. All the while biting his nails.

As his gaze stopped at Khushi, he thought of her reaction. She is starting at the ground.

What must be she thinking? Oh God! I must be shameless. Has she seen him in this vest? Has she seen him fighting with his sister like a kid? He racked his head staring down at the tiles as if they have got his favourite chocolates. As he racked his head, he realised how his head must be looking like.
Oh no, what must be she thinking?

"Meri tho izzat loot gayi re, baag yaha se." he mumbled to himself and ran towards his room, as if fire caught his invisible-tail.

(Oh my, I lost my respect. Run.)

Meera too mumbled something under her breath and ran to her room, as if a lion caught deer's tail.

Kabeer and Ratna stared at them, and a second after, started laughing their heads off. Khushi stood at side in nervousness staring at them. She is not sure whether to laugh or not. She's settled for former one as she has no reason to laugh, it may disrespect Arnav's and Ratna's feeling as she is an outsider.

After sometime, they controlled themselves from laughing more.

"They will never change," Ratna said after sometime and Kabeer agreed with her. That's when his gaze went towards the girl in burka.

"Btw, who is she?" Kabeer asked looking at the girl in front of him.

"Okay, let me guess. She is the paying guest, right!" before Ratna could say something, he completed her unsaid words. He remembered Ratna Aunty saying to him that there will be a paying guest in their house soon.

"Yeah, Kabeer beta. That's why I call you smart. " Ratna agreed with Kabeer, complimenting him.

He took a bow in front of her. Ratna laughed at that.

" Khushi bitiya, He's Arnav's best friend and not less than a son for me, Kabeer Khan." Ratna introduced Kabeer formally.

"And Kabeer, she's Khushi, Khushi Ahmad Khan." She introduced Khushi to Kabeer. Khushi and Kabeer exchanged a smile.

"Come now, break fast is ready. As you came here, sit and eat." Ratna commanded him.

"Okay, Captain!" he saluted at Ratna making Ratna smile again.

Kabeer then turned towards Khushi, again.

"Accha, Khushi! You wear burka everytime?" he questioned her.

Khushi nodded her head as no. She took her phone and typed something. Kabeer who looked at her action unaware that she is mute, sat in confusion.

That was then he heard a sound. A female sound he often hears. Google?

" No, Actually, I wear burka whenever I go to mazeed." the voice came.

Kabeer looked more confused, after a second guessed her to be mute. To confirm the same, he turned towards Ratna.
She nodded her head in positive. He smiled at Khushi.

"Don't you know this simple thing, Kabeer?" came a spat from Arnav who heard Khushi's google, her companion voice, he's now in his jeans and half-sleeved shirt with his neatly gelled hair, looking handsome as heaven.

"Voh kya hai na, Arnav. I don't wear burka to know about this simple thing." Kabeer retorted at Arnav, quite sarcastically. Arnav looked disoriented at his remark, made a face and sat down on his chair in front of Khushi.

Khushi giggled at Kabeer's remark. No one heard her giggle. That was a silent giggle. Arnav thanked God that he's the first one to hear her silent giggle and smiled. Her giggle is such a heaven.

Arnav came to his senses when Kabeer touched his hand, quite softly.

Kabeer noticed a gold bracelet in Arnav's hand. It was looking beautiful.

" Arnav, this bracelet is so beautiful. How much did it cost? Where did you buy it?" he queried.

"Voh kya hai na Kabeer, I haven't born till then to know about its cost and place. I was just a baby in my mother's womb." he completed his revenge quite sarcastically.

Khushi giggled under her breath, silent giggle it was, again.

Kabeer looked at him in shock. His mouth hung open.

" Kabeer beta, That bracelet is bought before your best friend was born. It was his uncle's gift for him," she answered Kabeer. While Arnav looked at his mother in irritation. Why does she have to support Kabeer in front of Khushi?

Nevertheless, he buried his head into the plate of food before him. His nostrils kicked in the aroma of the tasteful and colourful breakfast. Halwa-poori is mouth watering food. He attacked the food without any second thought. As if food would ran way from him.

Ratna shook her head at him with the same phrase while Kabeer chuckled silently.

"Hello, guys!" Meera rushed up to the dining table. She is in her full sleeved top paired with a Grey boyfriend-Jean. She sat beside Khushi and noticed a new girl beside her.

She looked at her side only to gaze at a beautiful girl in burka.

" Wow, she is gorgeous. Her eyes are expressive. Only if I was a guy," she thought inwardly.
Khushi too looked at the girl and smiled politely.

" Khushi bitiya, She is Meera. My twin daughter. Twin sister of Arnav." Ratna introduced Meera to Khushi.

"Younger by 5 minutes. I'm her Elder Brother." Arnav completed Ratna's incomplete sentence, that was according to him.

Meera glared at her brother as she heard him. Idiot.

"What to do, bhai? You must be torturing mom so much while being in her womb, that's why mom must have kicked you out first," Meera snorted at him.

Ratna and Khushi stiffled their chuckles while Kabeer laughed off.

" Meera, I must say, for the first time, you have said something right." Kabeer remarked whoile Meera glared at his comment. Did it made him scared? No! Never. Kabeer and afraid of Meera? Never.

Arnav was still glaring at Meera, Meera was busy glaring at Kabeer while Kabeer was busy laughing at Arnav. Ratna who looked at the triangular chain, chuckled slightly. Khushi looked down at her plate in order to not to laugh, it may disrespect them.

"Mom, why the hell did you give birth to this Idiot?" , rnav gritted his teeth, glaring at Meera.

Meera's attention turned towards Arnav as she heard him question their mother.

" She must be disappointed with you, a little devil. That's why she gave birth to a little angel like me," she quoted smiling to herself.

"Right, Mom?" Meera winked at their mother to tease her brother more.

" Mom! Tell her, I'm not a devil and she is not a angel. Tell me. She's dreaming too much nowadays." Arnav turned towards Ratna, urging her to side him.

"Shut up, you both. Behave yourselves and eat now," she scolded them. She can't possibly say any one's name. They would be fighting again if she does. If she says, they both are devils, they would fight again with who-are-less-devil? Mantra. If she says, both are angels, they both would fight again with who-are-more-angelic? Mantra. Perfect Mantra to dismiss both of them is to scold.

Meera and Arnav both pouted at their Mother and started eating their breakfast as Ratna served Meera her food.

To be continued....


" Arnav, you are again staring at that? Don't you dare bring that kind of girl. Understood? " Ratna warned her son who is again staring at the same place, Khushi's closed door. Well, in other words, Katrina Kaif.

Arnav was confused before but as soon as he heard his mother instructing HP, he was embarrassed at the misunderstanding caused.

" HP, how did that poster got there? Remove it ASAP. " Ratna ordered Hari Prakash.

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