Chapter 6

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"Shut up, you both. Behave yourselves and eat now," she scolded them. She can't possibly say any one's name. They would be fighting again if she does. If she says, they both are devils, they would fight again with who-are-less-devil? Mantra. If she says, both are angels, they both would fight again with who-are-more-angelic? Mantra. Perfect Mantra to dismiss both of them is to scold.

Meera and Arnav both pouted at their Mother and started eating their breakfast as Ratna served Meera her food.

Khushi suppressed her chuckle while Kabeer laughed out loud.

"Shut up, Mr Kabeer," Arnav and Meera shouted at the same time, their eyes red in fury, glaring down at Kabeer. But did that stop Kabeer? No. Never will. Instead it was the opposite. He laughed more, and loud.

Kabeer raised his brows. Like, really?

"Hahaha, thank god! We're not kids. Otherwise we would have run away listening to the Rakshas-waale laugh." Arnav hi-fied with Meera as Meera successfully mocked Kabeer.

"Hehehe, thank you so much for the compliment," he gritted his teeth looking at both Meera and Arnav having a fun at his mercy.

"Welcome," Meera and Arnav said at the same chuckling.

Now this was the perfect chance for Kabeer to get back at them.

"I'm already in your home, Arnav. With Ratna Ma, eating the delicious food she made," he laughed.

It was more than enough to rile up Meera and Arnav with Jealousy. They were green, to be honest.

Arnav showing his fury on the food as the fork in his hand chose the right time to attack the food, quite harshly.

Meera too did her work, crushing the little and poor tortilla under her hand.

Ratna giggled silently at her two grown-up kids.

Arnav and Meera glared at Ratna for laughing at them.

"Stop tiring your eyes, babies, focus on food," Kabeer said now turning his attention to the delicious food that sat on his plate.

Arnav scoffed at him while Meera frowned at him for their own reasons.

"Don't call me a baby," Meera gritted her teeth.

"Okay, sweetheart." Arnav grunted at that.

"Don't call my baby sister a sweetheart."

"Look, Meera, your brother humse called you a baby. I just cut sister from Baby Sister. It's so simple," Kabeer shrugged.

"Bhai," Meera pouted as she grinded her food.

"Kabeer," Arnav gritted his teeth ignoring the pouty face his sister made.

"Ratna Ma," Kabeer sugar-coated his words, turning towards Ratna.

"Arnav," Ratna Raizada warned.

"Mom!" Arnav frowned.

On the other hand, Khushi is lost in an incomplete maze. But she didn't forget to complete her breakfast.

"Haye Allah! What is this?" she thought.

"Whatever! Why should I care? I'll have to go. I'm getting late," she continued her thoughts.

She gets up from her seat. And this action of hers takes the attention of every member.

Ratna was the first one to ask, "What happened, Khushi bitiya?"

Khushi pointed towards her plate, "Oh, you're done with the breakfast! Great," Ratna smiled.

Ratna turned towards the three, glaring at them, "Learn something from Khushi, mannerless kids!"

Twins had to go shock with her statement but then it also made them laugh. Now, asking why wouldn't answer anything. Kabeer sat shocked as well. Because Ratna said three and that included him too. Twins giggled on his face.

Take that, Mr. Kabeer. Twins had to say that in their mind, to avoid Ratna's mutterings.

Khushi knocked on the table lightly. Albeit twins and Kabeer are lost, Ratna heard the slightest knock.

"Do you want to say something?" Ratna asked.

Khushi nodded her head, snowed her watch and gestured to the door.

Ratna understood she want to go to her Mazeed and then School.

"Great, dear. You go, you'll get late. If you get any problem, message me. You've already denied to take our car or go with our driver. Just take care," Ratna said with concern.

Khushi nodded her head and gave a slight smile.

"Huh?" Arnav made a sound.

Ratna turned to him giving a slight glare.

"Mom, I'll dr..op her," he stammered.

"her? Who is this her?" she asked.

"Uh..oh... Khushi," Arnav said making an innocent face and ignoring the surprised faces, he started, "I mean, she's our guest, it's our responsibility to care for her. Public Transport isn't that safe, right?" Khushi heard him and took her phone to type.

"Even I said the same to her, but she denied," Ratna said disappointed.

"I'm using public transport from several years. I will be safe." Google Voice did its work.

"Okay," Arnav hid his disappointment.

Khushi smiled slightly and went away.

Ratna sighed, still, accompanying Khushi till the door.

Kabeer recovering from the initial surprise, "Arnav!"

Arnav stopped staring at the entrance and concentrated back on Kabeer.

"We're getting late, shall we finish this quickly?" he pointed to the food.

"Yeah," he smiled and attacked his food, and this time for real, thy was lucky.

And before Kabeer could even start his breakfast, Arnav was done. Albeit it wasn't a surprise. He's a big foodie after all.

"Just participate in eating competition once and see the magic. You'll become a foodie star from rock star," Kabeer mocked.

"I'm satisfied with rock star, foodie star isn't necessary... not yet," he answered sweetly.

Kabeer nodded his head as words fell back on his head, with sarcasm.

"I'm done," he stated and walked up the stairs lost in certain someone's thoughts.

As he walked into the door of the particular someone, he couldn't stop himself from staring at the door, still, lost in his thoughts.

And that's how Ratna found his son as she walked into the Hall. His head and the poster on Khushi's room door is visible to her. As soon as her eyes caught the poster, she got furious.

She walked up the stairs, only to stand a bit behind her son.

She hit his head.

"Ahh. Ma," he winced.

"What Ahh?" she gritted her teeth.

"That's a decibel expressing my pain, Ma," he rubbed his head turning towards his Mother.

"Then what should I do? Should I praise for your great work?"

"What happened?" he asked bemused.

"What happened? You're questioning me back? What are you staring at, tell me?" she scolded him.

"Staring? Oh, I am staring at the door, this, " he turned towards the door pointing at it.

"Arnav! You are again staring at that? Don't you dare bring that kind of girl. Understood? " Ratna warned her son who is again staring at the same place, Khushi's closed door. Well, in other words, Katrina Kaif.

Arnav was confused before but as soon as he heard his mother instructing HP, he was embarrassed at the misunderstanding caused.

"HP, how did that poster got there? Remove it ASAP. " Ratna ordered Hari Prakash.

Hari Prakash who was in Kitchen heard his Ratna Madam's scream and ran to the place.

"Sure, I'll take it off," he said blushing looking at Katrina Kaif.

Arnav stood petrified. Only if the ground could open and swallow him.

"Mom, I wasn't staring at Katrina Kaif." He moved towards Ratna explaining.

"Then what are you staring at?" she asked.

He was tongue-tied. He couldn't say the truth. The truth that he's staring at the door, lost in his thoughts, picturing the cute-picture someone has represented at the very same place a day ago. Katrina Kaif wasn't even visible to his eyes. All he could see was a messy head rubbing her eyes cutely, who was covered in cartoon's pyjama.

"Chotte," Ratna shook him.

"Uh.. I am getting late, bye, Mom," he smiled widely and escaped to his room after giving a quick kiss to his Mom on cheeks.

"Chotte, ruko(stop), badmaash," she screamed furiously.

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