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Chapter XV Wedding Bells Ringing

Early in the morning, the hustle bustle of the Kim mansion was obvious to all who were preparing, and those who were having a usual morning tea, with unusual sounds of work, the urgent yells of the kitchen staff, and the running kids, having forgotten the suits to be pressed and ready, Grandpa Kim looked over lazily, with Grandma Kim calling out hushed instructions to the butler, making the old guy run around every few seconds he stands next to his employer. As normal as this wedding could have gotten, it had.

By 11 in the morning, the preparation was done for the wedding, what's left was to be done by the helpers. The beautifully dressed bride in the gown designed by her future step-kids, was ready and seated in the Bridal room, with her sons fussing around, when a soft knock interrupted the chaos, "May I?" Taehee asked as she stepped into the room slightly, asking for permission to enter, "Sure dear, C'mon in" Ms. Park called out, Taehee smiled at her and walked inside the room. "Ajumma, You look absolutely gorgeous" she complimented her as she moved towards her, "you do too my dear" Ms.Park held her hand, making her sit beside her, "Guys can you give us a moment" Taehee asked, all of them nodded without a sound, one after other moving out of the room.

There was a brief moment of silence that filled the room after the Park siblings left, "You have something to tell me?' Taehee looked at Ms. Park, "Yes Ajumma, Congratulations on getting married to our old man, don't know how that guy won your heart" Taehee jokes, before passing a small genuine simple to Sungi, "I just wanted to have a chat with you, Now that you going to be a part of our family" she slowly stood up, "Our family is weird, with a lot many skeletons in the closets, it will take time for us to adjust, and for you as well, I am sorry for my grandparents, You are a really nice person, and so are your kids, I just hope that you trust us the way we trust you with our father, and that we become a nice family, there are so many things that will go down in the time, I hope you will stand with us in that" Taehee spoke all of this, without making an proper eye contact with Sungi, worrying her a little, "Don't worry Ajumma, we will support you" Finally she looked at her and gave a soft smile, "Don't worry kiddo, I will try my best to make a place in your hearts" Sungi stood up and hugged Taehee, "Then welcome to the chaos, Ajumma" Taehee laughed throw her worries, as Sungi laughed with her, both unknown to the full extent of stroms that are going to come their way in this new blended family.

The auspicious time has come for the ceremony to start proceeding. The guests were seated; it was only family and very close friends of the bride and groom. With the groom on the altar with his sons being his groomsman and daughter the groomswoman, his parents and his sister along with her husband in the family chairs, Sungi walked down the aisle, holding on to Yoongi, with soft music playing in the background, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook walking behind has her Bridesman. Everything looked like a fairytale except for the scowl on Grandpa Kim's face. The officiant, family owned church's head priest, Yoongi placed his mother's hand in Kim SeokMin and asked him to take care of his mother or else he is the biggest producer for Hybe, and stepped back with a smirk.

Bishop: "Kim SeokMin son of Kim HyunSeok, will you have this woman as your wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"

Kim SeokMin: "I will."

Bishop to Sungi: "Park Sungi, will you have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony?Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

Park Sungi : "I will."

Bishop: "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?"

The vows were read by both, as the family gazed upon with mixed emotions,so much worry with such little happiness, the course of their life's about to change, for better or worse.

KSM: "I, Kim SeokMin, take you, Park Sungi to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and I very seriously promise to be loyal and faithful."

PS: "I, Park Sungi, take you, Kim SeokMin, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; I very seriously promise to be loyal and faithful."

Bishop: "Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

The rings were brought forward by Jimin and Taehee,

KSM: "I promise to marry you and be faithful to you. I will cherish and respect you with all that I am. Everything I own, I will share with you. This commitment is made in the presence of God. Amen."

Sungi put the ring on SeokMin with the same words followed.

Bishop: "Let us pray. O Eternal God, Creator, and Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life...

The prayer of the Bishop continued, the family standing together, as the kids looked over happily, with mix of a tension coming from the Kim siblings and Joo twins, older two of Park siblings clearly know the implications of this marriage, if not more than Kims, while Jimin was partially aware, Jungkook would make to be the happiest in this crowd; to him, he got new friends as siblings, and now he have a father in his life. SeokMin's father had a look of disdain, and his wife held him back from lashing out. It was pretty obvious that they didn't approve of this marriage at all, nor did any of this mattered to the newly wedded couple, who smiled with joy at their children.

...Amen." The prayer ended. Bishop smiled and told them to move forward with the ceremony and the couple bowed 90 degrees to SeokMin's parents.

The first dance was going on when Jin pulled Taehee in the corner, "What's wrong?" Taehee asked, looking at SeokJin's red face, "What the hell is she doing here?" He asked as he pointed at a girl around his age clapping for the ongoing dance of Sungi and SeokMin.

"She's your fiance, You should know?" Taehee replied sarcastically.

"You were in charge of the guests, you should know how much I despise her presence to invite that girl here." Jin lashed out in an anger rant, Taehee pulled him out of the view of everyone, "I am sorry I wasn't informed that she would be coming, grandpa insisted she did be here" Taehee told SeokJin with a sigh, "Oppa, I know you don't like her, why don't you break it off?" Taehee asked, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder, "I wish it was that simple, you also know how it is kiddo" He sighed, grabbing Taehee's hand, and started walking back into the tent.

The first dance was over and now was the time for dad's and daughter's dance, "Taehee we have been calling you for so long! Where did you go?" SeokMin asked, "Nowhere Appa, just had something to look over, let's dance" she said monotonously,her eyes following SeokJin as he stood beside Jimin, she turned her attention back to her dad, as they started to move across the floor, "So anything wrong?" He asked her slowly, "Well, it's not like you don't know, The unwanted guest here is making your son uncomfortable, and your Appa's first question today will be, When are you getting married SeokJin-ah? Look your Appa already found you a Eomma, you should make him grandpa soon." SeokMin slightly laughed at his daughter's monologue, "well, you guys must have hatched some plan to get rid of her?" she looked up with a sly smirk, "you approve of that, sure!", "well certainly not today, but her father's company is in too much debt, your Harboji don't know that yet", said SeokMin with a knowing smile, "That's why she is so desperate to marry oppa, wait till Haraboji hear about the debt, it's a matter of time they break off" both smiled at each other with the plan they just cooked.

Kim senior (Grandpa Kim) being the chairman of Hyunseok Groups, the whole Kim Family has to follow his orders, as long as he is alive, planning around him has been imprinted into the minds of both generations. 


Thank you for reading, I was having exams this month so i was not able to stick to publishing regularly, I'll try harder to post in coming month. Thank you for supporting. It means the world to me. 

we are finally over with the wedding, officially marking half of the book, and making them a Blended family, The next chapter will cover the after wedding drama <side eye to myself> anyways, I will try my best to post.

by the way anyone disappointed that now we can privately chat on Wattpad, the PM services were already bad, now they completely removed it. if anyone have anything to share with me, or just talk drop a message on my message board, i will make sure to reply. Thank you, Alots of love. 


1583 words
28 May, 2024

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