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Chapter III

"Once again, when are they landing?" Jin asked a little impatiently.

"Young Master, 10 more minutes until finally security check out" Driver replied checking the time again.

"Well, I see aliens mister" Jin spoke back as he saw twins rolling out with their luggage.

"Hyung!!", "Oppa!!" Jin pinched his ears in embarrassment with all the people glancing at them.

They both finally reached home and had hugged Jin in a life threatening hold.

"We called like yesterday, there's no need for you both to kill me like this" Jin managed to get out of their choking hold, finally able to breathe.

"And we thought you missed us" Both spoke together.

"Can ever meet like normal humans?" Jin sarcastically remarked.

"We are not normal, period!". "Dad had us checked, for being freaking Slay!!" Taehee, and Taehyung said respectively, while flipping their hair"

"If you guys are done with the drama, let's get in the car, people are watching, and I am humiliated, AGAIN" Jin said before sitting in the passenger's seat, slamming the door shut.

"Again, he doesn't love us," Taehee said, slipping in the backseat, "Our energy is too much for his old ass to handle," Taehyung says monotonously.

"Respect your elders, young man" Jin was fuming.

"He sounds exactly like dad," Taehee commented.

"I am not losing my sleep for picking up you two, just to get insulted," Jin looks at them through the rearview mirror.

"Old people should be lenient to the younger generation, ahjussi" Taehyung burst into laughter.

"Are you guys not tired after flying for 12 hours straight? It's five in the morning" Jin sighs, pulling out two meal boxes.

"It's 12 PM in Paris, So nah, and we slept through the whole flight," Taehee answered, while taking the boxes from Jin and passing to Taehyung.

"Thanks for the meal, and for picking us up, hyung'' Taehyung said with his mouth stuffed with bibimbap.

"You two are only grateful for the food," Jin responded nonchalantly.

"Well sir, you ain't wrong" Taehee and Taehyung both laughed.

…"And they said they weren't tired" Jin shook his head at the twins sleeping in the living room moments after they had arrived home.

"Good Morning SeokJin-ah, You should also sleep now, you have been up since three to cook and pick them up" SeokMin entered the living room holding a blanket, he leaned to cover Taehee and Taehyung together.

"Appa, is there something going on in the company?" Jin asked, SeokMin turned around, "Nothing, why?" He looked over Jin with a raised eyebrow in confusion.

"Nothing, I talked with Namjoon a few days ago, Miss Park knows too much for a member of board" At this SeokMin cleared his throat, "I know what I am doing Seokjin," "Appa, You need to be careful of that woman, she is way too troublesome for us to put up with" Seokjin raised his voice a little.

"Shh..they are sleeping, and Jin don't judge someone before you even know them well enough to do" SeokMin left the room.

"What's the need for him to defend her, and it doesn't look all too business…" Jin muttered to himself.


Taehyung and Taehee have finally stepped out of their rooms and joined the dining table.

"Good Evening" they both wished no one in particular.

"Good evening, Nice hair colour you both" SeokMin complimented.

"Thanks dad, did for a shoot" Taehee replied, they both had dyed their hairs blonde recently.

"You are here for at least two months right?" SeokMin questioned.

"Maybe this month only, we need to get back to a new assignment, outside classes, we have prepared a new line of clothing that is to be produced" Taehyung replied, munching on his tteokbokki, SeokMin nodded while calculating the time frame.

"So, I know you just landed today, and I really don't want to tire you, but there is an important party tomorrow evening, which we must attend, you'll find good fashion artists there as well" SeokMin announced.

"Umm..we don't have anything to do with business dad" Taehee spoke.

"Correct, but it important for our company that all of us attend, so no compromises" Twins nodded and everyone went back to the normal chatter of catching up, amidst which SeokMin texted his someone special, “They agreed, see you tomorrow ”

Park House

"Jimin-na! Jungkook-ah! Come for dinner, or I'll take your PS5 for a week!"
Sungi Yelled, Yoongi and Hoseok just shook their heads.

"Eomma! 5 minutes!" Jungkook yelled back.

"Okay that's it, No PS5 for a week" She yelled once again, this time followed by footsteps from upstairs, Jimin and Jungkook appearing in the stairs moments later.

"We are here, here, no need to take our baby" Jungkook said plopping down in the dining chair, followed by Jimin.

"Okay, Now that Your Highnesses are here, let's begin, shall we?" She asked sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Sure Madame, please proceed" Jimin Snickered in a British accent, which was received with a not so gentle pat on his head.

"Well, before we start, I have to tell you that we have a business party tomorrow evening. You all will be going, no exemptions," Sungi announced.

"I can't, I have movies planned with my friends" Jungkook pouted in protest.

"My friends from highschool have a meet up," Hoseok said.

"You can go to movies any other time, and you meet your highschool friends twice a month, Just go to the party, it's important for me to have all of you there tomorrow"

"Yeah", "Not Cool, but fine" Hoseok's and Jungkook's responses came in a defeated tone.


945 words
October 13, 2023

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