The Quest

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Hermione's POV:

Hi, I'm Hermione Granger, a demiwitch, adopted daughter of the goddess Annabeth. It's been almost a year since I arrived at Camp Olympia, so Draco, Neville, and I are going to Hogwarts to protect Harry Potter. I finally got all the names right. Being around the Olympians can make you go crazy. They have weird nicknames, and most of them don't pay attention when another god or goddess is talking. They also have odd names for things in the Wizarding World:
- Lord Voldemort: Lord Moldy Shorts, supreme ruler of the dirty laundry
- Hogwarts: the place of pig acne, Pigfarts, or Pigpimples
- Ravenclaw: Eagle lady or Athena in miniature
- Griffindor: Lion Guy
- Slytherin: Hiss hiss
- Hufflepuff: Nico in Yellow
- Diagon Alley: The Mysterious Wizarding street behind the brick wall.

Don't get me wrong, I like them, but they're really hard to keep up with. Annabeth and Zoë are the most level headed out of all of them.

Today Annabeth, Lana, and Don are taking us to Diagon Alley.

"Okay! I can't read this! WHY MUST YOU PUT EVERYTHING IN ENGLISH MINNIE?!" Don yelled. That got a few odd looks.

"Use your powers you idiot!" Lana screamed back.

"Okay you two. We're going to the bank first." Annabeth cut in. Thank the gods for her.

We walked off to the big white building. Gringotts, the Wizarding bank.

"Vaults Five, Seven, and Thirteen please." Annabeth requested.

"Of course my lady, I'll have Griphook take you. GRIPHOOK!" The goblin at the front desk replied.

Another goblin got us to sit in a cart. It went extremely fast, but we finally reached the first vault. Don and Neville got out. Inside, there were piles and piles of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. They each grabbed some, and came back. Annabeth's vault was next. She pulled me out with her. There was as much money in ours as there was in Don's. The last stop was Vault Thirteen for Lana and Draco. It once again had the same amount of money.

When we got back out, Annabeth decided that we'd go to the book store. I cheered. Everyone else groaned.

There were so many interesting books! I got all the required school books, and then some. I got books on everything. Lana and Draco each got a book about spells that help with pranking. Neville and Don got some books about botany, or as they call it here, Herbology. The four of them had to drag Annabeth and I out. I got at least forty books.

We went to the apothecary next. It stinks in there! We got all the necessary stuff, and then we left.

Next was Madam Malkin's. We went in two at a time. Don and Neville first, Annabeth and I second, and Lana and Draco last. We made plans to meet at the ice cream place.

Neville and Don just came out.

"Hello, my daughter is going to Hogwarts. Can we get the school set please?" Annabeth asked. I beamed with pride when she called me her daughter.

"Yes of course dear. Up on the stool now, that's a good girl."

She measured me and hemmed some robes.

"Here you are my dear. Have a nice day." She said, handing me the parcel.

We met Don and Neville at the ice cream place. I got a triple fudge chocolate cone. It was so good. Draco and Lana came over laughing.

"What's up Dragon?"

"Well Book Face, I was being measured when I met Harry. I started talking to him, pretending I didn't recognize him."

"It was so funny! He's a natural actor!" Lana snorted.

"I acted rude and arrogant. I set myself up to play his enemy. You guys get to be his friends."

We all started laughing again. We finished our shopping and went back home. Luna and Ginny were waiting for us in the hangout.

"Tell us everything!" Luna yelled.

We recounted the whole story, with Draco re-enacting his conversation with Harry. We were all howling with laughter at the end. We showed them all the things we got, and I gave Luna some of the books I picked for her. I got a 'Magical Makeup Kit' for Ginny. In a month we're going to Hogwarts. I'm getting excited.

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